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Can a GPS talk to a Tablet?


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When I travel, it would be great if I could get the GPS to talk to my android tablet. I got an adapter cord so I could hook the two together, but if I try to send way points to the GPS I get "your browser is not compatible" and I've tried all three browsers on my tablet. Should I give up this dream, or is there a way to do it?

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It won't work with the Send To GPS button (from an Android web browser). But if you first download the GPX file or the Pocket Query, then use a file manager App (and unzip a PQ) and move it to the proper folder on the GPSr, it can work. But it's kind of a pain. :anibad:


Yeah, travel with a little Windows laptop or tablet, and the situation improves. Downloading files is only half the problem. You also may have to delete old files at times, especially if the handheld GPSr is a Garmin. Having a full-featured file manager in these cases is a plus. And in Windows, of course you can use Send To GPS, if you're willing to do all the research and work to keep if functioning. :anicute:

Edited by kunarion
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My 4 year old Asus TF300 can load caches to my Oregon600 via USB without any problem.

I use GDAK (API partner) that can use my GSAK databases, I can refresh the cachedata via API and filter caches and export to GPS via USB. No need for a Windows tablet/netbook/laptop.

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When I travel, it would be great if I could get the GPS to talk to my android tablet. I got an adapter cord so I could hook the two together, but if I try to send way points to the GPS I get "your browser is not compatible" and I've tried all three browsers on my tablet. Should I give up this dream, or is there a way to do it?


it sounds like you're trying to download via a browser, after a pocket querie. there are quite a few threads about what does/doesn't work with these browser plugin thing. might need to check those out if you're set on doing it that way.


my preferred method of getting, storing and sharing caches is by using locus (Android app) and it's cache handling tools called "geocaching tools". it's a really good offline database for waypoints, including geocache specific stuff, along with all the tracks you ever wanted. if your stand alone GPS supports mass storage mode, your should be able to transfer a gpx file (exported from locus) from the tablet to the stand alone, without much fuss.


the beauty of keeping ALL your caches in this database is you can select whichever caches you want to push to the stand alone, and only export them, as needed.


while you're driving to the cache location, your can use the navigation features of locus to get your there with turn by turn directions.


I'm assuming the stand alone is not capable of Bluetooth transfers, but if it is, everything just got a lot easier:

just pair the tablet and stand alone and push the gpx to the stand alone, no cables needed at all.

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It can but it depends. You didn't mention what GPS you are using.

I have a W10 tablet which I can use to download to my Garmin Etrex 20. I have GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) on the tablet which I load with PQs then select caches from there to download to my GPSr.

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