+ripraff Posted January 31, 2016 Posted January 31, 2016 It seems there is lots of talk about getting way marks approved when the officers have gone awol. When this happens maybe the category could be labelled as dormant and no new way marks accepted until there are new officers. The category could be put on the list of open for new officers. Existing way marks waiting could be approved or disapproved by officers with "skeleton keys." Criteria for how long waymarks wait, or how long since the officers have logged on, or unresponsiveness, etc. This action could be a warning for people trying to post and serve as recruitment for new officers. You already have the ability to mark categories as closed to new way marks and the means to recruit new officers. This just limits the frustration of people posting and waiting. Once the category is dormant they know they have to wait for new officers. Quote
+fi67 Posted February 1, 2016 Posted February 1, 2016 There have been a lot of suggestions to solve this problem. They usually share one disadvantage, and yours is no exception. Whatever it is it needs some modification of the Waymarking site. But Groundspeak is not going to change any code in the foreseeable future. Waymarking is in maintenance mode without any new features, no matter how small the changes. I personally do not like the idea of temporarily closing a category. It would punish the posters for the failure of the officers. This would not be fair. Quote
+Manville Possum Posted March 2, 2016 Posted March 2, 2016 As for myself, I'm really tired of posting new Waymarks and having to contact category leaders and officers weeks later and asking them to please review my new Waymarks. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 As for myself, I'm really tired of posting new Waymarks and having to contact category leaders and officers weeks later and asking them to please review my new Waymarks. Ditto! How about months later with sometimes two or more attempts to contact category leaders and officers with still no reply. Quote
+lumbricus Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 It's pretty easy, if a Waymark is waiting longer than 10 days, write a mail to Waywizard and the Waymark will be approved very fast (if the wm is okay). I would guess that 95% of our categories are faster than 10 days. If a category needs longer than 10 days post the name here and we will work on that problem. Quote
+Manville Possum Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 It's pretty easy, if a Waymark is waiting longer than 10 days, write a mail to Waywizard and the Waymark will be approved very fast (if the wm is okay). I'm sure that Wawizard would help... but this is not acceptable. These same people are often active in other categories. The Waymarking site is slow and difficult to use as it is. After a while I'm sure many just give up, and forget about attracting new members to the site. Quote
+ripraff Posted March 3, 2016 Author Posted March 3, 2016 Is Waywizard a new name created for this function or an actual person/team? I was just hunting around for a way to look at the profile but haven't found one (no link here). I don't recognize the name from the forum or the lists of waymarkers over 1000. I was half thinking of volunteering to join the reviewers, but don't know if I am ready or expert enough to do a good job in any area. I do know that I disagreed a couple times when the reviewer got into a comment of what was art or not. I have thought about that and taken classes etc. and have a different opinion. Also I don't know if reviewers really want to get into discussions. The only way I have entered discussions were when there was a rejection and I managed to usually give more information and change their mind. Quote
+Waywizard Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 I have been around behind the scenes as an admin for the Waymarking site since 2008, you will not see any Waymarks posted under that account but I have full understanding of Waymarking. If there is a category that you have Waymarks waiting an extended period of time you can post the category in the forums as I watch the forums for issue or you can send me an email. Quote
+Manville Possum Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 If there is a category that you have Waymarks waiting an extended period of time you can post the category in the forums as I watch the forums for issue or you can send me an email. I posted four new WM's in the Kentucky Historical Markers category on 2/11/16, one was published quickly, the other three are stuck. I have contacted the manager, but no reply. Thank you for your assistance. Quote
+Metro2 Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 And I have had this submission http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMNNG6_Flower_Fields_Rocks__Carslbad_CA waiting for the results of a vote in the Rock and Mineral Displays category for almost a year. Contacted the leader...no response. Quote
