+fractal Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 I've discovered something about our favorite little number... Apparently it's the key to unlocking something... -fractal -=-=-=-=-=-=- N 45? 30.ish W 122? 58.ish Quote
+1pilot Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 My brain hurts already ********************************************************** Where are we going?......And WHY am I in this handbasket??? Quote
+oregone Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 PI IS EXACTLY 3!!!! all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed Quote
+The Minnesota Cajuns Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Did we use pi in the Contact cache? I can't remember anymore. I gave up because I ever got around to seeing the movie. I had the cubes built and everything. Quote
+Kodak's4 Posted February 11, 2003 Posted February 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by fractal:I've discovered something about our favorite little number... Apparently it's the key to unlocking something... http://img.Groundspeak.com/cache/12985_3600.jpg Teaser this weekend.. Cache in the near future.. -fractal -=-=-=-=-=-=- N 45? 30.ish W 122? 58.ish This whole idea of using pi as a key to unlocking something sounds irrational to me. Quote
+pdxmarathonman Posted February 11, 2003 Posted February 11, 2003 quote: Did we use pi in the Contact cache You're thinking of Low-Med-High mmmmm pi Quote
+bubble_luscious Posted February 11, 2003 Posted February 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Kodak's4:This whole idea of using pi as a key to unlocking something sounds irrational to me. Whoaa Kodak's4. It is called a game. Chill. Quote
+The Minnesota Cajuns Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by bubble_luscious: quote:Originally posted by Kodak's4:This whole idea of using pi as a key to unlocking something sounds irrational to me. Whoaa Kodak's4. It is called a game. Chill. He is actually making a math joke. A bad math joke, but a math joke nonetheless. Actually, now that I think about it, can one really joke about math? Quote
+hoovman Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 Click here for a page that claims to have the first 10,000 digits of pi. Quote
+Kodak's4 Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by bubble_luscious: quote:Originally posted by Kodak's4:This whole idea of using pi as a key to unlocking something sounds irrational to me. Whoaa Kodak's4. It is called a game. Chill. There's a set of numbers that can be represented as ratios of integers. Examples would be 22/7, or 1/4, or 27 (aka 27/1), or 98239846247/17743718728. Such numbers are called 'rational numbers' There's a set of numbers which cannot be represented as a ratio of integers. Examples would be sqrt(2), and pi. Get it? Pi is an irrational number. It's a joke. I posted it because I thought it was 'kinda funny'. There are two kinds of jokes - funny ones and the other kind. I guess this was the other kind. Sorry. Quote
+Kodak's4 Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Oregon Cajuns:Originally posted by bubble_luscious: He is actually making a math joke. A bad math joke, but a math joke nonetheless. Actually, now that I think about it, can one really joke about math? Oh, come on. Q: What's purple and commutes? A: An Abelian grape. I think that probably ALL math jokes are bad jokes. Quote
+ApK Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Kodak's4: I think that probably ALL math jokes are bad jokes. What do you call the ratio of a jack'o'lantern's circumference to it's diameter? Pumpkin Pi. Yeah, I think you're right. ApK Quote
+ApK Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Kodak's4: I think that probably ALL math jokes are bad jokes. Lemme try again: A little boy needed help with a math problem. He first approached a mathamatician and asked "What is 9 divided by 2? The mathamatician procedes to write out an equation and then digresses into a proof of pi's irrational and transcendental nature. An hour into that, the boy gives up and approaches an engineer with the same question. The engineer answers "9/2? Oh, it's around 4." The boy then approaches an accountant with the same question, and the account leans over and whispers conspiratorially: "What you WANT 9/2 to be?" ApK Quote
+Team JOYSON Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 Here's a website that gives you 120,000 digits of pi (it's also home to the pi fanclub, and your resource for everthing pi). http://www.wpdpi.com/pi.shtml "Hello Cleveland... Hello Cleveland... I would like some pork... This one has a little guy in it." Quote
+ApK Posted February 12, 2003 Posted February 12, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Team JOYSON:http://www.wpdpi.com/pi.shtml That site has a link to info about the book "The Joy of Pi" which I just recently got from audible.com. Very cool book, if you're into Pi...learn how Pi helped acquit O.J. Simpson! ApK Quote
