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Posted (edited)

OK, For the last ten years, we have only put out 2 trackables and 1 cache. All have been stolen. What's up? Are there that many sleezeable people out there that have to steal someone elses stuff? Is it parents that have to have the little things for their kids or don't care if their kids take the stuff? OK, I'm done ranting.

Edited by rocket1lf

OK, For the last ten years, we have only put out 2 trackables and 1 cache. All have been stolen. What's up? Are there that many sleezeable people out there that have to steal someone elses stuff? Is it parents that have to have the little things for their kids or don't care if their kids take the stuff? OK, I'm done ranting.


Looks like a UVM logged your cache as found but stated they could't find it? Best action would be to make your listing PMO. :)


As for TB's, I think every one that I have released has gone missing and I don't release them anymore. :(


I believe that if one makes a toy a trackable, it's probably gonna end up in a kid's pocket eventually (maybe without the parents even noticing).


The last "re-finder" used a Found It log instead of a note, so the cache might have been missing since May/June.

We're often amazed at caches that go missing in spots far from the beaten path.

- Turns out, many like those spots too, we just never bump into 'em. :)


The important thing is not to take it personally. There are many ways a TB can be lost or a cache go missing that don't involve evil intent, so assume it was one of those. Now it's a simple matter of arithmetic whether you're willing to sends TBs out into the world or plant caches when you know fate may cause them to go missing. Just don't beat yourself up thinking it's people out to get you.

Posted (edited)

10 years for a cache placement is actually pretty good. Trackables? I wouldn't get attached to them too much. Fun to watch travel around, but sooner or later they disappear.


Good luck!

Edited by Touchstone

These rants are common and always disappointing. In ten years I would hope that a geocacher might learn to give other geocachers the benefit of the doubt. Missing caches are usually the result of non-cachers who don't understand or respect the game. Missing trackables are usually the result of good intentions derailed by life's foibles. No need to be so harsh toward your fellow geocachers.


These rants are common and always disappointing. In ten years I would hope that a geocacher might learn to give other geocachers the benefit of the doubt. Missing caches are usually the result of non-cachers who don't understand or respect the game. Missing trackables are usually the result of good intentions derailed by life's foibles. No need to be so harsh toward your fellow geocachers.

Honestly, I don't see where the OP blamed 'fellow geocachers'. The OP said 'sleazable people', 'parents', 'kids'. My read was that s/he was referring to just about anyone - cachers or muggles.


The OP's cache was an ammo can, so it's entirely possible that a muggles could've stumbled upon it and taken it.


OK, For the last ten years, we have only put out 2 trackables and 1 cache. All have been stolen. What's up? Are there that many sleezeable people out there that have to steal someone elses stuff? Is it parents that have to have the little things for their kids or don't care if their kids take the stuff? OK, I'm done ranting.


You've only put out one cache in ten years, but somehow imply that it's some widespread epidemic of theft.

One cache theft is not a pattern.

Posted (edited)

I posted a similar post out of frustration that so many of my caches were and are beng muggled. Another cacher responded with their theory that these can be traced to some degree to Groundspeak's decision to make their geocaching app free and with the use of cellphones as GPSr's. People have no real investment in the sport. People who have been involved in Geocaching for some time, bought the app and a GPSr. SInce most people have a cellphone anyway, they can just download the app for free and have access to all caches except for ones that are for Prime members only. I also think what plays into it, is that people either don't understand that trackables are not to be taken as some kind of souvenir when they come across them. And our culture has been changing to the point that fewer people respect other people's property.

Edited by Walkworthy & Wife

OK, For the last ten years, we have only put out 2 trackables and 1 cache. All have been stolen. What's up? Are there that many sleezeable people out there that have to steal someone elses stuff? Is it parents that have to have the little things for their kids or don't care if their kids take the stuff? OK, I'm done ranting.

Not to belittle you, but wait until you've lost a few ammo boxes and a dozen trackables, some never logged once. It happens. The more you play the game the more statistics eventually catch you up. Now the big question is - Are you going to let it ruin your fun or are you going to shrug it off and have fun anyway (heck with them weasels, the No-Fun-Club isn't going to rain on your parade!)


