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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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I am not a lurker, so I guess I shouldn't be replying to the topic!

I have been caching for about 2 1/2 years now, but I rarely come to the forums (1-2 times a year?), unless it is to find an answer for something. Tonight it was to find a relevant thread on software like EasyGPS to point a new user to.


About the only other subjects I might come here for are to meet the geocaching love of my life, others who geocache on their motorcycle, and the local threads.


I will admit to finding some entertainment on the weird and unusual cache discussions.

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I am new to the forum. I represent a two person team, my husband and I. We have just recently started geocaching after my brother bought us a GPS for Christmas(it was sooo very thoughtful of him). I am the one who gets online and looks at all the forums. You could say that I am a lurker, but there is a lot of good information in the forum and at this point I think it is good for me to just take it all in. I spent the entire morning reading over all of the getting started threads. It was a little overwhelming, but exciting at the same time. Geocaching amazes me!! :laughing: I will warn you though-i am one of those forum posters who like to use smileys. It just characterizes the whole post!


Happy Caching!

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Sorry about your loss Sunshine. I have been in before finding out information about a landmark on the corner of my property. I like reading the posts about using the GPSes - my husband has one and neither of us know how to use it very well. I am the computer person, so I go online and hubby listens when I share what I learn :) . I, occasionally, like to come off the wall (wall flower) and participate in the converstations.


Happy New Year Everyone and wishes for successful geocaching adventures!




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Nadia. 22. Piano teacher :ph34r:

Found my first cache accidentally, 2 years ago. Actually it wasn't even me who found it.

Anyways. After the find, got a GPS right away, but it was using a different system of coordinates or something. I tried to figure it out but none of my reasearch helped +the battery on the PDA died shortly after so I abandoned the idea. And now, after finally finding a GPS that is both cheap, and small, and light, I have returned to the game.

I mostly cache alone. Neither my friends nor my fiancee find this interesting.

Never met other cachers on site, but even if I did, I'm pretty pessimistic about making new friends because of the language barrier. I'm Russian. I'm pretty shy about my accent and it pisses me off when I can't say the right thing and have to resort to baby-talk :P)))


I'd like to thank everyone who was kind enough to help me so far!


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Lurker from Waco, TX here. Been going since August. I had read about Geocaching sometime around the turn of the century (I like being able to say that) but a search of the area showed Dallas as the closest caches, something made me look again recently and BAM they're everywhere. So now I'm hooked.

Edited by cmiked
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Hi! I am Bilbad and just recently posted a couple comments for my first time. I am really more used to stricter boards where some of this flaming would not be tolerated. In most of it what I see is just basically a difference of opinion or clash of personality. I like to be "right" as much as anyone else but I do try to understand and accept others ideas or ways of doing things. Personally when i run into a seris of flames back and forth , I just click out and move to another topic and any "valuable points" are lost to me. That is my only 2 cents worth on that.

On the more positive note I find these forums very helpful and it gets ideas going on types of caches that might be appealing to the general group of cachers. Since I plan to start placing my own caches , this information becomes of great value to me. I also find many of the stories very entertaining and humorous. In a sense, as with other boards I have been associated with, I get a feeling of "family" and though I don't know hardly any of you, I can relate in comraderie and similar experiences. I am glad someone showed me this hobby/sport/game as I am enjoying myself and expect to build new friendships as I get more involved. I have recieved emails from cache owners, welcoming me to GC and have already rebuilt old relationships with some of my distant family members who are also involved with this. life is good!

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Hi there everyone! My husband found geocaching last year sometime and then forgot about it for awhile, bought him a GPS and setup for his Bday last week and he loved it. Even in the cold weather here in Kansas City we have had some fun this week with it.


Our kids are 9 and 7 so they love it also. They went to sleepover at a friends' house on Saturday, so husband and I were out all night caching, until a police officer pulled up behind us and wanted to know why we were out on the trails at 11pm in 10 degree weather. We weren't about to tell him we were searching for tupperware with multimillion dollar satellites :lol:


Anyhow, glad to be here!


John, Victoria, Zach and Aliyah Friend

Kansas City

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Howdy from Tennessee. I joined December 26, got a few finds, and then it got cold. Now I lurk, my PDA and GPS loaded, waiting for the thaw.


