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Congratulations BassoonPilot on find #500

The BeeGees

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Congratulations my double reeded friend!

500 is quite the milestone.

To me, one of the most important pieces of information on a cache page is your initial assesment of the cache (Since you're usually the first or second one there)

You're an inspiration to us all.

By the way, how do you find the time to keep up this pace?

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Good deal, BP! I too always look forward to your assessment of a newly placed cache. Hard to believe you and I started about the same time! I really need to camp out in the back seat of your car for few days. icon_biggrin.gif

Mopar (ex alto-sax player)


Illegitimus non carborundum!

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What a way to celebrate Independence Day.


Congratulations on your 500th!


May you find your next 500 just as enjoyable.


PS I always enjoy reading your logs and always look for your log and Stayfloopy's in every cache I visit. For I know you guys almost always get there before me and jungle green.

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Mark, you are amazing. You make 500 and you jump to do the hard, long, time consuming caches. It is also amazing how fast you walk on these hikes/caches.



(maybe you fly instead of walking & driving)

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Just wanted to chime in to the chorus of well-wishers. That was a fast 500! As others have noted, one can usually tell the quality of a cache by your posts and 'floopy's (since they're usually the first two logs anyway icon_wink.gif). No time to rest on your laurels though, on to 1000!

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I go away for a week and what do I find?


BassoonPilot had already been at one of the caches I found in Virginia!!!


Oh yeah Congrats on the big 500 too!!!!


Hmmmmm.......gives me an idea for a new travel bug icon_wink.gif



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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Congrats on your 500. Quite a milestone. I should be at your level around May, possibly June of 1013! Always enjoyed your hunting my caches. Nice to have New Jerseyites visiting us New Yawkers here in Queens. icon_smile.gif



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Way to go, BP! May the next 500 be even better!!!


Cheers ...


"Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from a place a shower will never reach" --Unknown


~Rich in NEPA~




=== A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===

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