OK, For the last ten years, we have only put out 2 trackables and 1 cache. All have been stolen. What's up? Are there that many sleezeable people out there that have to steal someone elses stuff? Is it parents that have to have the little things for their kids or don't care if their kids take the stuff? OK, I'm done ranting.


You've only put out one cache in ten years, but somehow imply that it's some widespread epidemic of theft.

One cache theft is not a pattern.


Right, but he's had 100% bad luck - do you blame him for being irate?!


And an esteemed gambler said "Always bet on a trend to continue."


So the OP's reasonable conclusion was, hey, that failed, I'm not going to burn any more time and money.


BUT we can take this a step further. Can the odds be improved? Maybe! Choosing the right location helps prevent cache muggling. Chain it to a tree or post. Engrave a name. Make it premium. Hide it better.


As for the TBs, there things are mostly out of your control.


You've only put out one cache in ten years, but somehow imply that it's some widespread epidemic of theft.

One cache theft is not a pattern.

Right, but he's had 100% bad luck - do you blame him for being irate?!

...well, if that's the way you choose to look at it. When I look at the situation, I see a cache that had no problems for 10 years. IMO, that's very good luck. I bet many COs would be happy to have a cache last that long without any problems.


Here's the deal. The cache was in a very out of the way place where no one, that didn't know it was there, would have found it. It was down a dead end road in a pull off beside it and you had to crawl over a bunch of rocks to find it and look for it under a rock with a rock in front of it. I guess I should consider myself lucky that it lasted that long, but it was in an out of the way place with just about no traffic as there aren't any houses down the road either.

Posted (edited)

Here's the deal. The cache was in a very out of the way place where no one, that didn't know it was there, would have found it. It was down a dead end road in a pull off beside it and you had to crawl over a bunch of rocks to find it and look for it under a rock with a rock in front of it. I guess I should consider myself lucky that it lasted that long, but it was in an out of the way place with just about no traffic as there aren't any houses down the road either.

This sounds like the kind of location that would see quite a bit of activity from teens looking for something to do, couples making out, people lighting fireworks, etc,,,. A cache would have to be hidden pretty well to stay safe in a location like that around here. :blink:

Edited by Mudfrog

Here's the deal. The cache was in a very out of the way place where no one, that didn't know it was there, would have found it. It was down a dead end road in a pull off beside it and you had to crawl over a bunch of rocks to find it and look for it under a rock with a rock in front of it. I guess I should consider myself lucky that it lasted that long, but it was in an out of the way place with just about no traffic as there aren't any houses down the road either.


Here's the deal: I have found notes from muggles in caches in the most out-of-the-way places I have ever cached. There are non-cachers who explore, walk dogs (which might be attracted to a cache, btw), and so on. You have no idea if it was a cacher or not. Muggling happens. It's disappointing. Replace the cache and move on.


Here's the deal. The cache was in a very out of the way place where no one, that didn't know it was there, would have found it. It was down a dead end road in a pull off beside it and you had to crawl over a bunch of rocks to find it and look for it under a rock with a rock in front of it. I guess I should consider myself lucky that it lasted that long, but it was in an out of the way place with just about no traffic as there aren't any houses down the road either.


I would delete the "found it" log that clearly says "couldn't find".


An "owner maintenance" log implies that you have replaced the cache.


The "owner maintenance" log and the recent "found it" log makes it look like the cache is still there, ready to be found by others.


If you're not going to do that, you should archive it.


4.20. My Geocache Needs to be Archived



If you are going to replace it, then you should temporarily disable it until the new container is in place. Then you would enable it again.


4.15. Temporarily disable and enable a geocache



4.17. My geocache was "muggled"




Posted (edited)

Not that it's this cache, but sometimes smaller caches could also be moved or "stolen" by curious creatures. Another thing to consider when hiding caches laughing.gif

Edited by thebruce0

Here's the deal. The cache was in a very out of the way place where no one, that didn't know it was there, would have found it. It was down a dead end road in a pull off beside it and you had to crawl over a bunch of rocks to find it and look for it under a rock with a rock in front of it. I guess I should consider myself lucky that it lasted that long, but it was in an out of the way place with just about no traffic as there aren't any houses down the road either.


