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Oregonian's 2003 treasure hunt


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Anyone else attempting this thing? It's kind of like a kiwimonster geocache, and you know it's hidden in a park you've been in before if you've been geocaching for a while. You can get an overview of the clues here.


Clue #1 makes me think of main street park in gresham (sunrise is in the east, you know). Clue #2 has me stumped so far, but i think the operative word is 'fifteen.'

Clue #3 makes me think of the B-H highway, because 'Bo' was in that movie '10.'




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Originally posted by Trekks:

The "fifteen" might just refer to the number of clues. In the article, it says there will be 15 clues.


I think you're right.


Also, i guess nadia comaneci got a perfect 10 in gymnastics at the 1976 olympics, right? Is that what that's referring to?


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Yes, I would think that this clue refers to something that is a "10".


I don't know Portland at all, I live in Corvallis, but figuring out the clues might be fun. I'm willing to help puzzle, but I'm not going to chase it down.


Originally posted by pdxmarathonman:

maybe clue 1 has something to do with the parade route.



But in years past, the first day's clue has never meant anything except 'welcome to the hunt,' if i remember correctly.

Also, i can't think of any parks along the (rose) parade route that are secluded enough to be safe from accidental finds.


I'm trying to focus on the '10' part, but am having no luck. I was thinking along the lines of tenth largest park or tenth oldest park or something.


I was also thinking about Beggar's Tick Natural Area, since it's right on milepost 10 of the springwater trail. Or mile 10 in the 40-mile loop.


'10' also denotes perfection. Maybe there's a 'perfect park' around here somewheres. I don't know.


Fire road 10 in forest park?


I think I need another clue.


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Highway 10 maybe? Runs through Beaverton into Portland...


About 5 or 6 years ago, I was a day late finding the treasure. It was at a rest stop along I-5 just south of Wilsonville...


If it's found by a geocacher, I think we'll have to have an event cache icon_wink.gif





N 45? 30.ish

W 122? 58.ish


Also... In the past, the next day's clue is in the evening edition of the paper, but not posted to the site until the next morning.

So... Clue #4 should be available right now... But I don't have the paper...




Or perhaps the 2003 Small Business Conference that was held at the convention center, or was it the collisium...


My mind not only wanders...

Sometimes it leaves completely...




I'm assuming it's a basketball clue, since the info 'dribbles.' Which makes me assume that it's on the east side of the river, since there's no basketball in vancouver or on the west side. Mt. Tabor and Laurelhurst both have basketball courts, i guess. Other than that, i got nuthin'.


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Good one with the "dribbles" oregone, I read that one all wrong. I was thinking "dribbles" as the info is dribbling in...one clue at a time. Basketball makes sense. What about the "do you work alone" part?


My .02:


Do you work alone?

An '03 conference could assist.


As was said, this probably refers to basketball. Do you work alone? Well, no. No one works alone especially on a basketball team. The assist part: Guess who was number 10 in assists in the league in 03? Damon Stoudamire (5.6APG).


Info passes by in dribbles.


More basket ball references. So if Damon dribbled the ball past you what information would you obtain? I would say that he wears #3.


Men and women, do persist.


I have no idea. Possibly a reference to a future clue?


And the dragon comes in the NNIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHH!!


Here's my take so far:


Clue No. 1

Treasure dawns with sunrise!

Now it's quite okay

to plan your course in pj's.

Will that be java or o.j.?


Just fluff. maybe means you can find this day or night.


Clue No. 2

Count on the bounty

if it numbers fifteen.

From one of these,

the treasure you'll glean.


More fluff. Just means there are fifteen clues and one will eventually help you find the treasure.


Clue No. 3

As sites go,

this one is Bo.

Nadia loves it,

don't you know.


Hidden at a perfect spot?

Nadia loves it - reference to a perfect 10 score in gymnastics.


Clue No.4

Do you work alone?

An '03 conference could assist.

Info passes by in dribbles.

Men and women, do persist.


Still think this is mostly fluff too.

Do you work alone - Do you hunt this alone


A 2003 conference - not sure about this but may be meaningful


Info passes by in dribbles - These clues are dribbling out the info to the treasure.


Men and women, do persist - Since there is a comma in the sentence, I read this to mean that men and women should persist in the hunt.


I'm thinking the next couple of days will bring some clues with some real meat on them. icon_razz.gif



The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup


[This message was edited by Navdog on May 22, 2003 at 10:06 PM.]


Ok, here's my thoughts on the rest of um. Keep in mind some of this is reaching.


Treasure dawns with sunrise!

This might refer to the east but when taken with the rest of the clue I think it means a time.


Now it's quite okay

to plan your course in pj's.

Now? When is Now? Sunrise. And why is it ok cause it's sunrise? How many times have you read: Park open sunrise to sunset? Or it could refer to some event that takes place daily at sunrise. Plan your course: Don't really know. It implies that multiple routes or options exist. PJ's, it think is another time reference. When does someone wear PJ's. Late at night and early morning. Probably morning based on the first line.

