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Barley Mill reunion


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I had such a great time that sat. @ the BM, and at the search, I thought everyone might be enterested in another get together. Moun10bike, Explosis and I talked about meeting at a Mcmemamins more centrally located this time.(not to take any thing away from the BM of course) It just so happens there is one almost exactly between Portland and Seattle. So I thought I would check it out first. And it's definatly up to par for BM style atmosphere. And to top it off I created a cache there. Sorta, kinda in honor of Oregone. So I expect philosophically long logs for the cache. If you guys are enterested drop me a line. here's the cache




We could almost arrange a cache event at this half-way point. I hate to sound like gordon smith here, but it could represent the continuing friendship and cooperation between our two metropolitan geocaching areas. But with beer.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Oregone I am open to any and all idea's. And I don't want anyone to think this is an exclusive thing. All northwest geocachers are welcome. As long as they like beer. icon_wink.gif Oh just in case you are wondering Oregone...they do not have PBR at the oly club. Sorry. After closley scrutnizing there menu, I see there equivalant to PBR is Lucky Lager. That might have to be your beer away from home. I also know that the near future is probably scheduled up for most people, but let's start thing about a date. To bad it couldn't be this weekend. Saturday they are having there 6th annual brew fest at the oly club. I however will probably be there! And if anyone is enterested in coming a weekend or two before the reunion, I need help placing a After Dark style cache near by.


Oregone I am open to any and all idea's. And I don't want anyone to think this is an exclusive thing. All northwest geocachers are welcome. As long as they like beer. icon_wink.gif Oh just in case you are wondering Oregone...they do not have PBR at the oly club. Sorry. After closley scrutnizing there menu, I see there equivalant to PBR is Lucky Lager. That might have to be your beer away from home. I also know that the near future is probably scheduled up for most people, but let's start thing about a date. To bad it couldn't be this weekend. Saturday they are having there 6th annual brew fest at the oly club. I however will probably be there! And if anyone is enterested in coming a weekend or two before the reunion, I need help placing a After Dark style cache near by.


Originally posted by Moun10Bike:


I'll be out of the country and/or moving the rest of this month.



Moun10Bike, hate to tell you buddy but I think that extradition laws hold up for more than a month. But if you can sneak back into the states for a BM reunion, that would be great. I'll try to come also and hopefully Erin (Mrs. Seth!) can join me.


Just noticed the "Cacheaholic". Love it. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Moun10Bike:


I'll be out of the country and/or moving the rest of this month.



Moun10Bike, hate to tell you buddy but I think that extradition laws hold up for more than a month. But if you can sneak back into the states for a BM reunion, that would be great. I'll try to come also and hopefully Erin (Mrs. Seth!) can join me.


Just noticed the "Cacheaholic". Love it. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by Seth!:


Just noticed the "Cacheaholic". Love it. icon_wink.gif


I wish that "I'm like a cacheaholic but for booze" would fit.


Hey slinger91, if lauren and i get back from k-falls before the 25th, i'll buy the first pitcher at this cache site if you and bubble-luscious are up for it.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by Seth!:


Just noticed the "Cacheaholic". Love it. icon_wink.gif


I wish that "I'm like a cacheaholic but for booze" would fit.


Hey slinger91, if lauren and i get back from k-falls before the 25th, i'll buy the first pitcher at this cache site if you and bubble-luscious are up for it.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Hey slinger91, if lauren and i get back from k-falls before the 25th, i'll buy the first pitcher at this cache site if you and bubble-luscious are up for it.


Your on! Just let me know when yor gonna be in town.


Hey folks, isn't it about time that we think about doing this? Those of us who cannot attend the Wednesday night gatherings might still be up for a Barley Mill-style evening.




I'm definitely game, but can't suggest a good date. We have lot's of server maintenance scheduled, so Jennifer tries to pack my remaining weekends with other stuff - Geocaching not being high on the list icon_frown.gif All I can say is that I'd love to take part, so if someone suggests a date or sets up a poll, I'll throw in my two cents.


I'm definitely game, but can't suggest a good date. We have lot's of server maintenance scheduled, so Jennifer tries to pack my remaining weekends with other stuff - Geocaching not being high on the list icon_frown.gif All I can say is that I'd love to take part, so if someone suggests a date or sets up a poll, I'll throw in my two cents.


Okay, really. I'm going to look at my calendar and I am going to post two or three dates as a poll to see which one would be best for meeting at the Olympic Club (Slinger's version of BM--see above). You've been warned!


I'm going to post some dates for the near future but we'll probably want to do another one when it is winter and we need to huddle for warmth. Oh wait, it doesn't get cold here.



(originally from IL, where it does get cold) icon_wink.gif


Okay, really. I'm going to look at my calendar and I am going to post two or three dates as a poll to see which one would be best for meeting at the Olympic Club (Slinger's version of BM--see above). You've been warned!


I'm going to post some dates for the near future but we'll probably want to do another one when it is winter and we need to huddle for warmth. Oh wait, it doesn't get cold here.



(originally from IL, where it does get cold) icon_wink.gif


Now you've got ME all excited! I am SO totally into anything having to do with aliens! Stop it! That visual is so cool, but your font doesn't quite match... (sorry, I look for that kind of stuff all day at work).

laurak of dasein


I looked from arial to zingbats, and that was the best match on the font's my computer had. As far as the apostrophy goes, signs didn't have one, so I thought it would look "cooler" icon_wink.gif I thought I did pertty good for a country boy. icon_biggrin.gif


I looked from arial to zingbats, and that was the best match on the font's my computer had. As far as the apostrophy goes, signs didn't have one, so I thought it would look "cooler" icon_wink.gif I thought I did pertty good for a country boy. icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by slinger91:

As far as the apostrophy goes, signs didn't have one, so I thought it would look "cooler."

I see your point! Very perceptive. What is technically correct isn't always the best visually speaking.


I thought I did pertty good for a country boy.

And that you did! I was just trying to be 'funny.' I'm also getting a little punchy this time of evening. Hope you and Seth! really are able to make it down tomorrow!


Which date sounds better? I have an idea for a "Wednesday" style gathering. I've got alot of the details worked out already for a team caching event. Or we can just meet and have a social evening. either sounds great to me. Let me know.




Originally posted by slinger91:

Which date sounds better? I have an idea for a "Wednesday" style gathering. I've got alot of the details worked out already for a team caching event. Or we can just meet and have a social evening. either sounds great to me. Let me know.



Hmmmm, a social evening in chehailis? i hope they have a party-motel for the after-after-party. the local best western there would frown on my dinette-set-out-the-window trick, methinks.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


It's too bad this motel isn't still in operation.


Under one roof, men could get a good shave and haircut, eat a well-cooked meal of soup and steak, enjoy fine Cuban cigars and a wide selection of liquors, and partake in spirited games of pool and poker (not to mention other distractions provided by the women working in the adjacent, upper story Oxford Hotel).


Can you guess which McMenamin's it's next too?

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