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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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I spend alot of time in forums, I lurk, i dont have anything against posting but for the most part i kinda go with the "to many cooks spoils the kitchen" thing.....what i mean by that is in alot of topics it seems to just be a rant page where everybody says the same thing and i dont see any reason to add another voice with the same opinion ....if you have a new perspective.....great!...if somebody already said it.......shut up! it makes it a pain to go through thre pages of identical postings. :laughing:

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I usually hit the forums about 2 to 3 times a week. I've noticed that over the last week or so it's really gotten ugly in here. Some of the more potent exchanges in the old forums were alot of fun to follow. Nowadays it seems to be just plain mean. Now I shall go back to lurking.

:ph34r: i just do the same because of all the fighting also... i am past that .... at 38 i dont need that.. i just enjoy the hunt and want to learn more ... so it would be more fun if it was friendley :lol:

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Greetings all! New to the site, new to the game. I just bought my first GPS unit tonight and I got five caches within a couple hours. I am really having fun with this and I hope to stumble upon more as time wears on! Happy hunting to all of you and PLEASE throw me a message if you have a cache that I need to visit for one reason or another. Bye! *poofs*

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I've been a very casual lurker on this forum for about 3 months, and I've been geocaching for 4.


I don't have a GPS but I was introduced to geocaching by a friend who had one, and he helped me with the first find. On my own, I rely on the hints and the online maps for guidance.


Here's a link to my first find with a geocaching friend and GPS:



Here's a link to my first find without a geocaching friend and without a GPS:



I like exploring, and I like surfing the Internet, so geocaching is my latest addiction hobby.


I have 27 finds, and I am seriously considering placing my first cache (as soon as I clean out a coffee can); I also hope to attend my first event cache soon.

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This is my first time looking at your forum. Wow....I'm shocked. The number of people that talk about angry, mean or flame throwers is amazing. I though forums were a place for Geocachers to talk, share experiences and have fun learing together. At least thats what my local clubs forum is. I can see why many Geocachers are "Lurkers". They're afraid to say anything. Thats a shame. People need to be less hostile. I'm going back to my local forum. :(

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After a year and a half and 150 finds, I am finally turning the lurking switch off. I have been reading the forums for quite a while and have gained a lot of knowledge about the game and at times have been (mildly to greatly) amused. I hope to start adding my cent and a half to discussions (I can't afford a whole 2 cents).


Obviously, my other passion is hot air ballooning. This avitar is my balloon "AirRageous". I live in Belen, NM which is just south of Albuquerque, NM. I have been a commercial rated balloon pilot since 1990.


The first week of October was the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta featuring over 750 balloons for 10 days. Through my geocaching posts and ballooning email reflector, I was able to meet many other "GeoBalloonist" during the event.


That's enough for now. I don't want to overdose on my first posting (other than the test page).

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lurker lurker lurker what this country needs is a geocache that will make you happy to be out in the elements no matter the elements. thenlead you blissfully thru to a piece of local that could or could not bring the emotions of a school girl back to flush your cheeks. in finding such an icecream laden wonderment one should have the forthright to be in with and soto also out right of rage against such beauty. this said inthat one can never see into what another could ever strive to. caches are like food in that some like and some dislike. (to the point of car bombs) but I digress. We lurk. we see and say not. we go forth and lurk more. we say not of what we lurk and care not to relurk of others previous lurkings.


now then, is it better that rantings like this stay in my head or can we all handle daily mind spillings? :o


till the next rant,.... Don't pet a burning dog.

Edited by badleg
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Sure I'm lurking -- It's like the kid that doesn't speak, no matter how many specialists the parents consult. Until .. one day at the dinner table, where the kid asks for the gravy. The parents than asks why the kid hasn't said anything before now. "Because so far everything has been perfect".


This is similar to my usage of the forum. I have nothing much to complain about, and given that we have a rather active community i denmark, I probably won't be that much active here.

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Sure I'm lurking -- It's like the kid that doesn't speak, no matter how many specialists the parents consult. Until .. one day at the dinner table, where the kid asks for the gravy. The parents than asks why the kid hasn't said anything before now. "Because so far everything has been perfect".


This is similar to my usage of the forum. I have nothing much to complain about, and given that we have a rather active community i denmark, I probably won't be that much active here.

Sure I'm lurking -- It's like the kid that doesn't speak, no matter how many specialists the parents consult. Until .. one day at the dinner table, where the kid asks for the gravy. The parents than asks why the kid hasn't said anything before now. "Because so far everything has been perfect".


I agree, The forum information is perfect. You have helped me getting started with paperless caching then helped with caching along a route.


You all have been great help.



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Sure I'm lurking -- It's like the kid that doesn't speak, no matter how many specialists the parents consult. Until .. one day at the dinner table, where the kid asks for the gravy. The parents than asks why the kid hasn't said anything before now. "Because so far everything has been perfect".


