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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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We are lurkers! Everyone on these forums are so knowledgeable we don't feel qualified enough yet to post opinions with only 1100+ caches.

True geocachers at heart!!! :P Just find it!


Is there a lurker of the month award? :) If so can I run for it


I have 109 finds and 2 post. :P


W Ray

Madison, Ms

Magallen Sporttraks Map




We've been geocaching quite a while. while Byron posts from time to time, but Anne is a dedicated lurker. Why?


Geocachers are great folks - I appreciate the chance to get to know them through their posts (especially the angry ones) without having to dodge the slings and arrows of outrageous geocachers.


The arguments - usually at least a micro-bit of truth on both sides, even if neither will admit to it. I only skip them if they start to go around in circles. Lots to be learned from people who care enough to get mad.


I like the long ones (and the snide ones too). We have a number of really good writers among us, and that I appreciate very much.



of Byron & Anne


Yeah, I'm a lurker...I started caching in August and am completely addicted to it. I am a high school choral music teacher in Michigan and share stories of my caching with over 300 students almost every day in class. They love it! I even took 10 of my guys out for pizza and caching a couple of weeks ago. (My girls are jealous and want to go out next!)I read these forums everyday as part of my new obsession. I am going to do my first hide tomorrow (I've been so excited about this...I've really gone all out! )I have got alot of good tips here like where to buy cheap ammo containers, which flashlights are the best, averaging waypoints, the rules for hiding a cache and have learned all about night caching. I find the infighting stuff annoying and somewhat intimidating as well. It's a bit wierd jumping into a forum with all these cachers that have been around for years and have several thosand posts. You are all so tight and we aren't in touch with your personalities. I agree a new area for off-topic posts could be helpful. It is cool to talk with other cachers about whatever. Especially the people here that post all the time. It would be nice to still be hooked into the geocaching sight and be able to post with other like-minded people about whatever is on your mind. Keeping this out of the general geocache posting area makes sense. Overall, I am very grateful for this sight. I think it is so well thought out, laid out, etc. I love that I can PM others, build a gallery of pics, keep track of my finds, read posts, get updates daily and instantly find caches anywhere you happen to be going...all over the world. In short, this sight is awesome and it has truly enhanced the quality of my life. I have a reason to get back into nature again and have rediscovered how much I enjoy it.

I've been lurking here for over 2 years. I only post when I have something important to say, with the exception of those times that I don't have anything important to say and I post anyway.

You lurk like a rug.

BrianSnat is one of the few who lurk less than I do.


We (M & myself) have been Geocaching since July 2003 and are extremely addicted to the hobby. I browse the forums a couple a times a week, at first to learn more about Geocaching, lately just to see if anything new is happening etc.


I have been tempted to post in the past but I really don't wan't to deal with being flamed. Many times in these forums I have seen someone ask a simple question and receive a sarcastic or arrogant reply in return. I really don't need to deal with that to be honest with you - this is supposed to be a fun activity.


For now I will continue to lurk, gather information from the forums anonymously, and pursue my crazed obsession for finding Tupperware in the woods! :P


I'm a full time lurker and a part time cacher. I've been active since early 2001 but was lurking before then. I snoop here at least one a day and cache vicariously thru the forums. I hope to break 100 finds some time before the next millennia. Then I look at CCcoopers numbers and say "forget it". (I remember when they had less finds than me.

In the short term, I hope to lose the "Tadpole" stamp on my posts. :P



hello, im pretty much a lurker i have posted a couple times.I feel kind of intimidated to post sometimes, especially now with these warn meter thingys.I dont want to get kicked out of here for saying the wrong thing(though i have never seen that happen)Anyhow we have been caching since july and really enjoy it alot, we cache mainly as a family, when we have the time.


I'm a frequent lurker, seldom poster, and cache when I can between other interests and responsibilities. I'm more impulsive than obsessive compulsive. I did start a topic about how long to wait for an A-OK from a virtual cache owner before logging a virtual cache. It got a little ugly with the cache owner. Even though I had given the correct answer via email, the cache owner deleted my log and then archived the cache as he apparently did with all of his caches. Go figure.


Am I a lurker? This is a surprisingly intriguing question to me. I don't really consider myself a lurker even though I have fewer posts than some who do. Perhaps it's because I don't comprehensively read all of the threads. Perhaps because I do post when I feel I have something to offer.


But the more I think about it, the more I think I am a lurker. I haven't actually participated in hardly any of the conversations here even though I've pondered many of them and even discussed them with friends and family offline. I think that does constitute lurking.


