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Caches in WA State Parks

misguided one

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I posted the following message on geocachingwa yahoo group yesterday, and realized that not everyone uses the yahoo group.


Greetings All,


I've been appointed chairman of the Advocacy Committee for the WSGA.

We are currently trying to assemble a list of caches that physically

located WITHIN the boundries of state parks. If any of you have

placed caches in a state park, please send me an e-mail with the

waypoint # and the name of the park where it is located. Please do

not send a link, just the waypoint and park name will do. Also, if

you have a cache in a State, County or City park and you have

requested and recieved permission for that cache, I would be

interested in that information as well. Please e-mail me directly at:




WSGA will be contacting the Washington State Parks commission/region

managers in the future to introduce them to GEOCACHING, and work out

guidelines for placing caches in the parks. If you have comments or

questions about caching in the state parks please contact us, and

we'll try to help you.




It's not what you fling,

It's the FLING itself.





Just e-mail me the waypoint #, and name of the park. No need to post it here, unless you just want advertise it for others to check out.



Misguided One




It's not what you fling,

It's the FLING itself.



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