+Waywizard Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 (edited) And I have had this submission http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMNNG6_Flower_Fields_Rocks__Carslbad_CA waiting for the results of a vote in the Rock and Mineral Displays category for almost a year. Contacted the leader...no response. This is one area (waymarks stuck in vote limbo) I can't fix however in this case I would contact the second officer listed for the category as they are usually quite responsive. Edited March 4, 2016 by Waywizard Quote
+ripraff Posted March 4, 2016 Author Posted March 4, 2016 I generally regard waymarks as old after several months. I have had a waymark hang around for 6 months and then get published. I do have one where I just sent a note to one of the group. None of them have logged on for awhile (since last October). It is in Civilian Conservation Corps, McDonough State Forest WMPZMQ posted 11/18/2015 5:34:01 AM. I did notice that they are accepting new members to their group. Quote
+ripraff Posted March 4, 2016 Author Posted March 4, 2016 I generally regard waymarks as old after several months. I have had a waymark hang around for 6 months and then get published. I do have one where I just sent a note to one of the group. None of them have logged on for awhile (since last October). It is in Civilian Conservation Corps, McDonough State Forest WMPZMQ posted 11/18/2015 5:34:01 AM. I did notice that they are accepting new members to their group. Thank you. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Greetings Waywizard, perhaps you can help us with the following: Category - Mountain Bike Trailheads Pending since 1/17/2016 2 emails sent, resubmitted at least 3 times: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMQ9HN_Kettle_Valley_Rail_Trail_KM_0_Penticton_British_Columbia Category - Mountain Bike Trailheads Pending since 2/9/2016 2 emails sent, resubmitted at least 2 times: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMQDE4_Nashwaak_Trailhead_Fredericton_NB Category - WWII Prisoner of War Camps Pending since 1/29/2016 2 emails sent and resubmitted 2 times http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMQBJD_Fort_Missoula_Missoula_Montana About the vote limbo, we have successfully contacted group leaders and waymarks were approved, a few were denied. (Which is okay) As an officer of a few groups, if a waymark is in vote limbo, we just edit the submitted waymark making a very slight change and resubmit and it is brought back into the queue, so we can either approved or deny. Be aware by doing this the submitter will receive a new email about the pending waymark. However an approval or denial will be forthcoming. Regards, BK-Hunters Quote
+T0SHEA Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Thank you Waywizard. That was quick. We do appreciate your assistance. Regards, BK-Hunters Quote
+Waywizard Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 About the vote limbo, we have successfully contacted group leaders and waymarks were approved, a few were denied. (Which is okay) As an officer of a few groups, if a waymark is in vote limbo, we just edit the submitted waymark making a very slight change and resubmit and it is brought back into the queue, so we can either approved or deny. Be aware by doing this the submitter will receive a new email about the pending waymark. However an approval or denial will be forthcoming. The only thing that is required to release a waymark that is stuck in "limbo" is an officer in the group to visit the group page. Any waymarks which were stuck in limbo for that group's category will be released automatically. To check which of your groups have pending votes (thus possibly waymarks stuck) click on group tab on the top of the page and it will list which groups have pending votes with a link to the group page, by clicking link any in vote limbo will be released. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Waywizard, that was way too easy. I have clicked on that tab before, however overlooked the pending vote portion. Thanks again for your assistance. Regards, BK-Hunters Quote
+T0SHEA Posted May 30, 2016 Posted May 30, 2016 Greetings Waywizard, We have contacted two of the officers and the leader of the Presbyterian Church category without results. Though a few of the submissions are more recent, there is a pattern emerging with regards to pending waymarks. We currently have seven submissions pending, your assistance is requested. Regards, BK-Hunters Former St. John's Presbyterian Church - Moncton, New Brunswick: Date Posted: 4/19/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMQZDW_Former_St_Johns_Presbyterian_Church_Moncton_New_Brunswick Former Little Sands Presbyterian Church - Little Sands, PEI: Date Posted: 4/23/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR0J6_Former_Little_Sands_Presbyterian_Church_Little_Sands_PEI St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - Cardigan, PEI: Date Posted: 5/4/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR317_St_Andrews_Presbyterian_Church_Cardigan_PEI Former Alberton Presbyterian Church - Alberton, PEI: 5/25/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR892_Former_Alberton_Presbyterian_Church_Alberton_PEI Lot 14 Presbyterian Church - Birch Hill, PEI: 5/25/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR89R_Lot_14_Presbyterian_Church_Birch_Hill_PEI First Presbyterian Church - Pictou, NS: Date Posted: 5/27/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR9MY_First_Presbyterian_Church_Pictou_NS St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - Pictou, NS: Date Posted: 5/27/2016 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR9N7_St_Andrews_Presbyterian_Church_Pictou_NS Quote
+RakeInTheCache Posted May 30, 2016 Posted May 30, 2016 Strange, I see Silverquill is the leader. He's pretty much a veteran waymarker. Quote
+silverquill Posted May 30, 2016 Posted May 30, 2016 Sorry for the lag here! I thought I had a good group of active officers for this group to share the reviewing load. I'll check with them and recruit some new ones of necessary. I just have not been able to be as active in Waymarking as I would like -- a combination of moves, work, family and church that have filled most of my time. Mostly good stuff, but it all has limited me. I try to check in frequently, but there are periods... I will go through the groups where I'm leader to make wure i have better coverage. Those where I am not leader, but maybe one of the few active officers will be more difficult, but I will do my best. Thanks for the note from Lumbricus!! (Caught me at home on this U.S. holiday, taking care of a sick family). ~~Larry (siverquill) Danvers, MA Quote
+T0SHEA Posted May 30, 2016 Posted May 30, 2016 Looks like everything is fine. Hi lumbricus, What looks fine? True, one was approved, however there are still six of our submissions still pending. We did receive a note from silverquill with our one approval. We did join the group. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted May 30, 2016 Posted May 30, 2016 Thank you Silverquill for approving our pending waymarks. We did join the group and are willing to help out. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 What is happening to the Canadian Benchmarks category? We have two pending since June, the last approved was 5/29/2016. There are 127 members, 5 are officers. One officer is no longer active, at least at this time. We joined the group a few years ago wanting to be an officer as the approvals were slow even then. After a year or so and nothing happened to promote us to officer, decided to quit the group. Quote
+MountainWoods Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 One shouldn't have to do this, but I recently found that -- in one category -- after waiting 2 weeks with no approval, I just canceled the submission (via edit, but with no changes) and then resubmitted it, to cause extra emails in the reviewers' inboxes. Surprise, surprise. (Or is it?) A couple of hours later they were approved. Like I say, one should not have to do that, and I wouldn't recommend it for anything less than a couple of weeks. But if they hadn't gone ahead and approved it shortly after my resubmission trick, I'd probably have done so once every day until they had approved it. Some of the officers were logging in during those two weeks, and none of them were user IDs that have a huge number of categories to keep up with (like, say, lumbricus!). They were just ignoring the submissions. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 One shouldn't have to do this, but I recently found that -- in one category -- after waiting 2 weeks with no approval, I just canceled the submission (via edit, but with no changes) and then resubmitted it, to cause extra emails in the reviewers' inboxes. Surprise, surprise. (Or is it?) A couple of hours later they were approved. Like I say, one should not have to do that, and I wouldn't recommend it for anything less than a couple of weeks. But if they hadn't gone ahead and approved it shortly after my resubmission trick, I'd probably have done so once every day until they had approved it. Some of the officers were logging in during those two weeks, and none of them were user IDs that have a huge number of categories to keep up with (like, say, lumbricus!). They were just ignoring the submissions. Glad you brought this up. I learned that trick quite awhile ago. Sometimes it actually works, however with the Canadian Benchmarks category I have re-submitted twice already with no results. As well as a few more, just recently, with no results. Quote
+elyob Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Rather than re-submit, I just keep adding more Canadian Benchmarks to the queue. That is obviously not working either. Quote