Like many who have commented in this thread, I have no desire to jump into either vitriol or the "me too"'s that go on forever. Neither constitutes interesting conversation to me. I am also reluctant to respond to a post that is already buried by other, unrelated posts even if it is something I would like to participate with.


Thinking about this issue further, I wish the forums would accomodate branching threads with titles for individual posts. I would read more of them if I could browse through titles in branches to hone in on conversations that interest me without having to sort through the noise of other subthreads. I would be a more active participant with such functionality.


Reading this thread has gotten me thinking about perception and forum posts, though. I have impressions of people and their character from their posts, especially regular posters such as sept1c_tank, Snoogans, and Criminal who come to mind immediately. It isn't likely that people have much of an impression of me because I haven't posted much and I only have 74 cache/TB logs. Come to think of it, forum avatars play into that, too which reminds me that I haven't successfully uploaded my greek lady picture yet. : )


Now you know some of the things I ponder about. That's a pretty good introduction for me.


Peace, Friends!


I shouldn't post! I shouldn't post! After posting in the past I've been flamed and slammed by the "forum regulars" who seem to belive that any "outsider" shouldn't waste time in "their" forums. We do more caching than posting - but would have enjoyed interaction with others - but not at the risk of being insulted and ridiculed. That's not what we're in this for - it's become easier simply not to post at all and keep our mouths shut - rather than be degraded by a select few. We don't object to "off topic" at all - just the nastiness involved. As seen by previous posts, new "posters" not new "cachers" are reluctant to subject themselves to such animosity. And new cachers are probably terrified!


If I wanted to see cat fights and pettiness, I'd visit a junior high school. I'd hoped for more from adults. I'd rather stay a lurker than a poster. :P


I have a bunch of posts, but when it comes to the main boards, I'm pretty much a lurker. I check the boards once or twice a day and read topics that I think may be interesting. Then I come across the same old crap that always seems to be going on ni the fourms and close my browser.


Most of my postings have been in Travel Bug and the Regional forums. Things seem to be much more civilized there. Nothing like Southern Hospitality. :)


Y'all can have fun with your hollering. I'll stick to what feels right. :P


I'm a lurker, too. I like reading the forums, but it's too time-consuming to keep up with them on a regular basis. Besides, I find myself wanting to logically argue things sometimes, and I find that I've gotten called names in return. That's just silly, and I won't participate in forums where that happens. It's a waste of my time and needlessly raises my stress level. :)


Then there was this one guy who started googling for my personal info on the net and started calling me by my real first name. Publicly available information, of course, but still a little creepy.


So, I only post on the Northwest forum, and not even very often. I've met some of the NW cachers at the cache machines, they're all really super cool people, and I have no problem talking to them. :P


And now lately, I'm afraid to post because of the moderators cracking down on everybody... hehe, I'll leave it at that.


After reading this thread and posting my comments I am curious as to what the "regulars" think now that they see what us lurkers have said about "their" forums.


After reading this thread and posting my comments I am curious as to what the "regulars" think now that they see what us lurkers have said about "their" forums.


I think this is a great idea... I would suggest starting a seperate topic for it though, I would really hate to discourage any other Lurkers to come out for a peak :P


Lurker yes. Virgin lurker, no. I mostly read to get others opinions. Have a couple of posts to ask questions, and sorry, but being the lurker I am I failed to notice that you can search for topics already covered. Have been caching for a couple of years but only visited the forums fairly recently. Now that I am a more experienced lurker, I will do my best to search for my topic rather than start a new thread an waste everyones time on what has already been covered. I really do appreciate everyones response and I enjoy reading various topics.


I kind of missed the point of the thread when I last posted. That was (I guess) to speak up about the forums. I'm not put off at all by the flame wars.

I used to visit sci.geo.satellite-nav. Every so often one of these personality disputes would break out with the same general topics you see here (too much / too little control, he said .. she said..). I learned who the hot button people were and avoided their threads. If it got too bad, I'd tune out for a month or so.

It's just human nature. Newsgroups are a bit like Gilligan's Island. You have professors, skippers and Gilligan's. Who are you? Smiling at you from under my white cap. :ph34r: -joe c-

Posted (edited)

Hi, I...(we) have been avid GPSr users for quite some time, and have recently started geocaching and benchmark hunting....and we enjoy it tremendously. We live in the MidAtlantic Region of the US. We enjoy the forums, and glean much helpful information here. As an aside, can/will someone explain why my posts seem to have a "Warn 0%" tag attached, along with what looks like 5 small folders next to my Poster ID? Warning......hmmmm, a bit un-nerving :ph34r:

Edited by 2Wheel'in

I am a lurker, folks have different goals in what ever activities they have. Some are posters, some are lurkers. I have posted with a question (pretty much unanswered) and a comment but for the most part I'd rather be out in the field than sitting at the "puter. I check the forums sometimes when I log my finds but I generally find more valuable information on the MIGO site.


