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Your first 'took item' from a cache


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This is an informal poll:

1) What was the first item you ever took from a cache, and do you still have the item?

2) Do you collect signature items, or are they no more desirable to you than 'regular' cache items?


We have been wondering lately about these two things. I will try to post a photo of our first 'taken' item. We do have a basket of signature items that we have proudly collected and will not trade.


--Temporarily French Polynesia's most prolific geocachers!


Our very first cache was "Creekside" by Bodoni. We took a little Pokemon figure which still resides in my cache of cool items on the dresser. Not knowing what was acceptable, I believe we left a package of kleenex. We love collecting signature items. So far we have marbles, poker chips, ladybugs, nickles, shoelaces, the usual, and a couple others that I can't remember off the top of my head. KEEP 'EM COMING! We love 'em.


Hard work often pays off after time, but procrastination always pays off now.


I see now that attaching images is disabled in this forum. That's ok. I'll just try my best to describe our first taken cache item:


A red "stress ball" in the shape of a human heart, complete with blue cardiac veins. (You know stress balls, the foamy material that you squeeze to supposedly relieve tension?) It has the drug name 'Norvasc (amlodipine besylate)' on it, so I presume it was a giveaway item to doctors from a drug company. My mom is a nurse and receives all kinds of promo items like this from drug companies at conferences and conventions. The most special thing is we retrieved this item from our very first cache on June 1st, 2002 which was the Un-original Stash. Plus I'm really into medical/anatomy stuff. We plan to keep this item indefinately.

--laurak of dasein


Temporarily French Polynesia's most prolific geocachers!


Our first cache was By The Boardwalk by pdxmarathonman, almost 1/4 mile from our doorstep. I don't know what we left; our log entry is vanilla (only not as tasty). We took a minature deck of cards. That was easy to remember, because shortly after we got home, the Kiwimonster ATE them. icon_mad.gif Apologies if someone recognizes them. icon_smile.gif


We still have a couple of them!




As for signature items, yeah, we take them sometimes, and we take them to keep. Don't usually go out of our way to do so, although I think we did a few times.


After getting skunked 3 times in a row trying to nab one of Tungsten's Usual, I made a mad dash from Beaverton to Wilsonville on my lunch break in order to get one. Since then we've stumbled across 2 or 3 of them. One went my brother in law who's new to caching, and the others stayed for the next finders.


Hard work often pays off after time, but procrastination always pays off now.


Yes, I still have my first "took" item. It is a red pepper candle. Pretty weird item, but memorable. That was August 29, 2001.


Yes, I like to 'collect' signature items, although I think I only have a couple. A lot of people (like me) don't have one. BUT I will be getting one soon, since that was one of my resolutions for the new year.








My first taken item was a small seashell. I still love to grab seashells and rocks. I also like grabbing things that I can turn into travel bugs.



Redmond, Washington


P.S. Team Joyson -- BlankJeff & I love StrongBad, and check his e-mail every Monday (and whenever we need a good laugh). Geocachers just have an extra special sense of humor. icon_smile.gif


My first take, was some dog treats, from Makaios Sauvie Island stash. My dog promptly ate them on the spot. The second was a sticky hand from Mike Teauges Lacamas lake stash, it too, is long gone.

Bob G.



Where are we going?......And WHY am I in this handbasket???


My first find was at Juniper Dunes and it was the only cache within 60 miles of my house at the time (May 29, 2001).


Sugar and I took an REI key fob and left two balloons and a block eraser. I kept them, along with all my taken items, for about three months then traded them into other caches.


I have a few signature items that I have kept but not many. (I like to spread them around).



This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. - Gen. Nathan Twining Chief of Staff, US Air Force, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Our first take were some Diva (a now defunct espresso place) Dollars from the Joryville cache. We have never came across signature items until recently and then we were so excited we actually forgot to take it! But if we had taken it we would keep it in our collection of great Geo-trinkets. We also are starting to leave a signature item.


Our first cache trinket was a small plastic dog that we turned into a travel bug. We released it in So.Cal. during a Disneyland trip, three weeks later. Honey Puppy seems to be taking a winter break somewhere in Kentucky.


We enjoy finding signature items. Usually keep them for a little while before putting them into another cache.


was my first treasure. Should've kept it for myself - the next cache I dropped it in on San Juan Island was the last time it was logged. I keep signature items that I find, unless they're of some unusual value (I hear that Bazzle's nickels are worth much more [icon_smile.gif] )


The first item I took from a cache was a Yaquina Head Lighthouse button.




Not sure why.... but I'll keep it just because it was the first.


And yes, I love to collect signature items. It's the first thing I look for when I open a cache.


Charlie Trail Duster -

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


My first take was a telescoping mirror. I still carry it in my geo-pack, tho I have no idea why... icon_wink.gif


And yes I collect sig items. Like Charlie it is the first thing I look for, and often the only thing I will take now days. I take them to collect, I think it is tacky to leave somebody else's sig item in another cache, that is why they are called signature items after all...


Life is as much a journey of discovery, as it is a discovery of the journey...




My first exchange was at a cache called FFTE (fast food toy exchange), before I realized this could be the name of any and all caches. I know it was some sort of stuffed critter, but beyond that...