+fractal Posted February 13, 2003 Author Posted February 13, 2003 And just for the record, I thought the irrational joke was funny Ok.. With that out of the way, I now present to you the teaser for my Pi cache! (note: it's the first time I used my voice in a teaser, so I think it sounds kinda cheesy...but you get the idea) Pi teaser in DivX format (less than 2MB) As noted above, the teaser is compressed using the DiveX codec... Just so I don't lose anyone here, that means that it's an AVI file that is compressed using a different piece of software, and to view it properly, you will need to download and install the DivX software (FREE!) from the DivX website. There's even a version for Mac OS. Once installed, you should be able to use your favorite media player program to view the file. Sorry if this causes any sort of problems for anyone, but it allows much higher quality videos with a smaller file size. But then again, if you don't want to view the teaser, you don't have to install anything Cache should be out within 3 weeks... I'm zeroing in on a spot to put it, and once I do that, I can finish the puzzle. Without a doubt, I think this puzzle will prove that I am actually insane -fractal Quote
+fractal Posted February 13, 2003 Author Posted February 13, 2003 And yes... The cache is loosly based on the movie Pi. Not required viewing to solve the cache, but it is a pretty cool film! -fractal Quote
+BigRedBee Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 Did anyone else see those words in the trailer? Quote
my sister Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 Nah, your voice wasn't cheesey. I think this is my favorite trailer so far. However, I'm sure you'll top it with your next one, because I say that with each new trailer you put out. being good (within reason, of course) Quote
+bazzle Posted February 14, 2003 Posted February 14, 2003 Well the teaser is AWESOME. If the cache is half as good it will be a classic. But if it is as tough to tackle as E2 you may have to have your looks surgically altered if you wish to stay in town... Life is as much a journey of discovery, as it is a discovery of the journey... **Namaste** Quote
+Team JOYSON Posted March 8, 2003 Posted March 8, 2003 So Feb 13th, you should it'd be released w/in 3 weeks... we're waiting I've got a couple great places in mind if you still need 'em. We just can't get enough of your caches Fractal... call us gluttons for punishment. Hard work often pays off after time, but procrastination always pays off now. Quote
+fractal Posted March 8, 2003 Author Posted March 8, 2003 Yeah.. so a little longer.. I did choose a location, got coordinates, and began the puzzle... But, due to the unique way of getting to that location, I felt that I should contact the THPRD first... Kyle seemed to be 'ok' with it, but felt we should discuss it with someone higher up... That person felt that I should chose a different location in that park, and gave explainations as to why (I'll go into the details of that after I get the cache placed). I do understand their concerns, and I really want to make sure we continue to have a good relationship with the THPRD... So, I finally made it back to the park on Monday and scouted out new locations. Accuracy was horrible because I could only get a lock on 3 sats that were close together... I think the best I got was about 60 feet... With work keeping me way too busy lately (10 hour days.. AND they made me come in today!), I haven't had a chance to go get better numbers yet... This cache WILL happen... It's just been hard to get the time to finish it properly... And trust me.. No one wants this thing finished more than me! -fractal Quote
+dasein Posted March 9, 2003 Posted March 9, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Tungsten Jihad!:Fractal: http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=RSR8NU&key=RUM&tc=1 I gave him an "8" --laurak (NOT dougk) of dasein --Temporarily French Polynesia's most prolific geocachers! Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted March 9, 2003 Posted March 9, 2003 So little Johnny is flunking math. His parents try everything and nothing helps. Finally in an act of desperation they enroll him in a Catholic school. After the first day of school Johnny comes home heads to his room and does his math homework. This happens day after day and soon he’s getting an A in math. His mom asks, “Why the improvement, nothing else helped” Little Johnny says “When I got to school on my first day and they had that guy nailed to the plus sign I knew they meant business.” Wherever you go there you are. Quote
+Logscaler and Red Posted March 9, 2003 Posted March 9, 2003 Cool teaser fractal. As for bad math jokes, just look at your take home pay. logscaler. Quote
+misguided one Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 Teaser:= Most Excellent. Curiosity:= Very High Anticipation:= Off the Chart I gotta have it, and I gotta have it NOW Quote
+georgeandmary Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 What is the integral of 1/cabin dcabin? george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+kiwimonster Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 That would be a log cabin, plus a constant. Quote
+georgeandmary Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by kiwimonster:That would be a log cabin, plus a constant. House boat... log cabin plus c (sea) george Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more. Quote
+Team JOYSON Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 just checking something out "And then Trogdor smote the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination." Quote
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