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A New Year's Toast from BlankJeff and CachinCin




May the coming year be filled with new trails, new puzzles, and new caches. Happy New Year to all of our geocaching friends!




A New Year's Toast from BlankJeff and CachinCin




May the coming year be filled with new trails, new puzzles, and new caches. Happy New Year to all of our geocaching friends!




Hey nice pic! Happy New Years to you both too!

Cindy and Jeff,


Great shot, am I correct in assuming that you used your new camera. If so, I am really looking forward to your photos in 2004 <_<

It is indeed our new camera. :wacko: We're still figuring out all of the bells and whistles, but it's going to be fun to try lots of new things.


One of my New Year's resolutions.....to catch up to my geocaching photo journal (haven't updated it since early fall).






It sure is cold and snowy today! I know that many of you are off having fun at the Olympia Cache Machine, but I'm at home catching up on some work this weekend. Darn job, getting in the way of my fun! ;)


Anyone else stuck at home like me? Part of me is itching to get out to play in the cold, but the other part of me is glad to have an excuse for staying in out of the cold.




Time for a technical question about the forums: how have you all set up your signatures? I've got a signature set in my profile, but it has never appeared. I've logged in and out, hoping that would work....nothing.


What am I missing?




I'm not sure about your sig. While I am writing this reply there is a check box below the box for enabling a signature. Have you made sure that is checked? I don't see anything in the profile once you have a sig set up.


This is a tough one for me since I had no trouble at all and I am not a techie. Let me grasp at a straw or two. You have probably tried these, but it will give other people some things they don't have to suggest. Have you quit your browser and then restarted that? Do you have HTML in your sig? HTML is no longer allowed there. Why not just change your sig to one word and try that. Other than that I am out of ideas.


Try unchecking the box, logging out and in, then checking the box logging out and in.


I came back from the OCM early (a few hours now) when that snow started coming in. It took us 2 1/2 hours to do that then with all the accidents and spinouts that happened early on. I have a few finds under my belt from it bur not nearly the numbers I was hoping to get. Between a couple of bad turns and our starting late when we realized we didn't have our paperwork with us on the first two virtuals and everybody pretty much left us in the snowdust.


Here's hoping the rest of the gang comes in safe and sound!


Glad to hear from one of the OCMers -- I was a bit worried about the roads between here and Olympia. They keep showing pretty nasty accidents on I-5 down around Tacoma.


Anyone else back?




we have about 10" of the snow here on south hill at kiteladys house. it is winter wonder land here and all so a lot of ice to to much of it the ice thats is. hopeevery one gets home ok from the ocm.


RomulusNR and I are back. We left Olympia about 8:45 and got back to our apartment in Federal Way about 10:15.


It really was pretty bad. From Olympia until just after Fort Lewis it was really slick. There were people off the road here and there, and one accident almost completely blocking I-5 South just south of Fort Lewis. The cars weren't moving at all... I had the misfortune of seeing one guy who had gotten out of his car to pee on the median. Umm... thanks for that, dude. :D


One SUV had left excellent skid marks through the snow as he slid straight off I-5 just north of Olympia and landed about 20-25 feet off into a deep ditch. It looked unscathed, actually, but towing that one will be an interesting feat.


We took it about 20 and were fine... I'm sure the other cachers will do the same, they're smart people. :D It's weird how things got magically better once we hit Tacoma.


Just thought I'd let you know that it's a difficult drive right now, but it's certainly achievable! :huh:

Glad to hear from one of the OCMers -- I was a bit worried about the roads between here and Olympia. They keep showing pretty nasty accidents on I-5 down around Tacoma.


Anyone else back?



Got home safely. bowy the roads got real bad as the day went on. Ice adn snow. It was snowing like heck at times. Paul's an excellent driver so we suffered no problems and his righ was weighed down wth 600 lbs of sand. The area around the Red Robin was a skating rink. Let's go Ice Skating!!!


Fun to meet CurmudgeonlyGal and others and see old geo friends.


We had a blast overall. I believe I got 29 caches and Paul 28. He took me to a cache he'd already done at the end of the day. One DNF...kinda irritating...we simply failed to look up and behind. Happens sometimes.


I love driving in this stuff! Couldn't believe the boss let me away from my tow truck long enough to do the OCM. Business is booming! Took the roads less traveled home in Spanaway with no problems at all. Didn't even kick in the 4WD until we pushed a stuck volvo out of our way on the freeway exit just before dinner at Red Robin. Now that I'm back, looks like I won't get to take a break until Thursday. Nice to see you all again. We had a blast!


OMG...What was I thinking???


I'm home safe and sound, the driving condidtions were less than perfet to say the least!

We (RWW, EGH, M10B, MA, RH, FD myself and hydnsek) caravaned home together which was a good thing. Although I think MA was not as scared of the conditions as the rest of us as he passed us all up never to be seen again


Any way details of fun times later, must log some caches.




