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list of safe and unsafe geocaches for travel bugs and geocoins


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Not sure if this has been raised before, but it would be nice if there was a list of geocaches from which travel bugs and geocoins regularly went missing, and also if there was a list of those which are relatively safe for these.


When I drop off a nice looking coin it's a bit disappointing to see it go missing very quickly, and I have a strong feeling that coins are pocketed a lot more in certain countries and regions than others.


Also I think nice looking expensive coins go missing a lot more than generic TB items.


Shouldnt be too hard to collate and publish the data on countries, regions and individual caches and would help greatly in the longevity of these items.

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I avoid leaving TBs in traditionals or very short multis. I'm very picky where to leave TBs so I mostly choose longer multis, letterboxes, wherigos and more difficult mysteries with containers in (by muggles) less visited places.

The downside is that I keep trackables longer than I want to but better safe than sorry.

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Not sure if this has been raised before, but it would be nice if there was a list of geocaches from which travel bugs and geocoins regularly went missing, and also if there was a list of those which are relatively safe for these.


When I drop off a nice looking coin it's a bit disappointing to see it go missing very quickly, and I have a strong feeling that coins are pocketed a lot more in certain countries and regions than others.


Also I think nice looking expensive coins go missing a lot more than generic TB items.


Shouldnt be too hard to collate and publish the data on countries, regions and individual caches and would help greatly in the longevity of these items.

We usually read logs, notice the "trackable not there" often and get an idea if any's "safe" (whatever that means, and that could change week-to-week...) or not. :)


Doubtful that Groundspeak will create what would eventually be a "rating system" for caches, based on a side-game of the hobby.

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I usually check the inventory to see if there are TB's that appear to have gone missing also I try to drop TB's only in premium member caches. I own 30 caches and only 2 are non-premium ... I've not had any bother with them except the only one non-premium big enough to take TB's ... the first 2 TB's I put in it went missing.

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Most of my travel bugs that have gone missing are due to new, inexperienced cachers finding them and not knowing what to do with them. I try to look for caches that are maintained with minimal issues. Since the geocaching intro app only list caches with a difficulty and terrain rating of 1.5 or less I tend to place travel bug in caches that are rated 2+.

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Not sure if this has been raised before, but it would be nice if there was a list of geocaches from which travel bugs and geocoins regularly went missing, and also if there was a list of those which are relatively safe

I've been on vacation this week, trying to find a cache where I could place a TB. Most were listed as Regular, which were small and had no room, several were soaking wet inside. One was on residential property (neighborhood, front lawn, cars parked around, where my presence will cause LEO activity in an instant. Every time. Sheesh). Of all I found, only one was roomy, clean, accessible, well-hidden, with no logs about missing TBs. And that one seems to have an AWOL Cache Owner. As mentioned, I can't tell if the next finders have a clue about how to handle TBs, or comprehend the realities of other people's property. But for now, one cache is on The List.


Also I think nice looking expensive coins go missing a lot more than generic TB items.

There seem to be many rationalizations that takers use for removing Trackables from play. If it's of no value to the taker, it's "junk", otherwise he keeps it. I'd ask takers to at least make some kind of log, in either case. I hate guessing if it was stolen or discarded.

Edited by kunarion
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