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Contact Cache cleanup?


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I read the recent post on fractal's Contact Cache page and couldn't agree more that the area on the ay in could use a good cleanup, but alot is too big for folks to carry out.


I've got an old beater pickup and would be happy to haul a load to the dump. Anyone up for a cache-area cleanup party sometime in the near future? We could meet there and load the truck up with some/all of the junk laying around there. I bet those folks resting down by the creek would sure appreciate it.


Caveat - if you haven't found the cache yet we can't tell you where to show up icon_smile.gif




That's the only thing that has bothered me about the Contact cache.. the location...

I found the spot at the last minute.. I couldn't find anywhere else to hide something of that size very well.

I kind of feel like I should apologize for building up a good cache, and letting people down with kind of a dumpy area.


I totally agree that we should clean up this area. If I had a truck, I would have started this a while back. Every time I do a check-up of the cache, I do clean up the area around the grave site.


Interesting note about the area... When I first placed the cache there, a sign was hanging on a tree that said "This is private property. You are a guest here. Please don't litter." But just the other day, I was looking at a map and noticed that the area is now owned by the City of Hillsboro and is designated as an open space. The area right next to it will be under construction within the next few years, but the cache location itself will be safe.


Ok.. I've gotten away from the main point here...

Yes.. it's a dumpy area and I agree with Makaio that it would be great if many of us could get together and help clean up this open space.

I'm free all day and night on Monday-Thursday, and in the late evenings Friday-Sunday.


A lot of you have called this your 'favorite cache' or 'the best cache ever' and I totally appreciate those comments... What you can do to show how much you appreciate this cache is to come and help clean it up icon_smile.gif


Thanks for the great idea, Makaio!






N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


The obvious best time for most of us would be a Sat or Sun morning, but that wouldn't include you with your work schedule.


We could do it in two stages. Folks who have time during the day Mon-Thurs could start the process by creating a central pile of junk. Others could show up on Sat or Sun to do more cleanup and help load it into the truck.


I could probably attend both. Let's wait for more replies and see what others think.




Sunday is a busy day for me, and my Saturday's over the next month or so, are pretty busy as well. But I also have a truck, and would like to help for a few hours if times work out.


Hey, I'll make the extra effort. If you post the time/date, I'd love to help out. This was the cache that started it all for me, and is the cache that I would recommend to visitors, so I feel the need to keep it clean. I like the idea of a crew to pile up and a crew to haul to the dump -- whatever it takes to get it done. Here's an idea -- post the trash location as a new cache, the next morning there'll be a pile of Geocachers who can't pass up a "trash out" opportunity!


Sounds great. I can't haul much in the crx but i'd be happy to show up and help clean anytime. Bodoni's idea of a one-time event cache listing would probably bring people out in droves.


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I agree, the event cache idea is a good one, but if we do it that way, we'd better not associate it with fractal's nearby cache in the event some who show up haven't hunted his yet. We don't want to give his cache away so easily, do we?


Also, assuming a weekend, fractal won't be able to participate, but that's OK too. If it weren't for him, most of us wouldn't have ever step foot on this property to know it needs cleaning up icon_smile.gif


I'll check schedules of upcoming events to ensure no conflicts, and pick a date sometime in May to give folks time to prepare/schedule. No doubt whichever date we do this won't fit everyone's schedule, but we'll do our best to please as many as we can.




Hey, I wasn't serious! Just referring to how people pounce on new caches. As Makaio says, it would give away the Contact Cache location, or nearly. Maybe we need a new type of cache - a reward cache. You come and help clean up, we'll show you how we solved the Contact Cache puzzle icon_wink.gif


Oh yeah. Duh. I forgot about the "giving away the location" part of the whole thing. Perhaps we could do this in the same way some of us have been meeting at the "Top Score" cache instead.


Or how about this: I (or someone else) will place a new cache in the portland area with dummy coordinates. The real coordinates would be written somewhere in the logbook of the contact cache the day of the clean up and that day only.

Or maybe posted at a local landfill somewhere? Or maybe whoever shows up with that couch from the Mt. Talbert trailhead wins a special prize. Jeez, the possibilities are endless.


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I'm thinking it would be easiest to just have 'finders' of Contact help out...


Also, don't forget to bring a camera so we can send in cache in/trash out pictures too!




everyone who's found it go back at a time which is convenient and spend a few minutes gathering trash. Leave what you've gathered in a central pile (I think there's already a spot with some large items). Everyone log a Note on the cache page after youo've done some cleanup (pictures would be cool too). Once we've had enough folks log their time, myself and anyone else with a truck can go out there and load it up and haul it away.




That sounds like a good idea Makaio. Us White Rabbit's like to keep our identity secreticon_razz.gif. Don't ask why, we just think it's funner that way (more James Bond-ish). Especially when we see other cachers. Please don't think that we're being rude or anything by not attending the group caches. We could probably show up out there sometime and clean stuff up. I just thought it was private property so we didn't want to mess anything up. You should put the most interesting thing that you find whilst cleaning into the cache. All that junk, there's got to be something cool there.


I will pull out my old Contact data and try to solve this sucka by this next weekend. When (if I am successful) I solve, I will also participate in the cleanup. Its time to take this cache from the back burner to the front fire, so I can help in the cleanup. -C


I'm going out there tomorrow (Tuesday the 16th) evening around 6:30 or 7 to pick up a trashbag's worth or two. I can't fit much into the crx, so i'll leave the bags by the washing machine.


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Okay...there is allot of talk about cleaning up the contact cache.


How about just picking a time to do it.


Who wants to meet there this Sunday at Noon?


I will be the one with two half racks of pepsi for everyone.


Whos gonna bring the Chips.


And yes I do have a truck.


Thats this sunday 4/21/02 at 12 noon.




I was out there around 7:30pm for about 20 minutes. I gathered up a lot of the big stuff and put it near a tree. It's ready for loading into a truck now. When it get's taken to the dump, let's try to keep track of how many pounds we remove.


No Oregone in site.. but that's ok.. there's plenty more to do icon_smile.gif




Sorry i missed you yesterday, Fractal. I went today instead because i got hung up yesterday.


When i got there today, i immediately noticed a difference. I thought i was in the wrong park at first.


I spent just over an hour there this afternoon. There was hardly any garbage left--i got about a half a bag--so then i went on to the construction debris. I think i got about 90% of it. There were some slabs of concrete that i couldn't lift by myself. I piled it all up next to that handmade "please don't litter" sign.


After that i ventured off into the northeast quadrant of Fractal Park (well, why not?) and found the rest of the dishwasher, a broken mirror, and a big old truck tire embedded in the brambles.


All we need now is a truck, then it's off to Mt. Talbert!


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed

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