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Challenges - did they pass the test?

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They could check for "Is it a Mystery cache and is there a challenge checker included?". But that would still leave the problem of finders suddenly not qualifying for a puzzle challenge they logged as found and probably a few other things. All in all, a new icon sounds like a PITA to implement and that's what Groundspeak wanted to avoidd after the moratorium.

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1. There are some challenge caches without "challenge" in the title.
2. There are many caches that are not challenge caches which have "challenge" in the title.
3. Many old challenge caches have no checker, PGC or otherwise.
4. Finders of challenge caches may rely on them being mystery cache types. Mass changing of statistics retroactively is bound to cause an uproar.
5. Changing existing caches can either be opt-in or automatic.  New attributes have always been CO opt-in, and automatically editing people's work is also bound to cause an uproar.

Just a few things that have come to mind over the years of discussion threads about evolving the 'challenge cache' concept...

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On 11/30/2017 at 8:36 AM, brendan714 said:
On 11/30/2017 at 1:40 AM, noncentric said:

Maybe another survey is in order, not just about the icon/attribute issue, but also to gauge how cachers feel about CC's now that the post-moratorium guidelines are in place.

Sure.  Let's do it.  While we're at it, let's see what members think about a power trail attribute.  Or what members think about recent site updates.  Or what members think about anything for that matter.

Really? The reason to do a survey about CC's is because there was a large change to the CC requirements. Survey results and cacher comments were involved in the creation of the new guidelines surrounding CC's, so it would make sense to gauge the reception of those new guidelines.

PT attribute?  A PT attribute wasn't created, so no point in surveying opinions about how cachers feel before and after, since there is no 'after'.

Site updates?  Feedback is solicited. In the Release Notes threads, with the option to opt out and use the old versions, and on the pages themselves.

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