Yah I don't mind driving in it myself but when I have youngins in the backseat I settle into the parent mode and do the right thing by them. Get them home safe and sound so mom won't worry.


I'm glad to hear that people got back safe. The ice on the roadways, combined with lots of drivers out there who don't know how to drive in wintry conditions, can make for a tough drive home.


Sounds like you all had a great time (of course!). :huh:




I got home sometime after 11PM. As EGH stated, before heading south, I stopped at Home Depot and had them throw about 600lbs of sand in nice little canvas bags into the back of the 4x4 Ranger Pickup. I don't think we would have made it without it.


I should have spread a bag or two of it on the Red Robin parking lot. That was pretty much the only time I did any skidding.


Logged a decent number of caches, but I wish it had been about 6 more to break my Spokane Cache Machine one day record. Oh well, maybe in March at the Vancouver BC Cache Machine.


I got home around 10:45PM. MarcusArelius did a masterful job driving back and the van performed great on the snow-packed roads. We passed Pepper shortly after getting on the freeway. Traffic was rolling along 20-25MPH which was fine with us...no hurry. The southbound lanes were at a complete standstill so we lucked out there as well.


I got home and turned on the NASA channel to watch the Mars pictures come in. I saw the pictures and the next thing I knew it was the next morning and I had fallen asleep in the chair! A very exhausting but very satisfying cache machine for sure!

I got home around 10:45PM. MarcusArelius did a masterful job driving back and the van performed great on the snow-packed roads. We passed Pepper shortly after getting on the freeway. Traffic was rolling along 20-25MPH which was fine with us...no hurry. The southbound lanes were at a complete standstill so we lucked out there as well.


I got home and turned on the NASA channel to watch the Mars pictures come in. I saw the pictures and the next thing I knew it was the next morning and I had fallen asleep in the chair! A very exhausting but very satisfying cache machine for sure!

I'll recovering from the Machine. In fact I didn't get up till about 1045 am. I've come down with a cold so I'm taking it easy for the next couple of days.


I know one eastside cacher who just CAN'T stay home and log her SNOCM caches she has to be out grabbing all the FTF's. :)


I hope you get snowed in tomorrow! :)



I'm glad to hear that people got back safe. The ice on the roadways, combined with lots of drivers out there who don't know how to drive in wintry conditions, can make for a tough drive home.


Sounds like you all had a great time (of course!). :rolleyes:



Hey, Cin, ask Pepper what she has in her cupboard for you! :) Too bad you and Jeff couldn't make it-we missed you guys-you would've had a blast-there were 11 crazy Canucks there in total! :)


Obviously, I need to get some energy -- I've been hybernating at home, no geocaching, no fun....


Dang, all work and no play makes Cin a boring geocacher! Once this latest STORM OF THE DECADE (insert echo effects) plays out, I need to go on a cache machine of my own.



Obviously, I need to get some energy -- I've been hybernating at home, no geocaching, no fun....


I'm sure all those Wunderbars Pepper has will give y'all some energy! ;)

BTW, Pepper, I saw the Snolympia T-shirts advertised somewhere, but can't remember where-can you help? :lol:

:rolleyes::D:rolleyes: wow pepper you are doing graet so far. We have 18" snow down here in puyallup and a lot of ice to. I whent for a walk and then stayed in side after that ,to hard on my lag so just look out side at it :D kitelady

Aurie and I braved our way past the sledding multitudes and walked down to the park on Lake Sammamish. It was beautiful, and Aurie just can't get enough of the snow. When Jeff drove home from work this afternoon, the car was pelted with snowballs as he approached the house. Lots of people out playing in the snow today. :rolleyes:


I suspect that tomorrow will be a different story. The highways are already slick, and the freezing rain is on its way. The videos from Portland look pretty nasty.


At least things should be warming up after about 24 hours, then it's only floods we have to deal with. :rolleyes: What an interesting year of weather we've had!



Posted (edited)

Wow, this weather is wacko. Bridle trails area was nicely coated today but not too deep. Dusted off my old cross country skiis and shlumped through some trails this afternoon. No recent caches close by (I mean real close) to ski to but I had fun anywhoo.


The freezing rain is nasty. My car is already a block of Ice and I've got big limbs coming off of my Douglas Firs already w/ big booms.scary. Y'all be safe out there tomorrow morning.


someday I'll start caching again. jeez.

Edited by cooperdog

I guess I'm one of the very few crazies out caching in this. Of course, having Nordic genes, a Swedish car, and having grown up in the upper midwest, I lack the common sense to stay inside where it's warm and dry.


:rolleyes: Wacko cachers for wacko weather :rolleyes:


I stayed home. I may have 4wheel drive but the guy that slides into me probably wouldn't. Besides it would be real hard to get backup my driveway. I did have to tow my sons truck halfway up late this afternoon.

Finally I'm feeling better and weather cooperating. Going caching today.


Congrats to NBJPoppa on reaching the 100 plateau for travel bugs. Boy, he's moving fast in that category!

Wow! Way to go NBJPoppa!

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