Will that be java or o.j.?

Again, both typical breakfast/early morning drinks. It could also be a reference to a landmark, a starbucks type place close to a java juice or some such. But I think it less likely than the time theory.


I'm weak on clue 2 but here goes:

Count on the bounty

if it numbers fifteen.

So, plan on finding it if it numbers 15. 15 what? Can't be something random like trees, no one would know where to start counting. Obviously it has to be something sequentional or something with 15 in it prominently. 15th street?

From one of these,

the treasure you'll glean

One of these implies plurality. Multi 15's? How many 15th streets we got?

This clue could go so many different ways, I have no idea.


As sites go,

this one is Bo.

Nadia loves it,

don't you know.

The sites part obviously refers to a location. I agree that the rest means ten which is commonly thought of as perfect. But it can't be a subjective perfect. It must mean something quantifiable, like if a mountain were named perfect peak. Perhaps it refers to somekind of top ten list. Does the Oregonian do a best of portland poll like so many cities do? Or it could have nothing to do with perfection and only the ten has meaning.


Them's my thoughts on the subject. For my next trick I will divine the price of tea in China by reading the CO2 bubbles in Oregone's beer glass.


And the dragon comes in the NNIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHH!!


At any rate, if i find the dadgum thing then y'all should get ready for the most opulent event-cache ever. It will be called the 'oregone cash machine' and it WILL involve Sassy's.


Anyway, i just realized that Loll Wildwood (Arnold Creek) Park near Burlingame is exactly 10 acres. Kinda goes against my eastside theory, but it's something to consider, maybe. I would put a link to the cache that's hidden there, but i think it was a multi so i don't wanna give out any spoilers.


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Originally posted by oregone:

At any rate, if i find the dadgum thing then y'all should get ready for the most opulent event-cache ever. It will be called the 'oregone cash machine' and it WILL involve Sassy's.


Well, now I kinda hope you find it, but then we'd probably never hear the end of it. Say, since the event would be called 'oregone cash machine,' does that mean that you'll be providing the dollar bills for everyone? (You know...at Sassy's.)


BTW Oregone, we're gonna go find Pisaster Disaster and 'PBL' this weekend and at least a dozen others in the area.

--laurak of dasein


Temporarily French Polynesia's most prolific geocachers!


Men and women, do persist.


That line is bothering me. I think it must mean something, because if it didn't, they could have wrote 'treasure hunters, do persist.'


Navdog's right about the comma. The 'do' in that line is a command, not an observation.


I'm pretty lost with this one. Maybe it is just fluff.


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Originally posted by dasein:


Well, now I kinda hope you find it, but then we'd probably never hear the end of it. Say, since the event would be called 'oregone cash machine,' does that mean that you'll be providing the dollar bills for everyone? (You know...at Sassy's.)


BTW Oregone, we're gonna go find Pisaster Disaster and 'PBL' this weekend and at least a dozen others in the area.



Yup, if i find it, i'm asking for that $1000 in singles, and you're all invited. And yes, NO ONE would ever hear the end of it.


Since you're heading up there, i have to give another plug for my favorite cache of all time, Half Moon Cache.


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Originally posted by oregone:

Since you're heading up there, i have to give another plug for my favorite cache of all time...


Oh yes, Half Moon is at the top of our list for Saturday morning! Doug says he doesn't care if we find another cache this weekend as long as we find that one! I personally won't be satisfied until we find that one and many more!


Sorry that I temporarily digressed this thread. As you were!



Temporarily French Polynesia's most prolific geocachers!


Menaced prince? Hamlet maybe? Menaced by his dad's ghost and general madness? If Hamlet were to "have his say," would he soliloquize about "to be or not to be?" i'm lost again.


From the Rubble?


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I havent posted in the discussion groups for awhile mainly because I havent been reading them....but I have to on this one.


Some of my fondest memories of my childhood was my fathers obsession with finding this dadgum medallion. I cant tell you how many wasted days were spent being forced to tag along with him to find a dadgum medalion.


To summarise, I will not participate in this hunt, I will not do it in pj's

I will not do it with green eggs and ham.

sam I am.


Maybe there was an old lily garden somewhere in town? Like where the rose quarter is now or something? And you head out at 21 degrees north from there?


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"A compass reads 21" That's something we can all relate to.


"This ring stretches outward" A refererence to the 40 mile loop trail?


"a menaced prince will have his say" Is this the clue that references the starting point for the two clues above. Maybe a statue or a historical plaque?


Maybe we should start a pool on how close the medallion is to a geocache. icon_biggrin.gif



The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup


I know i'm reaching here, but that part about the menaced prince is really bugging me.


