bwolv Posted April 26, 2002 Posted April 26, 2002 I object to religious literature in caches. If we tolerate christian literature, then we must accept Devil worshipping literature, Atheistic literature, Political Literature, and business advertising literature. Do we really want our kids opening a cache that has literature advocating sacrificing chickens, or lambs, (or even humans) for worship purposes? How about Al-Qaeda or Taliban propaganda? Well I don't want mine exposed to christian propaganda either! Why can't Christians be content with their own faith? (and leave others alone!) Why must they push it in people's faces? It's insulting and exposes the christian's own discomfort and dissatisfaction with their own faith. Otherwise their inner peace would allow them to live at ease with those who see the world differently. This is a fun game that can remain fun without politcal/religious/business complications. Lets keep it that way
+RAD Dad Posted April 26, 2002 Posted April 26, 2002 If you feel a small tract, or some other small form of religous literature is having something "pushed in your face" perhaps you should examine why you are so sensitive to Christian thought? I am not offended by other literature of other religions, I don't agree with them but I am neither offended nor threatened by them. So far as why Christians feel the need to spread the good news, first, it's because we are commanded to do so, second, because if we TRUELY believe that Jesus is the only way, how selfish and unloving of others would we be if we kept that knowledge to ourselves. If you believe that the only way to heaven is through X and you don't tell people about X, knowing full well that they can't believe in X without first hearing about X, and they can't hear about X if someone doesn't first share about X, then you must be the most hateful, insensitive, and selfish person out there...that or you don't really believe what you claim to believe. Now, I can tell you that Jesus is the only way, I can give you a tract or some other form of literature to try and share with you, but I can't make you believe, and you can ignore me, curse me, get offended or whatever...but at least I have taken some step to try and let you know. Any true Christian will want to share their faith, after all, we believe there are only two choices when it comes to eternity...choose Chirst (narrow road that leads to salvation) or choose everything or anything else (broad path that leads to destruction) By the way, I place a small cartoon tract along with every one of my puts, and people can read them, tear them up, burn them, or whatever they choose...but if they get before the Judgment throne and God says "Why didn't you trust in my Son?" at least they won't be able to look over at me and claim I never tried to tell them. ummmm....not sure what to say ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.
+EraSeek Posted April 26, 2002 Posted April 26, 2002 bwolv, I have mixed feelings about your post. I understand it, but wonder why it is such a problem for you. I don't mind others expressing themselves, yet I agree with your "Otherwise their inner peace would allow them to live at ease with those who see the world differently". Soooo, why don't you take your own advice, dig deep, and find that inner peace as well? Isn't that really the key?
+MattandLaura Posted April 26, 2002 Posted April 26, 2002 Please let's not get this religious topic going. Or at least post it in another group. I had one of these that went on for 228 post in another forum I least it was in the Off Topic cat. Thanks for you opinion but this just isn't the right forum to express it. Try the general group.
+Lazyboy & Mitey Mite Posted April 27, 2002 Posted April 27, 2002 sounds like a non issue to me, let's drop it. Never Squat With Yer Spurs On
+Seth! Posted April 27, 2002 Posted April 27, 2002 quote:Originally posted by MattandLaura: Thanks for your opinion but this just isn't the right forum to express it. Exactly. BUT, isn't that the point of the original post?! Personally, I'm annoyed by proselytizing in general. But if someone insists on doing it, he/she should please keep it out of geocaching forums AND geocaches. I think that the original post has some very good points. Find another venue for dogma... Seth!
+makaio Posted April 27, 2002 Posted April 27, 2002 This idiot posted this topic in several forums. He's just a troll trying to stir things up. Please don't post any more responses after this one and this will go away. Else we can have Jeremy perform his troll removal procedure
+makaio Posted April 27, 2002 Posted April 27, 2002 This idiot posted this topic in several forums. He's just a troll trying to stir things up. Please don't post any more responses after this one and this will go away. Else we can have Jeremy perform his troll removal procedure
+Lazyboy & Mitey Mite Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 But it appears you are unhappy at the very least. Why post that stuff all over the site? Your actions befit the actions of a troll. Never Squat With Yer Spurs On
+makaio Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 Anyone who cross posts the same thread just to try and stir up controversy is an idiot in my book. Deal with it.
bwolv Posted April 28, 2002 Author Posted April 28, 2002 I posted it in the General forum, and the local forum. That's neither several times, nor is it all over the site. That makes Makaio either the idiot or a liar. You deal with it!
+makaio Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 I said several (by definition that's more than one) forums - never said anyting about all over the site. Those were your own words. The point is you are an antagonist and a troll. Both are idiots. I'm done wasting my time with you. Feel free to make some additional imbecilic remarks - I won't bother reading them Word of advice - It's better to ramin silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt. buh-bye
+makaio Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 I said several (by definition that's more than one) forums - never said anyting about all over the site. Those were your own words. The point is you are an antagonist and a troll. Both are idiots. I'm done wasting my time with you. Feel free to make some additional imbecilic remarks - I won't bother reading them Word of advice - It's better to ramin silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt. buh-bye
bwolv Posted April 28, 2002 Author Posted April 28, 2002 You did say several, that's not two. Thus It seems you are the antagonistic troll. My post was not intended to stir up controversy. It was to raise a legitimate concern for the geocaching community. There were several posts in support of my concerns. But I see you responses have been childish, immature, and lacking any rational response towards the (like it or not) legitimate issue whatsoever. You are a spoiled brat. And a good driver too!
+EraSeek Posted April 28, 2002 Posted April 28, 2002 Looks like things have gone a bit wrong here. Jeremy has spoken with some common sense on the "General" thread and has locked it. Time to do the same here. Please refer to his statements which work for me. Basically, if you want to put religious items in a cache, that's up to you. But advertising, whether it be commercial, political, or religious, should not be part of any cache. Time to close this one and get back to being friends.
bwolv Posted April 28, 2002 Author Posted April 28, 2002 I raised what I feel to be a legitimate concern, nevertheless, I had stopped posting before an individual began a personal attack against me with lies and childish rantings. Jeremy said that religious leaflets that advertise religion are advertisements. And advertisments are inappropriate. I quote him here, and I'll stop posting as long as I'm not attacked personally. *********************************************** "Regardless of your opininon of religion in general, each individual has to make a decision about what is right and what is not. Personally, if I find something offensive in a cache I replace it with an item in my backpack. We as a group need to tolerate each other's beliefs. With that said, since overtly political/commercial items are considered off-limits in a cache, so are overtly religious items. In overtly I mean that you drop in a leaflet that says "where will you go when you die?" or some other "join ** religion" it should be removed (no trade). Advertising is advertising. However, if you want to drop a WWJD bracelet in a cache, that's your business. But if you decide to drop in a pamphlet in a cache, others have the right to remove it. Discussing this topic is akin to pouring gas on a fire. Don't bother. There's no point to it and you aren't going to change anyone's mind anyway. Closing this topic. Jeremy Jeremy Irish" **************************************** Happy Caching! Bo
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