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Addictive Cache Ownership

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The willingness to maintain one's caches varies widely and only becomes evident over time. If you have access to the entire data base, as I imagine Groundspeak does, it would be a relatively simple matter to calculate the baseline percentage of owned caches that currently need maintenance and identify folks with a much higher than average percentage and address that issue. Looking at just what I can see in my area I notice that many NM logs are routinely ignored by COs (that is they do not respond to an NM log on the cache page) and that about 75% of NM logs that are ignored result in the cache being archived by the Reviewer. Prior to the NM log posting there are typically a number of logs indicating maintenance issues. Folks can get pretty upset if you post a NA log when a cache has a NM log open for months with multiple dnfs and no response from them.

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