Keanu Reeves played a "prince hal" character in Gus Van Sant's "Your Own Private Idaho." That movie was based on Shakespeare's Henry IV (pt 1, i think). Much of the movie was filmed in the then-abandoned Governor Hotel, which is now, from the rubble, an historic building on 10th street. Standing there and taking a compass reading at 21 degrees leads you pretty much nowhere, though. And it has nothing to do with that basketball theory.


Didn't Lily Wilde used to live in Portland? What's she up to these days?


The 40-mile loop is indeed a ring. Any other rings in town? Ladd's Circle? The I5-I405 freeway makes a ring around downtown. 1977 NBA championship ring?


Drexler Drive near the Rose Quarter used to be called Dribble Drive until about 3 years ago.


The only place in portland that i can think of involving lillies is the flower store on NE Fargo; i think it's called "The Water Lily Garden." But i seem to remember an old tavern that used to be somewhere off Sandy Blvd called "The Lily Pad." I could be way off on that one, though.


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Originally posted by Navdog:

Maybe we should start a pool on how close the medallion is to a geocache._ icon_biggrin.gif


I'll say .3 from a geocache. put me down for $5


Brooklyn Tavern: Home of the "self serve beer"


So many of the early clues have words are tied to the sports world:

Nadia, Bo, OJ, dribble, conference

that I'm thinking of the areas around NIKE's headquarters.


The lily was a beauty,

but you can't relive that fun.

This ring stretches outward.

A compass reads 21.


Stretching again:


The 1985 movie "Legend" starring Tom Cruise and Tim Curry. Wasn't the girl's name Lily? And didn't she have a ring that she threw in the ocean or something, saying she'd marry whoever found it?


And what about Saint Catherine of Siena from Catholic mythology? She's the patron saint of sexual temptation and fire prevention, you know. She's usually represented by lillies and rings. Okay, that one's probably a dead end.


But how about this: All this talk about some lily and rings (or circles) reminded me of a certain pdxmarathon cache. Glacier Lily Circle is a street near summer lake park in tigard. Could that mean anything?


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Here's something else: One species of lily is called the camas lily. I seem to remember finding a few geocaches at Round Lake (another ring!) in Camas, Washington.


There's also the Washington lily (lilium washingtonianum).


None of this can be tied to the "perfect 10" and "sports" themes that were touched upon, though.


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Clue No. 7

A tad too far one way

and success will be denied.

A stretch of 36

bounds the other side.


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Too bad we can't get real time satellite imagery from the CIA, because with that clue it should be easy to spot the probable location of the medallion, by viewing a couple hundred people on the ground beating the bushes in some local park.


My bet is that it will be found on Tuesday .20 mi. from a geocache and it won't be by me. icon_frown.gif



The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup


Originally posted by Navdog:



My bet is that it will be found on Tuesday .20 mi. from a geocache and it won't be by me. icon_smile.gif


Ahh!! you Got me with the "price is right rule"! Say, did you get my email?


Brooklyn Tavern: Home of the "self serve beer"


Hi Everyone, I am a newcomer to this site, but I have been hunting for that elusive piece of plastic for about 8 yrs. Got lots of fish stories to tell.


Powell Butte is #10 on the Springwater Map.

Went up there today, but the gates close at 8PM which makes me doubt they would use it, plus signs asking to stay on trails. But I haven't ruled it out.


"A menaced prince", perhaps Hamlet and his speech "To be" could be 2B somewhere.


What gets me is 15 "somethings, sites" and of these 10 is the right one. I researched school districts, stops on the Springwater trail, 40 mi.loop, bus routes and nothing computes so far.

except Powell Butte, but I doubt that is the place.

That is another reason I doubt if they ever will use Mt. Tabor Park due to closing the gates at night.


While I like the basketball explanation, another possibility is....Springwater Corridor was conceived in 1903.


stretch of 36....east of 37th?


Now back to the Ouija Board.




Clue No. 8

A flashy All-American

has ties to land 'round here.

The swift will sure get lucky.

This area puts you near.


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Ok, here's my take on this one:

In April, 1999, Nike named the largest building on its corporate campus after Mia Hamm.


Mia Hamm was "flashy" when she ripped her shirt off in celebration.


She won "All-American" title several times.


Helped win several conference titles.


Ok, here's another one. It doesn't have to be Hamlet. In Macbeth, they ask what the name of the place is where they are, it's Birnam Woods. There is a Birnam West Apartment complex at 13225 SW Allen Blvd, Not too far from the Nike Campus, maybe that can narrow down the area?


Trekks... I like where you're going with these clues icon_smile.gif


I'm just a short drive from the Nike campus.. There are a few parks in that area. One especially, Howard Terpenning Complex, is making the most sense to me right now... It is a huge facility for many different types of sports...


I might just go for a walk here in a little bit just to see if any of the clues make sense.


Edit: If anyone want's to meet up there, I'll be there about 1:30. FRS channel 2, no sub-channel.



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