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I seriously doubt Kyle removed the cache. I gave him a general description of the cache over the phone and he only expressed the same amazement as the rest of us.


His concerns are more along the lines of safety to cachers and enviroment, and except for the sacrificed kitten icon_eek.gif there was no harm done by this cache.

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Originally posted by DenaliNW:

There is a chance that I'll be driving to the Bay Area at the end of this month. Planning on stopping for a few caches along the way, and could hit one near Eugene.


Denali... Are you going to hit the coast near the Cali-Oregon border at all on your trip? I would really appreciate it if you saved one or two of those stickers for those of us less-fortunate Northern Cali cachers! Puh-leeeze? I'm sure that fractal, in all his wisdom and generosity would accomodate that request (fractal?).


That, and we'd love to have you down here geocaching. I would really like to know what you hard-core Northern Oregonian cachers think of our unimaginative caches down here. icon_razz.gif


Sorry I haven't posted lately. I have been waylaid by the attraction of eBay. Please don't ask me how much money I've 'invested' in action figures in the past 7 weeks... whoo-boy!


I was tickled into reading some posts by this log written by oregone: Wedderburn. Always amusing... I'm never disappoint by his posts!




"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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Originally posted by DenaliNW:

There is a chance that I'll be driving to the Bay Area at the end of this month. Planning on stopping for a few caches along the way, and could hit one near Eugene.


Denali... Are you going to hit the coast near the Cali-Oregon border at all on your trip? I would really appreciate it if you saved one or two of those stickers for those of us less-fortunate Northern Cali cachers! Puh-leeeze? I'm sure that fractal, in all his wisdom and generosity would accomodate that request (fractal?).


That, and we'd love to have you down here geocaching. I would really like to know what you hard-core Northern Oregonian cachers think of our unimaginative caches down here. icon_razz.gif


Sorry I haven't posted lately. I have been waylaid by the attraction of eBay. Please don't ask me how much money I've 'invested' in action figures in the past 7 weeks... whoo-boy!


I was tickled into reading some posts by this log written by oregone: Wedderburn. Always amusing... I'm never disappoint by his posts!




"Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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Denali... Are you going to hit the coast near the Cali-Oregon border at all on your trip? I would really appreciate it if you saved one or two of those stickers for those of us less-fortunate Northern Cali cachers! Puh-leeeze? I'm sure that fractal, in all his wisdom and generosity would accomodate that request (fractal?).


Red - I'm still sorting this trip out, but I'm only planning on a quick two day trip there and back. My mom is redecorating her house yet again (I kid not when I say that she does this about every two years), and since all the 'old' furniture is perfectly good, I'm heading down to grab while the grabbing is good. One day down, load, sleep and one day back. Of course I will be hitting a few caches along the way - need to stretch the legs - know of any?


If Fractal still has some, I can do my best to get them somewhere in the general area. I know White Rabbit went down to Florence anyway, and I think took a bunch. Anyway, I should have the details sorted out by the end of next week.

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Lauren and I will be attending the fabulous Rock, Rhythm, and Brews Festival on October 6 at the Rogue Brewery (and the subsequent after-party at the Yaquina Bay Motel, of course) on October 6 or thereabouts. Unless I have to do another Eugene wedding before that, we could drop some off in the caches around Corvallis, Philomath, Burnt Woods, Toledo, and Newport.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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HEY! I will be in that neck o' the woods in October! I can help distribute the geodecals and whatever else I collect in montana with my handy dandy brand spanking new gps. And i can (oh, if I must icon_biggrin.gif ) join the rock fest and the party. Lord knows I would rather stay home, yeah right.


It will be great, tho I will not wear my ROUGE shirt (though wearing it pulls down righteous tips here in montana)


remember, there is no bore like a beer bore! bellemanda



I'm not great enough to be modest.

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HEY! I will be in that neck o' the woods in October! I can help distribute the geodecals and whatever else I collect in montana with my handy dandy brand spanking new gps. And i can (oh, if I must icon_biggrin.gif ) join the rock fest and the party. Lord knows I would rather stay home, yeah right.


It will be great, tho I will not wear my ROUGE shirt (though wearing it pulls down righteous tips here in montana)


remember, there is no bore like a beer bore! bellemanda



I'm not great enough to be modest.