I heard about geocaching when it was still in its infancy, but never got involved. I couldn't justify the cost of a GPSr for a game. Since then the prices have come down and the accuracy has gone up. Now I am the proud owner of multiple GPS receivers. I have one on my boat (with lake maps), a bluetooth receiver for my PDA (with street maps), and a handheld (with topo maps) for geocaching. I also use the handheld, in conjunction with a gazetteer, to track down and explore trout streams in the area.

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Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :unsure:


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.



I am new to the forums and to geo caching. I have been using my gps for exploring and hunting and such.

I recently decided on my time off to start using my bicycle, along with my gps to find some cahces near by my home. I was pleasantly surprised at how many there are with in a short distance. I can make a day riding around town and seing how many I can find. Great exercise also.


I live in Lafayette, La, and I am a paramedic. I work offshore. My schedue is 14 and 14 so I have time to pursue this on my days off.


I enjoy using my gps in the woods to explore, and return to neat places that I find.

Looking forward to meeting some of you folks out there, and here on the forums.


I dont like to wast time arguing with any one, life's too short.



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Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :)


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.


Hi! I am totally a newbie to geocaching and these forums! I just got my first gps handheld less than a month ago but have found geocaching an addictive hobby already. I am especially fascinated with geocoin designs and, other than ebay, have found limited resources on where to buy new coins. I have bought a few on the internet, but seems they are so limited as to what is currently being sold. The coin of the month designs did not thrill me in the coinclubs I reviewed so far. How can I find new geocoins with out having to try to outbid somebody or search for hours on the internet????

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I've been lurking a few days, since buying a GPSr (for another purpose). I haven't quite decided yet whether I want to go out looking for caches, because it sounds kind of addictive. :laughing:


:laughing: Just to let you know that this sport is extremely addictive and there is no cure. I also bought my GPS for different reasons but ended up being hooked. There is different levels of the addictions they are curious, all the way up to including obsessed.


You know when you hit the obsessed level when you receive a text msg that there is a new cach somewhere and you just got into bed and you jump up, grab your gear and out the door within five minutes in order for you to be the first. I have even heard of people flying cross country and have a layover in some city for a few hours. They run to the car rental desk and rent a car to go out caching. Now that is an addictive obsession.

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Hello, just arrived to the world of GPS and Geocaching. Wanted to write a review on one and have one for my wife and kids to use for 4-H. They are heavily involved with tech team and computer stuff with 4-H so I asked Magellan to review a GPS unit. Received the explorist 210 and am working at the review for Associated Content. It's pretty fun except for the weather right now, something like -15 out. Brrr.

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I have just recently became interested in geocaching. I started reading the forums to learn more about the sport. Unfortunately it appears that the people involved in this past time are becoming more and more caught up the political red tape and bureaucracy of it all. Many of the local forums involve discussions on how certain clubs are being run. WHO CARES! Just get out and enjoy the hunt. My understanding was that this hobby was designed for fun and to get people out of the house and into nature. Sounds like alot of people have forgotten this simple idea. Just my opinion. Thanks for listening though.

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First time poster here too. We're a family of 5 that enjoys visiting new locations in our RV. Since we're not familiar with areas we visit, we've found Geocaching is a neat way of finding locations of interest in an area that otherwise we'd know nothing about. Thanks to folks placing caches we've discovered abandond gold mines, coke ovens, and lost planes that crashed during WWII.


Since we travel a lot, my kids always print out the geocache lists for areas we will be visiting over a weekend then we head off to hunt for them. Often times we don't log our finds online as we don't have internet access when we're camping, but we do sign the log books.

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Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :huh:


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.


just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself, i'm eeyore1 (gina) i love to geocache,havent been in a while, no time, but i love to track my tb's and meet others like me, so hello to fellow cachers

Edited by eeyore1
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Hi everyone :huh: I just stumbled into this hobby actually. I needed a GPS unit for stormtracking and meteorite hunting, and well...you can't even purchase a GPS unit without "caching" being mentioned. Anyway, it's cool...this looks like alot of fun. I've got some ideas about some caves I know about.

