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Stargates in Australia


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I found a travel bug today that was supposed to return to Darwin, Australia in 2013. It's wandering around here in Virginia, USA and I grabbed it to put in our local Stargate. Unfortunately it looks like the Stargate I intended to send it to has been archived. New Zealand's looks active, should I send it there or somewhere else, not familiar with the territory.


I'm a little vague on how Stargates work although I did read something about them a while ago. Getting it to New Zealand would give it a better chance of making it to Darwin than just placing it in any old cache nearby.


From reading through the descriptions in a few Stargate caches including the original one the implication is that somehow the TB's are moved from one cache to another over long distances. It's kind of vague.


My interpretation (and I could be wrong) is that there is some other transport method in the background. For example, the original cache the Historical section at the bottom says "my Dad and I" so it could be that they both work in the same company and there is regular trucks (or parcels) travelling from location A to location B. Since these transport routes run anyway carrying stuff for their business, the cache owners can move TB's from A to B without incurring any additional cost by simply putting them into the packages that are going that way anyway.


I don't see anybody wanting to pay ongoing postage costs for an unknown number of TB's to be sent via UPS or other postal service. But if a company is sending packages regularly (or delivery drivers) then it seems to me to be the simplest method of having a regular run to move TB's long distances without much out of pocket expenses for the cache owners.


Think of it this way:


"John" has a cache, A. "Bob" lives in another state and has a cache B.


Both John and Bob work for the same company, which regularly sends boxes via courier to their respective work places.


When a player puts a TB in cache A, John grabs it and puts it in one of the boxes going to Bob. When Bob gets the boxes, he checks them and if he finds a TB, he puts it in cache B.


That way, TB's can get "magically teleported" from A to B without John, Bob or the player incurring the costs of postage. This only works if John and Bob have some sort of regular courier or transport system in place, preferably which travels in both directions. 

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