+elyob Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 BK-Hunters, if you succeed at becoming officer, I guess that I better attempt that too so that someone can review your submissions. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted July 13, 2016 Posted July 13, 2016 (edited) BK-Hunters, if you succeed at becoming officer, I guess that I better attempt that too so that someone can review your submissions. elyob, We just joined the group again, and made our intentions clear about wanting to be an officer. While I was at it, I emailed all the officers with a request to review our pending waymarks. This category is stagnating with most officers inactive, some for several years. Looked at the membership and most I do not even recognize. UPDATE: Peter and Gloria to the rescue, they approved all pending waymarks. Thank you for your quick response to my email. What can be really done to promote new officers in categories that are inactive; when your emails are ignored? Edited July 13, 2016 by BK-Hunters Quote
+lumbricus Posted July 14, 2016 Posted July 14, 2016 ...What can be really done to promote new officers in categories that are inactive; when your emails are ignored? Just write it here in the forum. Waywizard or myself will fix it together with Groundspeaks help. If the Canadian Benchmarks category should be a problem in the future new officers will be promoted quickly. Quote
+ripraff Posted July 17, 2016 Author Posted July 17, 2016 I have a submission from 6/22/2016 in Carnivorous plant localities, Lily Lake - Chenango Valley State Park, This isn't a month ago but it is a few weeks. Thanks, Ripraff Quote
+lumbricus Posted July 22, 2016 Posted July 22, 2016 I have a submission from 6/22/2016 in Carnivorous plant localities, Lily Lake - Chenango Valley State Park, This isn't a month ago but it is a few weeks. Thanks, Ripraff It's now online published by an officer. Quote
+kJfishman Posted July 24, 2016 Posted July 24, 2016 I don't know if it has been suggested but if a waymark isn't approved after 14 days it should automatically be approved. Quote
+ripraff Posted July 25, 2016 Author Posted July 25, 2016 I have a submission from 6/22/2016 in Carnivorous plant localities, Lily Lake - Chenango Valley State Park, This isn't a month ago but it is a few weeks. Thanks, Ripraff It's now online published by an officer. Thanks, I particularly like this one. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted July 25, 2016 Posted July 25, 2016 (edited) There are two threads going here: Abandoned categories? and this one Dormant categories Suggestion for procedure Following both: What is the difference between the two? The general consensus seems to be the same, Waymarks are not being reviewed in a timely manner... "Listings are reviewed by the waymark's category managers. Normally, waymarks are reviewed within 36-72 hours, but it can sometimes take longer." Source: Waymarking.com - Waymark submission notification How long is long enough? 3 days, 10 days, 30 days, 3 months, 6 months or a year or longer? We need a third thread: "List your waymark here, if it is pending longer then 14 days. Just the facts Waymark Category, Waymark Code and the link to your waymark only... No need for any explanation, we have either already read it or wrote it ourselves. Edited July 26, 2016 by BK-Hunters Quote
+kJfishman Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 I sent this email to the leader and members of Iron Furnace Ruins kJfishman says, FYI: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR9T1_Mohawk_Stamp_Mill_Ruins_Gay_MI has been in que since 5/28/16 Thanks Kent I sent this email to the leader and members of Quaker Meeting Houses category kJfishman says, http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMQWTC_First_Society_of_Friends_Meeting_Hall_West_branch_IA has been in the waiting on group vote stage for sometime. The waymark was submitted 4/7/2016. It was the as the title states the first meeting hall until they outgrew it. Thanks Kent Both waymarks are still open. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 The vote on this waymark's status has not completed yet. - First Society of Friends Meeting Hall - West branch IA How long has it been in vote? We do not have any pending waymarks in these two categories, however we do have these. Grange Halls - WMRP79 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRP79_Kettle_River_Grange_No_1120_Barstow_Washington Grange Halls - WMRP7E - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRP7E_Malo_Grange_No_679_Malo_Washington Unique Steeples - WMRM3P - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRM3P_Garden_Valley_Community_Church_Ferry_County_Washington Unique Steeples - WMRPYV - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRPYV_North_Tryon_Presbyterian_Church_North_Tryon_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples - WMRPZE - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRPZE_Cape_Traverse_United_Church_Cape_Traverse_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples -WMRQ41 