I do remember on about our 5th or 6th cache we were the first finders of the Jenkins Estate cache. The cache owner had placed one of his signature items (which I had no concept of yet) in the cache. My daughter wanted to take it - but I must not have thought we were worthy. So we left the Silver Dollar icon_redface.gif and took a real baseball that we later used in our ball-themed cache.


I also remember that we found this the same day that we found Contact.


Update: re: keeping sig items. We like to keep

the 'really cool' items - like the miniature carved teak elephant and most signature items on a shelf in my daughter's (CrashNBurnGirl) room or in my cubicle at work.


[This message was edited by pdxmarathonman on March 09, 2003 at 08:59 PM.]


The first cache I ever found was CameraThyme's Somewhere Over the Rainbow, amazingly only 400 feet from my office. I took a Pink Panther golfer keychain (which I left in some other cache thirtysome hunts later), and left a pencil in a cardboard box marked ''Emergency Computer Backup System.''


The cache also contained the first travel bug I ever saw, Seamore, who I didn't take, because I couldn't do much to get him north to Alaska. I stumbled across him again a couple weeks later in Dancing Men, and still didn't take him. He disappeared from Haiku Duck two months later, and hasn't shown up since.


"I'm sure she would have been thrilled to find so much pooh in a little metal box."


The first item i ever took was from joedohn's (jaw2925's) 'No thanks, just browsing" cache. Now archived, it was the closest one to my house at 1.4 miles away. I took a metal matches container decorated with something hindu on it, but i believe i gave it to either mysister or bellemanda. I left a mixtape from an old girlfriend and a buck.


as far as sig items: i try to keep them, but always seem to lose them around my apartment.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


I don't think I can ever forget my first cache. (Still have the scars from blackberry beating. icon_razz.gif) It was River In The Valley (since archived by Valley River Center. (July 12, 2001) Took a pink caribiner and left some helicopter stickers. Yes, I acutally do still have the caribiner to this day. It was slightly coveted by my hubby and since then, we have found one for him, too. icon_biggrin.gif


"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower....." William Blake


My first take was a US Flag window sticker...it was placed on the rear canopy window. I've since got rid of the truck and got a new Jeep Cherokee and it's displayed on the windshield. I put in an old waterproof field notebook that I'd never used.


I also like to take signature items and keep those as a personal geocaching collection. I'm in the process of planning a sig item from me and hopefully I'll will be putting them out at caches I've foundn already and new ones within a month or so.


My first take was the Darth Maul TB from the Attack of the Clones cache


For me it was a tape of some weird music up at Great Scott. I wish I had kept it, but am not sure what happened to it.


Myfirst cache find was Lion's View. I took a trashy detective novel which I never read, but did pass on.


Yes I like signature items, but the one thing I do collect is pins. I have about 6 or so on my daypack.




My first 2 caches were done with my brother denalinw (the day he introduced me to the game) and I let my daughter make all the exchanges. If she still has the stuff...well who knows. As for my first official cache on my own was Spencer Is Summer Daze. I took a ceramic wolf, which I thought was ironic that my first find on my own had a wolf in it due to my geocache name. I still have it and it sits on my computer icon_biggrin.gif.


was really a spin off from a Georger Gathering in San Diego a couple of years ago. It was about a week or so after 9-11...the zoo had a few bomb threats that week (unbeknownst to me ). Since I'd agreed to go to San Diego a few georgers (bill trackers from www.wheresgeorge.com) planned to take me to the zoo in spite of the low attendance. One of them is married to a guy who works there so he provided tix for us to get in free.

Another georger showed up as we were about to leave... he had a GPS and directions to the 'Lions and Tigers and Bears...oh, my' cache. We found it and I recall not having anything to place in it...someone else put things into it and to my delight... I found a wild george in the cache and placed dibbs on it immediately. (I later entered the bill and it belonged to a guy named Jim from around the area in S. Calif.)


This excursion did not get me hooked into caching. I spent the wild george and set it free. Since I don't own a GPS, I haven't gone caching in quite awhile ...until I met fellow georger, Night Hawk, and we began seeing one another. I went to Tillamook to visit him and went on my first Oregon cache hunt. We found a cache in a park nearby and I took a piece of amethyst while he left something. I still have the piece of amethyst...I don't know why.


Now I still don't have a GPS but when my b/f and I are together, I have my caching backpack ready. It has rags to clean out wet cache boxes... trash bags to clean up a trashed area or if the cache has spoiled food items in it and black garbage bags in case we want to 'hide ' the cache better. hehehehe.


I like to leave fun items (not stickers or paper products because of wet conditions but fun stuff). Might leave some great gift albums if I plant my own cache. Some are good for a trip for two for a few days in a nice resort. Hmmmmm.




A U of W pencil from the "wood is good" cache. July 29, 2001. It's still around the house somewhere, but I think it's been sharpened so many times it's about an inch long. I left a winning WA state scratch ticket.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA.


My first Item I took was a emergency blanket out of my third find. I believe I took It because the cache was getting too full.


In regards to the signature Item's I always take those. I don't know what I'm gonna do with them but I'm sure It will be mean spirited. The personalized magnets are gracing the front of my beer fridge in my shop. Like some of the others the signature Item's are the first thing I look for.


Don't hunt what you can't kill!

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