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Can someone contact Kyle at THPRD for me?


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I can't find the card that Kyle from THPRD left in my cache. Can someone please e-mail him for me and if he's interested let him know that at my "Where the Sidewalk Ends" cache, there what looks like a semi-permanent camp being set up. It is complete with cardboard bed and all. I don't know if it is currently occupied all the time but it looks well used. I discovered it as I did some maintainence.


Maybe I should change my hint to read, "If you were laying on the cardboard bed, the cache would be within 5 feet of your head. icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_biggrin.gif


KTF !!! GBWY !!!


Take a look at my log from August 31'st for this cache. I just uploaded a picture I took of the cache, and a pile of newspapers that I packed out. Sure did look like someone was sleeping there!


Kyle posted this in another thread.


Kyle Spinks

Natural Resources Technician

Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District

15707 SW Walker Road

Beaverton, Oregon 97006

503-645-3539 x528

fax 503-614-9514



Thanks everyone for the tip on the encampment. I'll either have one of our Maintenance staff head up there to check it out or will do it myself today.


For your safety, if it looks like the camp is occupied PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH THE CAMP OR CONFRONT THE PERSON(S) THERE. We'll get the police to approach the individuals and talk with them.


By the way, all of you cachers are doing a great job. I've had a lot of fun finding the various caches throughout the District. Keep up the great work!


Kyle (THPRD guy)


Hi all,

I went by the site this AM and walked the entire wooded area (including the eastern portion owned by the Archdioces of Portland). I found no other encampments (or signs thereof) and pulled the cardboard outta there.


Thanks for the tip on the site, friends.


Kyle (THPRD guy)

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