Wow, lots of great replies far! :ph34r:


If you're a lurker and haven't posted here yet, then I add my encouragement to do so. Don't be afraid to speak your thoughts or feel inferior to others who are active here. Any forum is shaped by those who participate in it, so jump right in!


From reading these posts I see that there are several lurkers out there that may feel too intimidated to post. Don't be. If you notice when things get heated and a non-regular posts, they are very seldom targeted.


You may even think your post was ignored. I assure you it isn't. We just don't know you well enough to know if we can bring you in on the debate without offending you. Those of us who post regularly know one another well enough to be able to carry on these heated debates with out worry of seriously offending.


Besides..the Moderators (God Bless them) have pretty much put a stop to the flaming. We now have to argue in a disguised civil manner. :ph34r:


So anytime you guys feel like giving your opinion on something...feel free and un-intimidated to do so. Anyone gives you a hard time I'll come down on them like a ton of bricks! :lol:


El Diablo

I have impressions of people and their character from their posts, especially regular posters such as sept1c_tank, Snoogans, and Criminal who come to mind immediately.

Does that mean I'm not a lurker? :ph34r::lol:


Yes, I too am a lurker. A man of few words because of a lot of irons in the fire and no desire to argue in circles...better things to do with my time. I enjoy Geocaching and other outdoor activities. Nope, don't have an avatar... sorta reminds me of an alligator shirt but I guess I'll probably make one one of these days when I don't have anything better to do. Until then I guess I'll just go Geocaching! :ph34r:


although I have been lurking lately, I have posted a bit. The last month or so I haven't done much caching, and just got back into it this past weekend. I have found that the forums are a great place to learn and share about caching. some of the topics are very interesting and informative, funny, etc. I could do without some of the flame wars, but a lot of them bring it on themselves.


I like and respect a lot of the regular posters who seem to be pretty level-headed and often very funny.


The thing I hate most is the type of post where people say

"I hate (insert cache type here) caches! I demand they be stopped, removed, banished, whatever." although I personally would say that about puzzles and virtuals. :ph34r::D:lol:


OR, "Why do people leave lame stuff in caches?" or, "Why do people place lame caches"-- these eternal questions that have no answers... kind of like a buddhist koan.


I guess I don't read the forums unless I want to know the answer to a question that has been brought up, or just to entertain myself.


everyone plays nice most of the time, I'd say.


I would put myself in the 'Lurker' category now. When I was first starting Geocaching, I was reading everything and posting like crazy. At some point, I realized that I now know enough to enjoy the sport and my visits to the forums decreased significantly.


Now I usually scan the topics once a week and make a comment if anything catches my fancy. I'd much rather be figuring out my next cache hunt than discussing the best place to buy ammo cans. :ph34r:


Hello, I'm Jason and I'm a lurker as well. I usually don't check the forums that offen anyways, and when I do I don't feel the need to post. I just have little to say on most topics.


:ph34r: I like to lurk.

You learn more when you shut up and listen. As I am still a newby by all standards, I figure I don't have much new ground to cover here in the forums; I'd rather be covering new ground in the real world.


As to impressions and thoughts: I don't fear getting flamed. I just like to come here to learn more about a fun hobby, read the fun caching stories, ideas, interesting placements, etc. Yes, there are some stuffed shirts, inflated egos and an occasional sniper to be found here. To that I will say this:


Seems some take all this so very seriously; so very personally. It's just a game, folks. It's like searching a cache. If I spend an hour searching at the arrival cords and find myself getting bent and hostile about not finding, I have to remind myself it's supposed to be fun. When it ceases to be fun, why am I here? So I bail. No hurt feelings. No injured self-esteem. It's simply time to go seek a different cache.


I love everything about caching and will lurk here often. If I feel I have something to contribute, I will. Otherwise, I'll just shutup and listen.


Hello, I'm Laserman and I'm a lurker.


I've been geocaching since August '01. I originally found geocaching through my first venture into the wheresgeorge forums, since then seldom george anymore. I used a GPSr in the early ‘90s when working with the USFS and have been interested ever since. This hobby gave me enough of an excuse to go buy my own unit.


