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Troll's Head Split-Rock


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NICE graphic manipulation there!


I have not been to the area you mean, but I would guess that these giant rocks were dragged to the area during the last glaciation. That was a really long time ago, like around 1991.

Glaciers are essentially slow-moving rivers of ice. They push rocks "downstream" and when the temperatures rise and the glaciers go away, the rocks/boulders remain where they have been pushed - and usually with interesting shapes to show for all the p.s.i. of pressure they have had to endure while glaciated.


-- I recognize fun when I see it.

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Originally posted by enfanta:

You _are_ going to set a cache there, right??


Not really, there are already a few in the area, part of a "multi" and it would be too close to them. On the other side, I'm in a learning phase, and still thinking about my first,

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Originally posted by ZeeWire:

On the other side, I'm in a learning phase, and still thinking about my first,

That's a good call, ZW. Lots of people put out yucky caches when they have so much enthusiasm early on. I wish more people would think about it for a bit longer, like you.


-- I recognize fun when I see it.

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I was wondering if anybody could give me some inside on the origen of those huge lonely rocks.




Those huge lonely rocks were deposited by the Wisconson glacier when it receded some 13,000 years ago. For more huge, lonely rocks, check out my Into The Valley cache, or my soon to be retired Bare Roke cache, as well as the We Saw a Bear cache.


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"

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Originally posted by ZeeWire:

This is an Interesting SplitRock that reminded me of a Troll's Head. I found it on my way to the SplitRock Splendor Cache & I was wondering if anybody could give me some inside on the origen of those huge lonely rocks.

Glacier stuff

This will tell you a whole lot about it. Scroll down to the section on Glacial Deposition


Only nuts eat squirrels,


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