If you discovered the location, others will too. The same thing that caught your attention will catch the attention of someone else.

Posted (edited)

OK, For the last ten years, we have only put out 2 trackables and 1 cache. All have been stolen. What's up? Are there that many sleezeable people out there that have to steal someone elses stuff? Is it parents that have to have the little things for their kids or don't care if their kids take the stuff? OK, I'm done ranting.


Looks like a UVM logged your cache as found but stated they could't find it? Best action would be to make your listing PMO. :)


As for TB's, I think every one that I have released has gone missing and I don't release them anymore. :(

Not only did that cacher log it as a find but didn't find it, is they already logged it as a find before. I would say the OP CO should ask the cacher to change their log from Found to Write Note or DNF or just delete the 2nd found log

Edited by jellis

I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Some TB's go missing because people just want to keep them. It's how it goes some time.


I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Some TB's go missing because people just want to keep them. It's how it goes some time.


It would be courteous on your part to contact the owners of the Trackables and let them know of your intentions. I don't think that you should assume that because they haven't contacted you that they don't care at all. Many trackable owners don't contact the long-time holders because they (we) are afraid of making them angry that they just chuck the TBs. So, when you went to Europe, did you at least visit them at a few caches?

Posted (edited)

I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Not really your call, is it?


I see you logged on both of those TBs (TB 1) (TB 2) that you were taking them to Europe in June, and clearly the TB owners didn't say anything when you failed to do so. But neither of those has a mission to go to Europe -- that's something you decided to do with them. Now for some reason you have arbitrarily decided that it's OK for you to hang onto them for another year. Yes, in your safe hands, neither TB has gone missing, but neither of those TBs has a mission to sit in your sock drawer for 15 months, do they?


As a proactive TB owner, I go through my TBs periodically and ask sticky fingered cachers like yourself to please move them along. As a TB mover, I could be quicker about moving them around, but when I fail to get a TB back in the wild within a couple of weeks, I let TB owners know that, first, I still have their TB, second, I am sorry I kept it so long, and then third, if I have any specific plans, I'll ask if they want me to, say, take it to Iceland in October 2017, or if they'd prefer I drop it off here in Virginia next week.


Perhaps as a proactive forum user, I should contact the TB owners myself to let them know they should drop you a line and prod you to release your hostages. But I'll give you a chance to do the right thing first.


edit to add: I skimmed your post and assumed that your plans fell through, but you actually went to Europe and found caches. What's wrong with visiting those TBs to a cache you found and then setting them loose back in Washington?

Edited by hzoi

I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Some TB's go missing because people just want to keep them. It's how it goes some time.


Thanks for reminding me why I no longer drop my TB's in geocaches. :(


I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Some TB's go missing because people just want to keep them. It's how it goes some time.


It would be courteous on your part to contact the owners of the Trackables and let them know of your intentions. I don't think that you should assume that because they haven't contacted you that they don't care at all. Many trackable owners don't contact the long-time holders because they (we) are afraid of making them angry that they just chuck the TBs. So, when you went to Europe, did you at least visit them at a few caches?


I've picked up a few Trackable prior to trips abroad (both to Europe and Africa) which sometimes are not clear about the goal of the TB. I've always contacted to owners prior to taking them to see how they wanted do handle them. In once case the goal of a TB indicated that it wanted to travel the states but the owner was delighted that I would take it to Europe and even indicated that leaving it there would be preferable than just dipping it in a few caches. When I went to Ireland a few months ago I had several local cachers give me some trackable to leave in caches there but I wasn't able to find a cache big enough to leave them so I just dipped them in a few caches in Dublin before returning home with them and dropping them in a local cache.




No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose.

No, absolutely wrong. You've had them for months and months. That's Really Bad. It is in no way made less bad because the owner's politely waiting instead of expressing their discontent.


Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.

Come on, stop trying to be funny. Maybe a month, tops. You really can't hold them a year with a clear conscious. Drop them now, even if it means going out of your way to find a large enough cache.


Thanks for reminding me why I no longer drop my TB's in geocaches. :(


So many unconcerned of others these days is why we don't send out copies of trackables lost, with the other 2/3rds leaving all her coins in the pack, for events only.


I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Not really your call, is it?


I see you logged on both of those TBs (TB 1) (TB 2) that you were taking them to Europe in June, and clearly the TB owners didn't say anything when you failed to do so. But neither of those has a mission to go to Europe -- that's something you decided to do with them. Now for some reason you have arbitrarily decided that it's OK for you to hang onto them for another year. Yes, in your safe hands, neither TB has gone missing, but neither of those TBs has a mission to sit in your sock drawer for 15 months, do they?


As a proactive TB owner, I go through my TBs periodically and ask sticky fingered cachers like yourself to please move them along. As a TB mover, I could be quicker about moving them around, but when I fail to get a TB back in the wild within a couple of weeks, I let TB owners know that, first, I still have their TB, second, I am sorry I kept it so long, and then third, if I have any specific plans, I'll ask if they want me to, say, take it to Iceland in October 2017, or if they'd prefer I drop it off here in Virginia next week.


Perhaps as a proactive forum user, I should contact the TB owners myself to let them know they should drop you a line and prod you to release your hostages. But I'll give you a chance to do the right thing first.


edit to add: I skimmed your post and assumed that your plans fell through, but you actually went to Europe and found caches. What's wrong with visiting those TBs to a cache you found and then setting them loose back in Washington?


Thank you for giving me a chance to do the "right thing", and as soon as you got done writing out your long, dramatic response you went and contacted the TB owner- which is fine. If you think you have that right to be a serious gamer and poke and prod people, and rule the game board with an iron fist, that's your prerogative; no one is going to stand in your way.


Without people like you, geocaching as we know it would fall apart and probably cease to exist. I'm a not-so-serious gamer, I tend to take my time (obviously) and I don't get upset over much. If I had a TB out there and someone held on to it for six months or a year, that would be totally fine with me, and I certainly wouldn't be that guy to run to the TB owner and send a message saying someone has had your TB for a year. I understand the infatuation with TBs and with Geocaching as well (some days I can't get enough). You've found plenty, and you own a lot of caches, I see- more than I'd ever invest in this game, to be quite honest. But you are you and I am me. :) I understand what you're saying, and quite honestly you don't have to come at me like such a savage, upset ninny who thinks you're going to get me to do what you want me to do.


And please stay out of my sock drawer. ;)


No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose.

No, absolutely wrong. You've had them for months and months. That's Really Bad. It is in no way made less bad because the owner's politely waiting instead of expressing their discontent.


Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.

Come on, stop trying to be funny. Maybe a month, tops. You really can't hold them a year with a clear conscious. Drop them now, even if it means going out of your way to find a large enough cache.


I hadn't realized that people actually lose sleep over these things. You're right. How selfish of me. I will drop them immediately. I have already received a message from the CO- I will promptly respond and head out to make the drop. Cheers!


I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Some TB's go missing because people just want to keep them. It's how it goes some time.


It would be courteous on your part to contact the owners of the Trackables and let them know of your intentions. I don't think that you should assume that because they haven't contacted you that they don't care at all. Many trackable owners don't contact the long-time holders because they (we) are afraid of making them angry that they just chuck the TBs. So, when you went to Europe, did you at least visit them at a few caches?


Thanks for your kind words, Nancy. :) Europe was great, and yes I did visit them to some caches. Unfortunately, I did not log that because I was unaware I could do such a thing until I read your response. I just assumed either drop them or nothing at all. Thanks for being helpful. :)


I have two TB's that I've had for many, many months. My intention were to take them to Europe with me but I couldn't find the time to place them in a decent enough cache. So I still have them. No one has contacted me about them so it's whatever, I suppose. Sooner or later I will drop them. But until now I'm holding on to them because I'm planning another trip to Europe next year.