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Hi I'm Janet (a/k/a DammitNanet) and am fairly new to caching. Got a GPS to use for hiking for Christmas and saw the GEOCACHE icon, was intrigued, researched it and found a new reason to hit the trails. The only problem is I am prone to hibernating in the cold weather so I haven't been out in a few weeks and am getting antsy. Luckily, this weekend in NJ is supposed to hit 40 so I'll be out on the trails for the first time in 3 weeks. Unfortunately work prohibits me from going out most days during the week at least in the winter (although I've already considered taking sick time to cache, but why not save it until the spring/summer). Our property backs up to a state park and there's like a gazillion caches out there so once daylight savings hits I'll be out after work too. :rolleyes:

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(As I peek out from behind the shrubbery...)

Hi. I'm Phil. I'm pretty new to this whole thing; I, like many others here, got a GPS for Christmas (thanks, sis. I'll get ya for that! :rolleyes: ). My bigger hobby has been photography. Being from Michigan, I have a thing for taking pictures of lighthouses, waves, weather, and just about any other nature stuff. For some reason, I don't like taking pictures of people. Ok, sorry... back on track...

I've started looking into the forums, just to see what other people are thinking and saying.

Again, being in Michigan, the weather hasn't been exactly co-operative for caching. Thank goodness it's getting better!

I've met a few people out there caching, and hope to meet many more.

Kay. I'll be going back to my shrubbery now.

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I'm a lurker, and *seriously* have no right to be. I've been part of geocaching since 2005. I host three geoevents every year (Bread & Roses, in Manchester, NH). I cache more than it looks like on my account, since I generally forget to log my finds (though I do write nice long notes in the logbooks!). And I even have written a book on geocaching.


So you'd think I'd have something to say here.


However, it wasn't until recently in a conversation with my partner NotThePainter that the topic came up. I mentioned a thread I'd been reading in the forums, and he said, "What did you say about it?"


"Nothing," I confessed.


"Ah. You have the time to tell me about it, but you don't have the time to communicate with the actual people involved."


I do so hate it when NotThePainter is right. But he is in this case. So while I'm a current lurker, I promise to start contributing more! (Okay, Paul?)




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Hello everyone,


Newbie cacher here. Got a refurbished eTrex Legend for my birthday hoping to go out caching on my birthday weekend with my wife and miniature schnauzer.


To my frustration, the unit was dead out of the box (major click stick problems). I will get a new one on Wednesday so hoping to log my first few caches next weekend.


Just thought I'd say hi and express how excited I am to do some caching. I've always loved hiking, and now I have a little something that will encourage me to seek out new trails and treasures.


Cheers to all the cachers of the world and remember to practice 'cache in trash out'!


Team Franklin

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Hi. My name is Smokingpipe and I'm a lurkaholic. (Hello Smokingpipe)


As a newbie (2 months) lurking made me ask alot of questions. You can't learn if you don't ask questions. Now I know my GPS inside out and all the in's and out's of geocaching. I am addictive to this sport and I think I may need help. I spend alot of time on this site and playing with my GPS. Two months ago, I had no GPS and didn't know what Geocaching was. This sport is fun, gets me out doing active things like snowshoeing, hiking and will be biking to all these spots. I lost wieght and proud of it. I thank Geocaching web site and for all the people that helped out. This site also inspires people to get out and do things and go places where we haven't explored. Thank you everyone.



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As a fresh 'newbie' to geocaching, I can't say that I am a lurker, however I would definitely have tendencies along those lines. I am very much the type of individual that would read many posts before I make one myself. Also, unless I have something to say that I think can add to the discussion, I am most likely to keep quiet. No point in repeating what everyone else has said already.

As I heard once, we were born with 2 ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we talk.

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Hello, Newbie/Lurker here. In the last 2 mos or so, I've been WAY to busy on the road & trying to log my finds (before my amnesia strikes) :D to be spending much time reading the forums.


I live 3.5 hrs from ANYWHERE in Nevada & I'm loving this new obsession of mine! I've already driven a fair distance to get my 25 finds, & have even dragged my husband (kicking & screaming) out for whole days. I'm afraid he doesn't quite "get it" :D He's not gonna have much choice tho!


I just bought my 1st TBs, am planning my 1st geocache placement, & I'm thinking my Jeep will be a rolling advertisement for Groundspeak... Oh well, "All or Nothin", right??