I'm not sure when I first made my way into the geocaching forums but think it was fairly early on to help figure out what this was all about. Geocaching is the only hobby/sport/obsession that has drawn me into the online forums on a regular basis. Over the years, I have been able to get many helpful tips about geocaching, GPS, and computer usage from these forums.


I read the forums on a regular basis; my usual pattern is to look at the NW section first then the general discussion section. I usually scan the topic titles and only read the ones that catch my attention.


Why do I lurk? Good question, I'm also this way in my everyday life, if the conversation peaks my interest or I think I have something to contribute to it I'll jump in. Here on the forums my point of view has usually been beaten to death before I get a chance to speak. In addition, with family/golf/work competing for time I'd rather spend my limited geocaching time out in the field instead of pounding a keyboard.


Its now time to get back to work so I can go home and see my family at a decent hour, then maybe I'll have time to go golfing or geocaching this weekend.


BTW, I've been around long enough to see many changes in geocaching and these forums. With every change, there is a lot of grousing about how it was better before the change or how things should have been done differently. However, after a while things tend to settle down and eventually a new issue comes along, this is just a part of the growth process. I for one am happy to have been around long enough to see this website grow; none of the alternatives come close enough to even compare.


BTWx2, the recent change to eliminate the signature line graphics was, in my opinion, the most amusing and welcome change to ever hit these forums. I use a high-speed connection so the graphics did not slow down my surfing in any noticeable manner. They were just getting too dadgum annoying.


With a mere 21 posts in a year's time I'd have to same I'm a lurker! I read the forums almost daily and I've learned some tricks of the trade doing that. A couple issues near and dear to me brought me out of the woodwork for a few posts but I promptly crawled off my stump and retreated. After a year of reading these forums I see very little unplowed ground. Generally if you wait a short time what you planned to say gets said anyway. So I'm (usually) content to read not post. Less risk involved.


After a little over a year of geocaching and only 20 posts I'd say I'm a dyed in the wool lurker. The old adage about better to remain silent and thought a fool..... comes to mind. I read the forums religiously and I've learned a little from them. By and large what I would have to contribute of a POSITIVE nature usually comes out quickly from the more prolific posters anyway. So mark me up as a lurker!


;) ok. ......I am no longer a lurker since I am now posting my first post. :) I started geocaching in August and read the forums probably 4-5 times a week. 2 reasons I don't post. 1) Any question that I have had-- has already been answered - I just need to do a little searching and there it is. ;) 2) I have a tendency to write with a tone that some people may take the wrong way. I have been told that I have a British sense of humor :D , but I take that as a compliment. To avoid the negative replies, I just choose not to post. :):P:P Now I am done and need to use up all these smilies while I have this chance..... :D:huh::)




This thread is like Richard Nixon, tapping in to the "Silent Majority". In some twisted way, by speaking up and joining the uncool crowd, one becomes cool. One becomes an insider by pronouncing that you're an outsider. Witness the forum regulars clamoring to be known as lurkers. (The Owellian fact that this thread is pinned reveals more about the body-politic of our sport than all the posts.)

The forums are a reflection of our society. There is a free-market economy of ideas. The Wal-Mart, McDonald variety posters seem to dominate but behind every McPoster are 100 lurkers. Some people are the squeeky wheels, some stand on soap boxes to rise above or get attention, some streak naked through the crowd, some carry signs proclaiming some heavenly insight. Most, though, lurk. Lurking is normal. Lurking is necessary for a participatory organization to function. Lurkers know, but reserve the right they have, that at any moment they can participate and be heard.



Hey it's my first post on the new boards.

Just checking in to see if everyone is as miserable and complainy as usual. We've had no time to dedicate to Geocaching lately but we're hoping to get back out there and at it (now that the weather has turn cold and wet LOL )


I'd say that I lurk, which is what I was mostly doing on the old boards, but real life has kept me too busy to do even that.


Hi. I lurk. I have been sitting for 15 minutes thinking about why I do. I suppose there are two parts to lurking:


a - Active - i.e. reading posts

b - Inactive - i.e. not posting much in return.


I read to learn and understand, and to avoid doing some work, sometimes for entertainment.


I don't post much because

- I find it hard work (writing something that won't annoy AND is of value)

- I am new to geocaching

- I am supposed to be busy

- I think I have a life (but might be mistaken)

- But mostly because when I have written something I often don't think that much of it and delete it.


I will probably delete this post. Ooops .. don't....


Yes! We are lurkers, hiding in the darkness! :lol: We don't post for the following reasons:


1. It's more interesting to watch the discussions from afar.

2. Lack of worthwhile comments.

3. It's difficult enough to find time to go and FIND caches, let alone discuss them.


We have 200+ finds and 21 of our own caches since June 2003, and have had many engaging discussions with fellow geocachers in private...so we're out there. Just not out here.