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQ41_St_Thomas_Anglican_Church_Spring_Brook_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples -WMRQ4N - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQ4N_St_Johns_United_Church_Mt_Stewart_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples - WMRQ0H - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQ0H_Victoria_West_United_Church_Victoria_West_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples - WMRQ72 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQ72_Central_United_Church_Dunstaffnage_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples - WMRQ8R - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQ8R_Cavendish_United_Church_Cavendish_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples - WMRQHV - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQHV_St_Andrews_Wesley_United_Church_Springhill_Nova_Scotia Unique Steeples - WMRQJC - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQJC_Former_Victoria_United_Church_Victoria_Prince_Edward_Island Unique Steeples -WMRQJ0 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQJ0_All_Saints_Anglican_Church_Springhill_Nova_Scotia Unique Steeples - WMRQWX - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQWX_St_James_Wesley_United_Church_Barrington_Passage_Nova_Scotia Unique Steeples - WMRQXR - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRQXR_St_Matthews_United_Church_Clyde_River_Nova_Scotia Unique Steeples - WMRR49 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRR49_Kensington_United_Church_Kensington_PEI Unique Steeples -WMRRCP - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRRCP_Lot_16_United_Church_Rosehill_PEI Unique Steeples -WMRRAB - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRRAB_Lot_14_United_Church_Birch_Hill_PEI Unique Steeples -WMRRMN -http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRRMN_Digby_United_Baptist_Church_Digby_NS Unique Steeples -WMRTB2 - http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRTB2_Boylston_United_Church_Boylston_NS Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 I sent this email to the leader and members of Iron Furnace Ruins kJfishman says, FYI: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMR9T1_Mohawk_Stamp_Mill_Ruins_Gay_MI has been in que since 5/28/16 Thanks Kent I've just declined your waymark (copper mine facilities aren't classic iron furnaces). There are no other waymarks pending in this category. Where's the witch hunting thread for posting waymarks that don't meet the category requirements? Quote
+T0SHEA Posted August 6, 2016 Posted August 6, 2016 Where's the witch hunting thread for posting waymarks that don't meet the category requirements? Excuse me, are you talking about the Salem Witch Hunts? Because if you are not, it is sometimes not the submission that does not meet the category requirements, it is the officers that do not agree. Or perhaps, the category description is vague and ambiguous and the submitter interprets it incorrectly. It is not that uncommon for any category to have declines, it comes with the territory. Suggesting a thread to call out waymarkers that have a decline because it did not meet the "letter of the law" is not in the true spirit of the game. When a waymark is posted on this thread (Dormant Categories) or in the "Abandoned Categories" thread, it is about attempting to bring awareness to Waymarks that need reviewing; not calling out a specific officer/leader for not reviewing waymarks in a timely manner. No witches hunted and/or reside here. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted August 15, 2016 Posted August 15, 2016 Thanks again lumbricus for keeping the "Unique Steeples" category current. We have accepted the invitation to join the group. We are willing to be an officer if help is needed. Quote
+ripraff Posted August 16, 2016 Author Posted August 16, 2016 (edited) I just added another waymark to the NY historical signs category. That makes 9 going back to July 19. I was going to wait three more days so that the newest would age and the original would make a month anniversary. If these were approved I would make it more than halfway to my next milestone. Why is waiting hard? In general having a backlog doesn't bother me. Usually there are several in the queue. If I make my next target, the next milestone, I will just need a new target,mmm. I filled in the graph for days of the year and it has been over a year steady with waymarks...The milestone is just sooooo close. In general NY historical signs has been steady in approving waymarks. I wonder if they are on vacation or something has happened. Edited August 16, 2016 by ripraff Quote
+T0SHEA Posted August 18, 2016 Posted August 18, 2016 Thanks again lumbricus for keeping the "Unique Steeples" category current. We have accepted the invitation to join the group. We are willing to be an officer if help is needed. Gee, just got our first submission to review in the Unique Steeples category. Hooray, we are now an officer. Quote