This is similar to my usage of the forum. I have nothing much to complain about, and given that we have a rather active community i denmark, I probably won't be that much active here.

I agree, The forum information is perfect. You have helped me getting started with paperless caching then helped with caching along a route.


You all have been great help.



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I'm a lurker, and apparently I'm not alone! I've been following the usenet groups for the most part, and am just now getting back to watching this forum. Of course, alt.rec.geocaching is pretty much dead right now.


You wouldn't know it by looking at my profile (1 cache found, woo hoo!), but I am very much interested in geocaching and have been for a long time. Weak excuses: not enough time no nearby caches too busy other committments etc.


The reason I lurk? I've never posted here, but I would if I felt that I had something useful to contribute. I don't spend enough time in here to comfortably feel that I can start replying to every other post, but if there was someone that needed information and I thought I could help out, I wouldn't hesitate to post a reply. And if I needed help with something, I wouldn't hesitate to ask as well.


In my experience, lurking is frowned upon, but there are definitely worse things you can do in a forum. I prefer to get in here once in a while a see what catches my eye.

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I believe that ALL of us should be required to read at least 200 topics before we are allowed to reply!


If Nubees post without reading a few posts first, then the forum would quickly degenerate into a huge flaming mess. The "Cancelled Premium Membership" thread illustrates restraint and good knowledge of the issues. It shows that me that reading is good and that writing without having researched (flaming), can make a whole lot of people unhappy.


I am a newbie and proud of it.

I shall "lurk" as much as I like.

Lurking is good for the soul - you can get mad at EVERYBODY.

But nobody gets mad at you.


Of course, I also believe that one should be requires to post an intro, before being allowed to reply also!


thanks for letting us get to know each other - this is a great thread.



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Yes I have been lurking. Actually I have been geocaching for a bout a year and a half but have recently started to hide my first caches. I have found the forum to be really helpful & interesting reading. I haven't had to ask any questions yet but now that I "got my feet wet" I might as well introduce myself & jump in. :santa:

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Hey - Lurker here - only insofar that I'm still a newbie with less than 2 wks under my belt

I was turned on to GC from a friend of the family, and now I can't get enough!

We ordered our 1st gps 2 days later, and we've been dying to go out again

(4 finds so far).


I've been really impressed with the size and scope of the GC community, and I'm just glad to have been introduced while the sport is still in it's early teens (far from infancy methinks).


to all you fellow GC'rs out there - greetings and salutaions!


:anibad: Thanks for supportign such a great sport! B)



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WOW I LOVE THIS DISCUSSION!! I am so glad it was started! It gives some of those people who really dont want to *get* into it a chance to (so to speak) stand up and be heard. I personally am not so shy.....LOL. I am new to geocaching but not to running around in the woods looking for things/people. Guess I should start off by saying HI, my name is Linda and I am a member of our local Sheriff's Dept. Search and Rescue Team-K9 unit. And I love geocaching! I only have 5 finds so far only because I dont have as much time to find more. I am so hoping to hit the POWERBALL LOTTERY one day so I can run around in the woods more often and find more geocaches. :) I dont get into the forums as much as I would like too but when I do if theres something worth posting a reply too I do--such as now. I come here to see if theres anything new I can learn or possibly help someone with something. Its a learning tool, much can be learned by reading between the lines. :) For all those people who are considered *lurkers* perhaps you shouldnt be so shy, step up to the plate and be heard.......hey its America and arent we all considered brash here in America? Hey thats what makes it such a great Nation to live in!! Quite possibly some of those who arent *lurkers* might learn something too. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY EVERYONE!! KEEP UP THE GREAT CACHES! :)

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Hi everyone! I joined a few days ago while looking for something that my husband (a quadripalegic) and I could do together...something that would get us out of the house. Geocaching seems like the perfect thing!


I've been pouring over the forums for the last two days, researched a couple of nearby caches that we're looking forward to searching for whenever we get some free time, and generally enjoying the whole site and comradery (sp) I've seen here.


We bought our first GPS tonight...just gotta figure out how to use it.


Anyway, just wanted to introduce ourselves!


Dawn and Steve

SW Iowa

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Hostile schmostile.


I own/admin another forum and people there complain about that too. It's true, some folks get overly nasty online but some folks need to chill out too.


It's the internet. The anonymity makes brave men of cowards sometimes. Much like beer. Mmmmm... beer.


Anyway, I got into caching a while ago but our post count is low. Working on recitfying that though! :lol: Getting back into it after some time off is all.


Lurking because well, I don't know enough really to pitch in. So I'll keep learning and reading... from the shadows! :lol:

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Hi everyone I have lurked on this site for about 3 months and thought I should say hi and maybe start posting more. I certainly am not a expert on this hobby so that is why I stay quiet. Just trying to learn the things to do and not to do. I come to the site daily and check things out.