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Originally posted by oregone:

Lauren and I will be attending the fabulous Rock, Rhythm, and Brews Festival on October 6 at the Rogue Brewery

So Bodoni's thinking, "That sounds like a jolly old time." And he looks for more information on the Rogue site and finds the following:


October 11-12-13: MicroBrew Fest at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport, Oregon. The Newport Microbrew Festival, once known as the "Rock, Rhythm and Brews" Festival, is scheduled for Columbus Day Weekend at Rogue's Brewery.

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And then Oregone realizes that for some reason, the festival lists its "official" hours as 10am to 8pm on the newport c of c site instead of the customary 7pm to 2am that he's used to so he gets a little curious.


i'll call them tomorrow to make sure that the fest hasn't turned into a fam-friendly deal. if it hasn't, then i'll post a new forum topic and hope the wednesday crew (and any others) can sneak out to the coast for what i remember as being a night of a large selection of area microbrews and dancing into the wee hours to the music of rockabilly bands.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:

Sorry I haven't posted lately. I have been waylaid by the attraction of eBay. Please don't ask me how much money I've 'invested' in action figures in the past 7 weeks... whoo-boy!


Man, that sounds a lot like me. I have no clue (and don't want to) how much money I've shelled out on eBay recently. Picking up Simpson's Interactive action figures and hard to find vinyl records....yep, vinyl. I can't believe how much some of those old albums go for. In any case, eBay is a great place to find many things and sometimes you actually get lucky and bid on something that slips by everyone else (King Crimson 2 LP lot - In the Court of the Crimson King/In the Wake of Posiedon====$4.00 for BOTH in perfect condition!!! Sweet deal!!)


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything

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Originally posted by White Rabbit:

Man, that sounds a lot like me. I have no clue (and don't want to) how much money I've shelled out on eBay recently. Picking up Simpson's Interactive action figures and hard to find vinyl records....yep, vinyl. I can't believe how much some of those old albums go for. In any case, eBay is a great place to find many things and sometimes you actually get lucky and bid on something that slips by everyone else (King Crimson 2 LP lot - In the Court of the Crimson King/In the Wake of Posiedon====$4.00 for BOTH in perfect condition!!! Sweet deal!!)


Man! I forgot that I have a butt-load of two huge crates of vinyl in my garage from the late 50's, 60's and '70's... I'll have to see what kinds of stuff is saleable. Should I give you first shot, there RK?


Right now I'm concerned with parting company with a few Star Wars, Witchblade and Warcraft III action figures. Oh, and a crisp new MERP game in the box from 1984... maybe even 1k of Magic the Gathering cards.


Somebody give me a hell yeah!

Lori aka: RedwoodRed

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Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:


Man! I forgot that I have a butt-load of two huge crates of vinyl in my garage from the late 50's, 60's and '70's... I'll have to see what kinds of stuff is saleable. Should I give you first shot, there RK?


I'm assuming you meant me, right? We basically try and collect all the good classic rock albums. We'd love to get ahold of anything by:

Pink Floyd

Led Zeppelin

The Doors

The Beatles

Grateful Dead

Jimi Hendrix


The Who

King Crimson

Jefferson Airplane

...you know, the GOOD music, the classic rock.


So if you've got anything along those lines, just tell us and we may be able to take them off your hands.


buneatg.gifI am the Rabbit King, I can do anything

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Originally posted by Bodoni:

So Bodoni's thinking, "That sounds like a jolly old time."


Upon further investigation, it seems that this year's "Rock, Rhythm, and Brews" fest isn't what i've previously made it out to be.


Certain zoning laws have made this year's "festival" into something like the red-headed offspring of the Oregon Country Fair and Woodburn's annual "Tulip Daze." In other words, it closes at 8pm and the beer has been replaced by a D.A.R.E. booth.


Just as well, i guess. Come October, it will again be geocaching weather so i can actually get out of the house again.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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I pulled up behind a silver Honda with a purple Geo-Decal earlier this week on Mill Plain in Vancouver. What a surprise to find another geocacher while NOT seeking a cache! Love the decal - gotta get one for my Jeep! The girls and I want purple, of course. fractal, bring some over to Clark County... Janet

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