+lumbricus Posted August 19, 2016 Posted August 19, 2016 Thanks again lumbricus for keeping the "Unique Steeples" category current. We have accepted the invitation to join the group. We are willing to be an officer if help is needed. Gee, just got our first submission to review in the Unique Steeples category. Hooray, we are now an officer. Great! Quote
+ripraff Posted August 22, 2016 Author Posted August 22, 2016 I just added another waymark to the NY historical signs category. That makes 9 going back to July 19. I was going to wait three more days so that the newest would age and the original would make a month anniversary. If these were approved I would make it more than halfway to my next milestone. Why is waiting hard? In general having a backlog doesn't bother me. Usually there are several in the queue. If I make my next target, the next milestone, I will just need a new target,mmm. I filled in the graph for days of the year and it has been over a year steady with waymarks...The milestone is just sooooo close. In general NY historical signs has been steady in approving waymarks. I wonder if they are on vacation or something has happened. Thank you, about a dozen were just approved (from the last month till yesterday). I joined the group, this doesn't help with mine but... Quote
+lumbricus Posted August 23, 2016 Posted August 23, 2016 I just added another waymark to the NY historical signs category. That makes 9 going back to July 19. I was going to wait three more days so that the newest would age and the original would make a month anniversary. If these were approved I would make it more than halfway to my next milestone. Why is waiting hard? In general having a backlog doesn't bother me. Usually there are several in the queue. If I make my next target, the next milestone, I will just need a new target,mmm. I filled in the graph for days of the year and it has been over a year steady with waymarks...The milestone is just sooooo close. In general NY historical signs has been steady in approving waymarks. I wonder if they are on vacation or something has happened. Thank you, about a dozen were just approved (from the last month till yesterday). I joined the group, this doesn't help with mine but... I called a vote to promote you. Quote
+T0SHEA Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 (edited) Here we are again... How about these two categories: Outdoor Warning Sirens: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMRYB8_Warfield_Warning_Siren_Warfield_BC Outdoor Warning Sirens: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT0BK_Bridgewater_Fire_Station_Siren_Bridgewater_Nova_Scotia Themed Homemade Mailboxes: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT00D_Stick_em_Up_Arlee_Montana Themed Homemade Mailboxes: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT18P_Transformer_Deer_Lodge_Montana_US I have resubmitted numerous times and have sent emails to officers of both groups. We are recent members of both groups, and willing to be an officer. Edited September 16, 2016 by BK-Hunters Quote
+T0SHEA Posted September 20, 2016 Posted September 20, 2016 Thanks to ChapterhouseInc the Outdoor Warning Sirens are approved as well as others. The category seems to be current. Hopefully the Themed Homemade Mailboxes will also be approved soon. Quote
+Benchmark Blasterz Posted September 21, 2016 Posted September 21, 2016 (edited) I have an Australian Historical marker waiting over 1 month, and no response to emails. YAYYYY my waymarks were approved this morning, 21 Sep 2016 Edited September 21, 2016 by Benchmark Blasterz Quote
+T0SHEA Posted September 26, 2016 Posted September 26, 2016 I have been around behind the scenes as an admin for the Waymarking site since 2008, you will not see any Waymarks posted under that account but I have full understanding of Waymarking. If there is a category that you have Waymarks waiting an extended period of time you can post the category in the forums as I watch the forums for issue or you can send me an email. Waywizard, I have posted these before on this forum and others and will try again. Themed Homemade Mailboxes: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT00D_Stick_em_Up_Arlee_Montana Themed Homemade Mailboxes: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT18P_Transformer_Deer_Lodge_Montana others pending review; Vintage Gasoline Pumps: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT202_Tokheim_Gas_Pump_Old_Montana_Prison_Deer_Lodge_MT Vintage Gasoline Pumps: http://www.Waymarking.com/waymarks/WMT207_Art_Deco_Gas_Pump_Old_Montana_Prison_Deer_Lodge_Montana Quote
+T0SHEA Posted September 26, 2016 Posted September 26, 2016 (edited) Waywizard, Thank you for approving our pending waymarks. I see what you meant about the themed mailbox and it being denied. Edited September 26, 2016 by BK-Hunters Quote
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