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New attribute - cache is not TB friendly


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I think a very special attribute is needed in some cases.

NO TB - like no smoking with crossed TB symbol.


I know caches, which are disappearing very often and owner is not active. Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets. There are also caches, where onwer says that it is not safe to leave a TB here.


I think a very special attribute is needed in some cases.

NO TB - like no smoking with crossed TB symbol.


I know caches, which are disappearing very often and owner is not active. Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets. There are also caches, where onwer says that it is not safe to leave a TB here.


How do you propose we get this attribute added to caches with absent owners?


Few it seems read cache pages, or look at attributes now.

Just a short while ago, one asked for an addition to caches, to find it was already covered by attributes.

Around here some folks are putting trackables in caches that are only accessed a couple times a year, so common sense isn't even a factor.


Unless the cache is named, "I don't want trackables in me", doubtful many will bother to notice that attribute. :D


Who do you think should be the one to add that attribute to the cache of an inactive owner?


Does "fragile containers/weak magnets" mean that visitors to caches will somehow add that "Not TB Friendly" attribute?

Do you really see that working?


I think a very special attribute is needed in some cases.

NO TB - like no smoking with crossed TB symbol.


I know caches, which are disappearing very often and owner is not active. Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets. There are also caches, where onwer says that it is not safe to leave a TB here.


Nope. If people need to be told that a cache is too small, or the container can't handle a trackable, the attribute won't help. The people who do care will simply look at the supposed trackable inventory and see there's 50 trackables logged in the cache, and get there and see there's none actually present, and make the decision not to leave one.


Also unless the cache physically can't handle it, the caches are trackable friendly. It's the cachers/muggles that take trackables. That means the more popular a cache is, the higher chance it will have missing trackables. Not really fair to brand those good caches as not trackable friendly.


I know caches, which are disappearing very often and owner is not active.

An attribute won't do any good if there isn't anyone to add it to the listing. Rather than try to get an attribute added to an abandoned cache listing, just log a "Needs Archive" to eventually get the cache archived and then someone can place a TB-friendly cache in its place.


Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets.

This sounds like either the owner needs to put more effort into their container right from the start, or someone needs to log a "Needs Maintenance" to let the owner know that their magnets aren't doing a good job anymore.


There are also caches, where onwer says that it is not safe to leave a TB here.

If it isn't safe to leave a TB, then make it a Micro.


Sorry, I just don't see the need for a "Not TB-friendly" attribute. Most of your examples are just problems that can be dealt with using the existing tools, which will either make the cache TB-friendly or make it obviously TB-unfriendly (e.g. a Micro-sized container).


the free app doesn't even show attributes so most newer inexperienced cachers who don't know much about where it's safest to drop a TB wouldn't be able to see it anyways so the main people who would need it couldn't see it ...

Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets.

This sounds like either the owner needs to put more effort into their container right from the start, or someone needs to log a "Needs Maintenance" to let the owner know that their magnets aren't doing a good job anymore.


I do not agree with this quite general statetement. There are many caches which are simply not designed to put stuff into them and even less heavy things. I have seen a number of caches where this is clearly mentioned in the cache description but not always taken into account. So I agree an attribute would not help.


There are also caches, where onwer says that it is not safe to leave a TB here.

If it isn't safe to leave a TB, then make it a Micro.


Again I do not agree. For some caches size plays a role.


I don't agree with an idea of not reactivating abandoned caches. First most of them are valuable because of its age, second - it doesn't mean that they are low quality or spare. Yes - making micro in place of small container it's a solution. But it will not "save a spirit" of this cache.


Second - do you think people can't put a TB in micro? Of course they can leave it hanging on the container (personal experience).


And as cezanne said some containers have it's size for particular reasons.


Anyway free gecaching app makes more problems than benefits. I had a message for beginner that my cache is premium only. D2. Really?


BTW do you think Telephone Nearby atrribute have any sense know?


I don't agree with an idea of not reactivating abandoned caches. First most of them are valuable because of its age, second - it doesn't mean that they are low quality or spare. Yes - making micro in place of small container it's a solution. But it will not "save a spirit" of this cache.


This spirit of the cache - what does it look like?


Second - do you think people can't put a TB in micro? Of course they can leave it hanging on the container (personal experience).


So they leave it hanging ON the container because they couldn't put it IN the container - which kind-of undermines your argument...


It's nigh-on impossible to mitigate for all forms of stupidity


I don't agree with an idea of not reactivating abandoned caches. First most of them are valuable because of its age, second - it doesn't mean that they are low quality or spare. Yes - making micro in place of small container it's a solution. But it will not "save a spirit" of this cache.


Second - do you think people can't put a TB in micro? Of course they can leave it hanging on the container (personal experience).


And as cezanne said some containers have it's size for particular reasons.


Anyway free gecaching app makes more problems than benefits. I had a message for beginner that my cache is premium only. D2. Really?


BTW do you think Telephone Nearby atrribute have any sense know?


So again, how does one add an attribute to somebody else's cache page?


Instead of adding an attribute, using common sense should be enough to decide to leave a TB in a cache. I avoid leaving trackables in traditional caches or caches that are very easy to access (i.e. near roads).

Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets.

This sounds like either the owner needs to put more effort into their container right from the start, or someone needs to log a "Needs Maintenance" to let the owner know that their magnets aren't doing a good job anymore.

There are many caches which are simply not designed to put stuff into them and even less heavy things.

Then that's a design flaw. If you use a container with enough volume to hold items, it seems reasonable to assume that people may put items in it. I'm not saying it needs to be over-engineered to hold lead weights, but the magnets should be able to support the container if the available volume is filled with items of a reasonable weight. If there's some strange reason why an over-sized container with weak magnets is required, the hider could fill most of the volume with lightweight foam to prevent people from overloading it.


I think a very special attribute is needed in some cases.

NO TB - like no smoking with crossed TB symbol.


I know caches, which are disappearing very often and owner is not active. Another situation - fragile containers like magnetics with weak magnets. There are also caches, where onwer says that it is not safe to leave a TB here.


Hmmmm...if it is big enough to hold TBs but not "safe" for TBs, then should it even be there in the first place?! (In other words, the placement must be so bad that the container itself will probably disappear next week.)


Think about *that*!


Maybe it's just me, but I've never owned a GPS that displayed attributes.

I'm not aware of any that natively display attributes. GSAK and possibly other software works around this by putting text versions of the attributes (e.g. "Flashlight required: Yes") at the end of the description, so some cachers can view attributes in the field depending on their device and how they loaded the caches.


Of course, I expect most of the smartphone apps can display attributes. The new official Geocaching® app is one glaring exception, though.

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