This thread is like Richard Nixon, tapping in to the "Silent Majority". In some twisted way, by speaking up and joining the uncool crowd, one becomes cool. One becomes an insider by pronouncing that you're an outsider. Witness the forum regulars clamoring to be known as lurkers. (The Owellian fact that this thread is pinned reveals more about the body-politic of our sport than all the posts.)

The forums are a reflection of our society. There is a free-market economy of ideas. The Wal-Mart, McDonald variety posters seem to dominate but behind every McPoster are 100 lurkers. Some people are the squeeky wheels, some stand on soap boxes to rise above or get attention, some streak naked through the crowd, some carry signs proclaiming some heavenly insight. Most, though, lurk. Lurking is normal. Lurking is necessary for a participatory organization to function. Lurkers know, but reserve the right they have, that at any moment they can participate and be heard.


O.K. I have to McPost and say, "That is one of the most profound statements that I have ever read in these forums."


I hope this thread stays pinned for a long time to come.


Sn :lol::o gans


Here's an attempt at profundity, I have been noticing many of the people who have posted to this thread in other threads in the forums. Is it the fact that I am particularly aware of them for having posted here? Or has reading and posting to this thread "brought them out" so to speak? It would be interesting to know for sure. Another interesting point is that the line that separates a lurker from a regular poster is entirely defined by the individual forum user.


And, by observing the number of views relative to the number of posts, it becomes apparent that there are still more lurkers who have yet to make their introductions. :o


It's unfortunate that so many people have expressed a feeling that they are reluctant to contribute to the discussions. By expressing their reluctance, they have contributed significantly. Thanks again. :lol:

Posted (edited)

:lol: Well I guess I'd better put in a word. My name is Jeepjohn. I used to hunt, fish, ski, rockhound, hike, backpack, kayak, hard-rock climb, 4 wheel, midnight cross-country, most everything fun in the outdoors of Wyoming. Now I Geocache and once in a while browse the forums. It is difficult to read the tone of the comments and many times I'm laughing at a post and the next reply reads anger. I think people might be reading aggression into comments that are just sarcastic or poking fun. I think many people take offense when it is not intended. They just need to lighten up a little. Life is good, geocaching is fun, take out anger on the trail and trample it into the ground. Come home happy. Just a thought.

Roll___on! Lurk___on!

Edited by jeepjohn
Now I Geocache and once in a while browse the forums. It is difficult to read the tone of the comments and many times I'm laughing at a post and the next reply reads anger. I think people might be reading aggression into comments that are just sarcastic or poking fun. I think many people take offense when it is not intended. They just need to lighten up a little.

Very astute observations. Thanks JeepJohn.



Geo 85


Hello. I'm Joesbar. As you can see I rarely post. A "lurker"? It's my opinion that I learn more from listening rather that talking. Mostly I read the forums to learn the various aspects of caching. Some posts are very educational and some have had me laughing out loud. I've also found some interesting offshoots, "Ghost in a jar" for sale on ebay. While some posts may be interpreted as mean, I think that this method of communication, electronic, leaves something to be desired. It is difficult to offer constructive criticism without someone getting offended. It is also easy to sit in the safety of your home and be mean to someone because you don't risk getting punched in the face. But I am wandering off, like I do while caching, I've learned alot in the forums, and will continue to read them.


We lurk, in so doing we are sponging in all the useful information and skimming off the flotsom that any good spring develops. We feel we have no need to add to the turbulance that seems to inevitably "stir the waters". It's not that we are afraid to post, it's just we don't need to post. Thanks


:huh: I don't know if I am a lurker or not. I have posted about 5 or 6 post recently, but at first I just came to the forums to see what other cachers are doing.

I am a new cacher with about 26 finds and 1 cache that I placed. I own 4 Travel Bugs now and trying to just get in to all aspects of the game.

I think the only reason I came to the forums was things slowed down in my area of the country and I wanted to know what was going on elsewhere.

I think I am addicted now and would rather be out hunting then on the forums,so with that said I think I will expand my horizons and go hunting.


Posted (edited)
B) I tend to hit the forums about 3 times per week to see what the latest is.  Have posted only a few times.  Lately it seems safer to lurk so you can say I am a lurker  ;)

We don't bite! :D


Well, maybe some of us do ;)


Ok, the vocal ones do... :huh:


EDIT: click the Overall top 10 posters link on your My Assistant window

Edited by Team GPSaxophone

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