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Who are the RVing cachers out there?

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My wife retired a year ago last November. In that first year we were away from home 26 of the 52 weeks. 8 weeks were helping her mom sell her house and move closer to us. There were two trips we took with our new ALiner trailer - 10 weeks thru the SW and Eastern states; and 7 weeks across the Northern states. We hit 45 of the Lower 48 states, plus three Canadian Provinces. I qualified for the double Jasmer on the first trip, and a triple Jasmer on the second trip; and we've found the oldest cache in all but 8 of the Lower 48 states. The only state we haven't cached in is Hawaii - and we can't figure out how to get the trailer over there... maybe a large zodiac? The more we see of this country, the more we realize there is left to see.


One piece of advice - look out for moose in Maine. We came back with a different car then we started that trip with. And be aware RV camps in the NE all close by the middle of October.


Don't try geocaching while you're hitched up. The most you can do with the beast attached is rest areas and maybe large parking lots. The trick is to find a campground to call home while you're out geocaching with a more agile vehicle. We were looking at fifth-wheels to full-time in but decided on a class A because when it is "dropped" at Wally's or a casino, for example, it isn't ~obviously~ vacant/abandoned. Plus, we don't have to use a big diesel dually pick-up for caching and errands. We started with a little manual Yaris toad, but soon got a Jeep. There are very few vehicles left that you can tow 4-down; Jeep is one and Honda makes a couple. I can't recall the others at the moment. Most of all, have fun!


Tipsie and I have a teardrop trailer that we roamed around with in Florida, Alabama and Georgia. We'll move up to an Airstream (or bigger) as we get older and need more "amenities". Once you're on the road, check out Gulf State Park in Alabama. It's an RVer's heaven surrounded by TONS of caches!


Don't try geocaching while you're hitched up. The most you can do with the beast attached is rest areas and maybe large parking lots. The trick is to find a campground to call home while you're out geocaching with a more agile vehicle. We were looking at fifth-wheels to full-time in but decided on a class A because when it is "dropped" at Wally's or a casino, for example, it isn't ~obviously~ vacant/abandoned. Plus, we don't have to use a big diesel dually pick-up for caching and errands. We started with a little manual Yaris toad, but soon got a Jeep. There are very few vehicles left that you can tow 4-down; Jeep is one and Honda makes a couple. I can't recall the others at the moment. Most of all, have fun!

It really depends on the size of the trailer. We did a lot of caching while towing. There were a few places (maybe 4 or 5 times in the 25K miles we did last year) where we dropped the trailer and continued with just the car - we have a hitch lock so it can't be easily taken - but with the off-road package on the ALiner we took it most places. Here we are parked to get Geocache 612 in Michigan, a mile plus down the dirt roads:




But going for the oldest in WV we took it a close as we could, but the road finally got too narrow, so we dropped the trailer at a wide spot and drove the rest of the way in the car.


We have done the RV/Geocaching for as long as we have been caching almost 14 yrs now. We have a Motor Home and tow a vehicle behind it.

In 2009 on a 9 state trip the tow vehicle broke 2nd day out so it was use the RV for the rest of the trip including the Original stash Plaque. :blink:


Since then we have cached across the country spending up to 4 months on the road. :D


The most important thing for us is to have fun and remember that doing too much at once tends to spoil the fun.


My wife and I retired in 2011, sold the house and moved into our RV. Lived that way until some circumstances grounded us in the South, but we cached all over the US, Canada and Mexico and it was a fantastic experience, we literally loved every minute. Our coach actually burned to the ground about a year ago and we are soon to be looking for a smaller, part-time rig. Can't wait to get back out there and log some serious cache time. Good luck!

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