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Hi everyone,


I'm a wannabe geocache hunter who is relatively new to these forums. For the time being I'm probably going to be mostly a lurker due to inexperience, but I look foward to posting more often in the future (once I get my hands on a GPS and learn the tricks of the trade).

Edited by txknight
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Proud owner (finally) of a great GPS unit, and want to lurk, but I am trying to spend less time at the computer and more time pursuing my new hobby. (better half is thinking NOT ANOTHER HOBBY geeze louise ...guns, gold panning, metal dectoring, RC aircraft, archery, photography, back packing, model trains, genealogy, amature astronomy, etc. ad nauseam.....master of none , slave to all). But since I am laid up with an acheing back today I don't feel bad about spending some time lurking and getting more knowledge about my ..ahem..! NEW HOBBY!

Now just have to figure out how and where to hide the receipt for the GPS unit so our marriage will stay intact!

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I will take (and appreciate) the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Tom, AKA Iowa Tom, simply abbreviated –it when I’ll feeling particularly melancholy. I can’t say that I have been lurking on these forums because I’ve been preoccupied with teaching five subjects in science, maintaining and designing new “teaching caches” and writing things for my

Tom’s Corner at the Iowa Geocachers Organization website to name but a few. To maintain my sanity (just kidding), I would like yet another distraction, so I may now be snooping around this part of the great electron pie in the sky from now on.


As a career I’m responsible for teaching 8th grade middle school science, 9th grade physical science, 10th grade biology, chemistry and last but certainly not least, an advanced course about human anatomy and physiology. Try being abreast in all those areas each and every day. :o Actually it’s not too bad since I’ve “lived” science for as long as I can remember, and that has been a long time. “A small step man, a giant leap for mankind,” was uttered the same month that I graduated from high school. Before teaching, beginning 12 years ago, I worked as a photographer in a defense industry.


As far as what I like doing to keep myself occupied [outside of school work], other than geocaching, I’ve done much in (1) nature photography (mostly macro), (2) 3-D (stereo) photography--I use the “Lilliputian effect,” a technique which gives the viewer the impression that distant objects, Like Mt. Rushmore are wonderfully detailed toys!), There’s a stereo pair amongst my images here, (3) making and working with electronic gizmos [including electronic caches] like this and this and this, (4) astronomy (especially satellite observing: one and two and, (5) what else, oh yeah, collecting lake superior agates and fossils.


I really enjoy designing and making my own cache containers and almost always try to teach something, like Newton's 3rd law with every one. In other words, I offer the opportunity for someone to learn if they WANT to. To keep mugglers from finding the cache innards, I make many of them a puzzle to get open. Some are so hard to figure out that I have to give detailed instructions to thwart geo-frustrations. I use a lot of fake birdhouses because mugglers tend to walk by them. I ALWAYS use camouflage paint and other materials to blend my caches into the surroundings, ALWAYS.


The following three cache sequences are some that I really put A LOT of the work into. Few accept the challenge of going through the process but I can say to myself that I did accept the challege of making them. :P One ,

two and three.


Gotta go!



Edited by Iowa Tom
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I'm the Snipe half of Flashlite & Snipe. We've been members since the end of March of this year. Haven't gotten into the forum until now. Just checking it out. We love this hid-n-seek game. Went out yesterday hoping to rack up some cache finds. Ha! Three out of five. What did we learn? Study up on a cache and the cacher before trying to find it. One of the caches yesterday was a first time placement by someone we had never heard of before. Lesson learned.


Flashlite & Snipe

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Considered a "lazy lurker"; more of a leech I figure.

Feel like pouncing into a few discussions sometimes but by the time I get up to it I change my mind.

I like the forums, but since I still wear my price tag (I'm that "new") I prefer to read rather than type and learn the sport a bit from others.

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I'm so new I still got the shrink wrap on. Earlier this month I purchased a Garmin i3 for the car and that got me searching the web for information. As you can see I found GC.com and the rest is history. I'm now the proud owner of a garmin Legend much to the chagrin of the little woman. She's seen me accumulate a number of toys over the years. I'm sure she's wondering how many gps's I'll be buying. But I digress.


I'm definetly a lurker and have been devouring these forums absorbing as much as I can. I've found 3 caches in the last couple of days and I'm hooked big time. I've figured out quearies and have 100 loaded on my Palm iiixe which has found new life in geocaching.


I haven't seen much bickering here but perhaps that's because I've been searching the forums for "how to"'s. I think this is such a neat compilation of hobbies. Hiking, geocaching and computers and probably a few that I haven't thought of. No wonder it's so popular.


Thanks to all who make this possible.

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