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Ol Flat Top

Lazyboy & Mitey Mite

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A fairly new user put up his first cache in the Rogue Valley and it's a great one. It's called Ol Flat Top and has some of the best views in the Rogue Valley.


I really appreciate new users coming into the hobby and putting out caches right away like this. I want to show you the t-shirt he put in the cache for the first finder, it's pretty awesome.338217_800.jpg


Can't wait for the next one. Very generous cache too.


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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That T-Shirt idea is cool, I'm glad to hear someone else thought of it as well, tried it, and that it was appreciated. I've been thinking about making a T-shirt to place in a cache I am planning, that will be on an island, and now that I see someone else is doing it, and that it was appreciated, I am all the more encouraged to do it.


ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

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It would have been appreciated if nothing was in the cache. I love the hunt. But I love the t-shirt even more.


Some cachers put a "first finder" certificate in the cache and I've thought about doing that myself. Certainly much less expensive than clothing.


I just enjoy getting there first and writing "Hi Peanuthead" in the log icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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It would have been appreciated if nothing was in the cache. I love the hunt. But I love the t-shirt even more.


Some cachers put a "first finder" certificate in the cache and I've thought about doing that myself. Certainly much less expensive than clothing.


I just enjoy getting there first and writing "Hi Peanuthead" in the log icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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Originally posted by Wander Lost:

That is cool!! I like the idea of a special gift to the first finder.


The only other two groups in this area that place caches consistently have almost always put in either an engraved medal (looks like an Olympic medal w/ribbon attached) or a blue ribbon for the first finders. We thought that that was the way everybody did it... and then we cached on the second day.


We try to do the same thing, but instead of being a copy cat, I try to always make it something different. I've put in lottery tickets, a special pen... stuff like that with a note specifying that it was for the first finder. It always seems to be appreciated.


I'm just waiting for the first finder prize of a Map V!


Lori aka: RedwoodRed


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