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Dragon Spinner Question


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I am looking over my coins and noticed something about my dragon spinner. It is antique copper with blue enamel egg. I have searched for minting numbers to see if it is common or rare and I cannot find any info on that particular combination. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks





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For my (so far private) database I collected data in July 2014 when only 5724 codes were registered for this coin. So since then, 600 coins more came out (they are sold in different stores world wide right now).


Back then I found out about 8 editions (5, maybe 6 of them are in the wiki - and two or 3 editions listed in the wiki I couldn't find, probably because they were minted later as part of the 600 coins made since then)


What I can tell: numbers are hard to find out, because people tend to mention on their coin page what edition they have - but they upload a different picture that looks more or less similar (like: picture looks golden, but text says copper).


I put down LE250 for your version into my db, but this probably is not accurate - looking at my research again today.


This version was minted pretty early (I found a picture here: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=1293768 ) - this one was activated 2007. Whether it was ever re-reminted, I don't know for sure. There are coin pages where owners write copper as metal but they don't mention the coloring, and/or they post pictures with a different metal. I assumed it was the same version in a remint (because usually, collectors who buy both versions and activate them both, tend to give different names and I could not find any hint of that). If it wasn't reminted, there would be less than 250. If they reminted this edition after 2013/14, there might be more. (but it's not very likely, because the shop didn't have it in the bunch lately: http://www.geoswag.com/dragon-spinner-5-pack.html - I guess those are part of the 600 newer ones, and there are golden ones in other shops). Too bad archive.org has a gap in geoswag-shop-history in January 2007 - if it even was ever sold in the online-store back then. And I couldn't find any selling-advertisement in this forum either (only some pictures of early artwork). Gridlox sold some AE in 2015 and advertised this here - maybe he knows what was minted of his design.


So I would go for 250 as an estimate. But remember: It's not all about the numbers. <_<

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Very much appreciate this research. Thanks so much


For my (so far private) database I collected data in July 2014 when only 5724 codes were registered for this coin. So since then, 600 coins more came out (they are sold in different stores world wide right now).


Back then I found out about 8 editions (5, maybe 6 of them are in the wiki - and two or 3 editions listed in the wiki I couldn't find, probably because they were minted later as part of the 600 coins made since then)


What I can tell: numbers are hard to find out, because people tend to mention on their coin page what edition they have - but they upload a different picture that looks more or less similar (like: picture looks golden, but text says copper).


I put down LE250 for your version into my db, but this probably is not accurate - looking at my research again today.


This version was minted pretty early (I found a picture here: http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=1293768 ) - this one was activated 2007. Whether it was ever re-reminted, I don't know for sure. There are coin pages where owners write copper as metal but they don't mention the coloring, and/or they post pictures with a different metal. I assumed it was the same version in a remint (because usually, collectors who buy both versions and activate them both, tend to give different names and I could not find any hint of that). If it wasn't reminted, there would be less than 250. If they reminted this edition after 2013/14, there might be more. (but it's not very likely, because the shop didn't have it in the bunch lately: http://www.geoswag.com/dragon-spinner-5-pack.html - I guess those are part of the 600 newer ones, and there are golden ones in other shops). Too bad archive.org has a gap in geoswag-shop-history in January 2007 - if it even was ever sold in the online-store back then. And I couldn't find any selling-advertisement in this forum either (only some pictures of early artwork). Gridlox sold some AE in 2015 and advertised this here - maybe he knows what was minted of his design.


So I would go for 250 as an estimate. But remember: It's not all about the numbers. <_<

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