Some TB's go missing because people just want to keep them. It's how it goes some time.


It would be courteous on your part to contact the owners of the Trackables and let them know of your intentions. I don't think that you should assume that because they haven't contacted you that they don't care at all. Many trackable owners don't contact the long-time holders because they (we) are afraid of making them angry that they just chuck the TBs. So, when you went to Europe, did you at least visit them at a few caches?


Thanks for your kind words, Nancy. :) Europe was great, and yes I did visit them to some caches. Unfortunately, I did not log that because I was unaware I could do such a thing until I read your response. I just assumed either drop them or nothing at all. Thanks for being helpful. :)


It's not too late to edit your cache Found logs to add a visit by the trackables.




I hadn't realized that people actually lose sleep over these things.


People invest time and money in them. They watch them have adventures that many people can only dream about.


And then poof.... Hear no more from it.


Was it dropped never to be found again?


Did someone like it so much they attached it to their keys?


Is it now done kids toy?


Is a cacher simply not logging it's travels properly?


Some people buy lots of "these things" and watch their hard earned money go down the drain as the logs dry up.




I hadn't realized that people actually lose sleep over these things.


People invest time and money in them. They watch them have adventures that many people can only dream about.


And then poof.... Hear no more from it.


Was it dropped never to be found again?


Did someone like it so much they attached it to their keys?


Is it now done kids toy?


Is a cacher simply not logging it's travels properly?


Some people buy lots of "these things" and watch their hard earned money go down the drain as the logs dry up.


Sounds like a risky investment. I'm sure people have a reasonable expectation that at some point one of their TB's mind end up lost or stolen. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is honest and fair. Lucky for these TB owners who own the TBs I have in my possession- I am honest and fair. I have no ill intentions to steal or ruin their TBs. I'm just in no hurry to drop the TBs somewhere-which I don't see anything wrong with that. I actually went back and made sure I logged the visits of the caches I went to. I have actually spoken with the TB owners and they are neither upset or suggesting that I hurry up and drop the TBs like some of you on here would like me to do. :) So all is good! We can move on with our lives now. :)

Posted (edited)

Thank you for giving me a chance to do the "right thing", and as soon as you got done writing out your long, dramatic response you went and contacted the TB owner- which is fine. If you think you have that right to be a serious gamer and poke and prod people, and rule the game board with an iron fist, that's your prerogative; no one is going to stand in your way.

I gave you a day. Then I sent a private message to the owners, as a courtesy to them. I got a nice thank you note in response, which is what you might have gotten if you'd bothered to contact them in the first place.


But I don't want to risk a long, dramatic response here, so tell you what, I'll keep my response short this time: :rolleyes:


If you come across any of our TBs in the future, feel free to leave them in the cache for someone else.


If you need anything else, I'm going to require you to submit the official form through your chain of command, see below.

Edited by Keystone
Non-official form removed by moderator in response to multiple complaints

Thank you for giving me a chance to do the "right thing", and as soon as you got done writing out your long, dramatic response you went and contacted the TB owner- which is fine. If you think you have that right to be a serious gamer and poke and prod people, and rule the game board with an iron fist, that's your prerogative; no one is going to stand in your way.

I gave you a day. Then I sent a private message to the owners, as a courtesy to them. I got a nice thank you note in response, which is what you might have gotten if you'd bothered to contact them in the first place.


But I don't want to risk a long, dramatic response here, so tell you what, I'll keep my response short this time: :rolleyes:


If you come across any of our TBs in the future, feel free to leave them in the cache for someone else.


If you need anything else, I'm going to require you to submit the official form through your chain of command, see below.


I also got a nice response, and the CO stated that it wasn't a big deal. :) So that's the end of that.


Have a great holiday! :)


My better caches get loadsa faves. And get stolen often. Such is life.

No one ever seems to steal 35mm film cans or shattered tupperware placed at foot of tree. Maybe I should create caches like that to make life easier?


Respect those who go the extra mile? Please. <_<

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