Thx & bye!

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Been lurking since Jan/07.Listening and learning alot, picked my first gps etrex Legend Feb/15/07.Been hooked ever since!I'm amazed how everyone is so nice and takes the time to answer every question.Other forums (not caching)would just say "DO A SEARCH !WE TALKED ABOUT THAT A THOUSAND TIMES"Best group of people are geocachers!


Dave ,wife Kara ,two daughters Kailey&Hannah

Edited by cantthinkofone
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Hello All. I started Geocaching back in May of 2006. I actually found my first one by accident while hiking about 3 years ago before I even had a GPS lol. Anyways, I just recently found these forums. I just now took the time to actually look at the site for other things than new caches. Now that I know there is a forum, maybe I can find some other people in my area to Geocache with, seeing that everyone else I know thinks Geocaching is stupid lol.

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I ussually just lurk out here. I got my first find on 19 Jan 07. It was a webcam cache. I followed that up with two more traditional ammo cans on the same day.


Today 12 Mar 07 I found my 100th find and posted my first topic. For your amusement you can read "Should I retire?" under general discusion or general topics or something like that.


Keep on smiling; I'm going back to lurking.



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I'm a fairly newish cacher, got my GPS for Christmas, and I've been here pretty much ever since but I guess with only 2 posts that qualifies me as a lurker. :ph34r: I don't tend to "talk" as much as listen, in real life as well as online, but when I do have something to say just try to shut me up. :ph34r:


I homeschool and I heard about letterboxing first and then geocaching through that and that a few of the homeschoolers in our area were doing this to make geography skills fun for our kids. I had NO idea how much fun it would be for ME!


My family, my teenaged sunday school kids and several friends I've introduced to the sport in the last few months have a total ball looking for all kinds of caches in our area. Even the dreaded LPC's. LOL! We're in a largely urban environment so those LPC's are nice to have when the kids are along. Keeps them from getting bored.


I'm beginning to post here some so I guess this is my intro and me coming out of lurkdom.

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I'm only brand new. So I don't consider myself a lurker just yet I suppose. I think I have been lucky enough to miss out on any unpleasantness. In fact, I tend to avoid unpleasantness as a rule. Of course, I have no fixed opinions on any geocaching topics yet. As I mentioned above, it is all brand new to me.


So far I have found the forum to be a place of friendly exchange. It has been an informative experience. I would not worry on the account of making your best impression. An honest impression is always best. You cannot expect people to behave differently than they are (or can you?). In any case, I think most people know enough to simply exit a page that they find offensive or inflaming.


At any rate, I am happy to be here.

Best wishes,


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I prefer to read the forums and use it as reference.


Hello. My name is Beto (beh-toh) and I just received my new Garmin GPS60cx and very new to this. I troll around the boards, read a bit and ask questions........ just hope i don't drive any of you nuts, i mean no harm. Looking to master my Garmin and conquer the world, but if i only manage to add a little more adventure to my life I'll be fully satisfied.


[benstern]Thank You[/benstern]

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I wouldn't consider myself a "lurker" since in my world "lurkers" are those who log onto sites to either advertise something or try to find a date. At the same time, this is my first post to this site. I've been using it to educate myself about geocaching since I am new to the game. I don't have many solo finds, but I had over 30 in two weeks when I had a GPS unit to use. I figured I learn as much as I can before I post here, so I guess that is lurking,


Since I've posted does that makes me a non-lurker? I'm really just curious about why this seems to be an important topic? Problems in the past with Spam or not nice posts?


I am from Northern California and I mostly cache this area under the name KittyC, a old nickname that was given to me. I'd love to meet other cachers in my area, especially if they wouldn't mind a tag along. My given name is Christine and I have a post graduate degree in Applied Research. I am a good codebreaker, tree climber, rock scramble and a rugged hiker. I am also house trained and declawed! I used to do a similar activity in Germany when I was growing up but without the technical equipment. I am on sabbatical from teaching at Humboldt State University and have been wanting the time to do this for awhile. Now is the time for me.


I never thought to introduce myself since I figured my profile does that. Once I learn more and get a new GPS, I'll be posting sincere questions left and right. I look forward to some good caching advice and stories.


Can't wait to meet some fellow cachers!

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