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Wednesday Nights


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Ok.. looks like the Top Score gathering is moving to the West side for a little while.

Question... Where do you want to meet up at?


Meet up around 8pm, have some beverages, and then do some night caching!






N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish

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I chose 'other' because, despite my recent post about old chicago, i think it should be a place unique to the west side. i mean, c'mon, even SALEM has (or used to have) an 'old chicago,' and chevy's is ubiquitous nowadays as rick from empire glass.

Then again, the only downtown west-side place i can think of is 'mama-mia's,' and i think that place is now defunct.

i don't know. Is there a place within .25 miles of a MAX stop? If so, i say that's the place, no matter what the sleaziness factor is.


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Originally posted by Bodoni:

Except I'm thinking more like near-east. I happen to know a cache where we can meet that's a mere 3 blocks from the Hollywood MAX . . .


Hmmm... I think i know that place.


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Ok.. unique to the west side and on the max...

I know there is a place called Sports Look right at the Hillsboro Central stop...

Let's figure out a good far east side place for next week icon_smile.gif Again..something on the max would be great...



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Ok.. unique to the west side and on the max...

I know there is a place called Sports Look right at the Hillsboro Central stop...

Let's figure out a good far east side place for next week icon_smile.gif Again..something on the max would be great...



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Ok... So Maya's tonight at 8...

I'll be down at the arcade around 7:30 if anyone wants to spend a few quarters...


If we want to meet up someplace else next week, let's discuss it tonight icon_wink.gif


Also.. Bring cache printouts so we know where we're going tonight...



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Ok... So Maya's tonight at 8...

I'll be down at the arcade around 7:30 if anyone wants to spend a few quarters...


If we want to meet up someplace else next week, let's discuss it tonight icon_wink.gif


Also.. Bring cache printouts so we know where we're going tonight...



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Well, since I dont have internet at my house, and I cant access the forums from work, I still thought this weeks meeting was going to be at Old Chicago over here. NUTS! I was really looking forward to joining y'all this week. Ok, Next week for sure. RATS!


>>Hey TJ. Is your Avator quote an obscure reference to Suicidal Tendancies?? I absolutly loved that song!


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..

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I've been wondering where you went! I thought either you were dead or got a girlfriend. Why not just pay the $10 a month for an internet provider? I hope you come out to meet us next week. Wednesday is adventure day!


If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!

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Originally posted by LaurenCat:

Wednesday is adventure day!



Yes.. Yes it is adventure day.. heheh


Soup! You need to look into a free ISP or do like LC says.. Find one for $10 or so...


Hope to see ya next week!



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Thanks fractal and Lauren. I dont have internet or TV at my place because I am easily distracted and I need to finish my yard. I should just have a Geocaching Bar-Be-Que and tell everyone there are caches buired all around my property...


I would say "There is a cache under that patch of weeds!! Dig them out and log it" or "There is a secret message written in my yard!!... use the Geo-lawnmower and discover the message".


Hmmm... maybe that aint such a bad idea.. >;)


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..

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Thanks fractal and Lauren. I dont have internet or TV at my place because I am easily distracted and I need to finish my yard. I should just have a Geocaching Bar-Be-Que and tell everyone there are caches buired all around my property...


I would say "There is a cache under that patch of weeds!! Dig them out and log it" or "There is a secret message written in my yard!!... use the Geo-lawnmower and discover the message".


Hmmm... maybe that aint such a bad idea.. >icon_smile.gif


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..

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Originally posted by soup:


I would say "There is a cache under that patch of weeds!! Dig them out and log it" or "There is a secret message written in my yard!!... use the Geo-lawnmower and discover the message".




So, this Wednesday night at Soup's house?


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Originally posted by fractal:

Looks like it's not too far from the MAX stop @ 148th/Burnside. All in favor, say "I" or "eye", or "aye"?




Looks like people have different ideas on a meeting spot. They all sound good but..

Could somebody notify me of the final destination?? I can rarly get into the forums, so I dont want to take a chance of missing this meeting if its in a new place.


My email is soup_r_man@hotmail.com






Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..

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I don't hang out on the east side, so I don't know what will work best. All sorts of suggestions here, and I'm sure they are all fun...


So.. I'm passing the "choose where to meet" baton over to Oregone this week. icon_biggrin.gif


When we all get together, we can pick someone to pick a place next week or whenever...


Ok, Oregone.. Where we goin'? icon_wink.gif






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I don't hang out on the east side, so I don't know what will work best. All sorts of suggestions here, and I'm sure they are all fun...


So.. I'm passing the "choose where to meet" baton over to Oregone this week. icon_biggrin.gif


When we all get together, we can pick someone to pick a place next week or whenever...


Ok, Oregone.. Where we goin'? icon_wink.gif






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Originally posted by fractal:


Ok, Oregone.. Where we goin'? icon_wink.gif







Wow. I'm honored.


How about this (just stop me if i'm being stupid):

Remember in the days before travel bugs when we had something called "travelling geocaches?" A couple of them recently passed through portland so maybe you remember them. I don't know if those are still allowed, but maybe we could set one up and sorta let someone new "find" it each wednesday. then that person could decide where the next wednesday meeting would be, as long as it was within a half-mile or so of a MAX stop, and as long as they'll still serve fractal margaritas. What do you think?


Oh, and i'm leaning toward absolutely, but give me about a half hour or so and i'll tell y'all for sure.


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Originally posted by fractal:


Ok, Oregone.. Where we goin'? icon_wink.gif







Wow. I'm honored.


How about this (just stop me if i'm being stupid):

Remember in the days before travel bugs when we had something called "travelling geocaches?" A couple of them recently passed through portland so maybe you remember them. I don't know if those are still allowed, but maybe we could set one up and sorta let someone new "find" it each wednesday. then that person could decide where the next wednesday meeting would be, as long as it was within a half-mile or so of a MAX stop, and as long as they'll still serve fractal margaritas. What do you think?


Oh, and i'm leaning toward absolutely, but give me about a half hour or so and i'll tell y'all for sure.


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Ok, I'm choosing absolutely because it's still pretty close-in for the west-siders and because maybe it will lure some of the far-east-siders. Also, you have to do a little geocaching to get there. If you haven't done this cache yet, you can check it out here. It's a fun one and shouldn't take more than 30 minutes. And now you get an extra leg to the hunt. It's called "find oregone."

Okay? 8 o'clock good?


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I will have no way of figuring out where the final coordinates lead me to without a gps. So it looks like I am out for this wednesday. When there is a location with a specific address then I will be able to attend.


Have fun and dont drink too much.



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you can find almost exactly where the initial coordinates will take you with mapquest. i'll bet you'll see other geocachers there, as fractal said. it's a pretty small area.



If there's gravity, then how you explain birds!?!


[This message was edited by LaurenCat on May 14, 2002 at 11:56 PM.]

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1. When you print the cache page, look at it before you take off. If the right side is cut off, print it again in landscape. The graphic sometimes messes with the margins.


2. If you can't put your hand on the white railing I mention, you're not in the right place.


3. Here's the starting point from MapQuest. You can even get an aerial shot.


p.s. I e-mailed the info to soup.


[This message was edited by Bodoni on May 15, 2002 at 06:28 AM.]

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