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Easy Pickins in the Hudson Highlands


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All right all you NY/NJ cache hogs, I know you have been saving the best for last, so now I have a deal you can't pass up. Six caches for the price of one, all close together and with easy access. Even BassoonPilot, who is no slouch, hasn't touched these babies. Tteepee and Planet run up there, no sweat ( well maybe just a little), so all you bad boys down there won't want to be shown up. Come and get em!









Sorry, I don't know how to do that link thing.


OK, you threw down the gauntlet. Any other NJ geocachers up for the challenge? Another group hunt might be fun. Mopar? Hartclimbs? Etoast? Anybody?


BTW Jonboy, while you made your recent foray into Morris County,you missed my Butler Reservoir , BOLP III , A Walk In The Park and Mountainside caches (well OK, A Walk in The Park is in Essex County, but it was close by). I'm throwing gauntlet back at you.


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"


Don't forget Artful Dodger's Aye Carumba!! while you're near Clinton. I'm ashamed to admit I haven't found it yet, but I hear it's a good one.


"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

OK, you threw down the gauntlet. Any other NJ geocachers up for the challenge? Another group hunt might be fun. Mopar? Hartclimbs? Etoast? Anybody?

Brian, you know if I can get there, I'm up for it!


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Congratulations to KBer, he went up and snagged all six on the 26th, and then went on and found Ttepees Is the Madam at Home?. I'l bet he could get all the caches around Breakneck and Taurus in one mighty swoop too, which would be another six cache cluster. Perhaps he should check out BrianB's caches in Schunnemunk and Black Rock Forest. Well Done!


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

OK, you threw down the gauntlet. Any other NJ geocachers up for the challenge? Another group hunt might be fun. Mopar? Hartclimbs? Etoast? Anybody?


_"Au pays des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois"_


I FINALLY have a free weekend this summer ( 8/9 & 8/10)!! I'd love to bag a few good caches with some fellow geocachers. I'd be keen to go, Brian. I need to get into shape again so bring on the great hiking caches! icon_biggrin.gif


I just happened across an ad in the Trail Conference newsletter... did anyone know there's camping on the ridge now too? Well there's a campground that charges a hefty fee but if you've got the bucks it sounds pretty cool. The grand opening for the campground is Aug 1st according to the newsletter but their webpage says Fall 2003 so I don't know what's right. It's called Malouf's Mountain if anyone's interested.


Originally posted by Ttepee:

I just happened across an ad in the Trail Conference newsletter... did anyone know there's camping on the ridge now too? Well there's a campground that charges a hefty fee but if you've got the bucks it sounds pretty cool. The grand opening for the campground is Aug 1st according to the newsletter but their webpage says Fall 2003 so I don't know what's right. It's called http://www.maloufsmountain.com/ if anyone's interested.


Wow! You can access this campground from the Breakneck Ridge trail - argumentably one of the best hikes on the Hudson.


Hmmm...might be worth looking into this as a camping area after doing this hike - which they say is about 6 1/2 hours away!! If you select the Chow box option - everything is provided - even the tent, if need be.


Thanks for the tip Ttepee. icon_smile.gif


I just checked out that campsites website. You get dinner and breakfast for that price. I guess it's based of 4 people per camp site. So $50 isn't that overpriced. If the views are as great as I'm hearing I may just trey and make resevations for 2 weeks from now.


There's even a deck of playing cards in the chow box.



Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own.

Sydney J. Harris


"The fool who knows he is a fool is for that reason very wise. The fool who thinks himself wise is the greatest fool of all." - Shakyamuni


Fifty Dollars for one campsite? Rip Off! I know a beautiful place to camp just one kilometer south of there. There is a reliable artesian spring just south of the Bald Hill summit, in a pretty glade, with a wood road leading into it.


By the way, you might want to check out the new East Hudson Trails map set from the NY/NJ trail Conference that just came out. It has a much more accurate depiction of the marked and unmarked trails, some of which were GPSed by your's truly.


know a beautiful place to camp just one kilometer south of there. There is a reliable artesian spring just south of the Bald Hill summit, in a pretty glade, with a wood road leading into it.


Got the coordinates?


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry


The coordinates are 41 29.951 73 55.115. I should point out that this site is on top of the ridge, which means humping all the gear up. The easiest approach is from the old wood road that leads off Sunnyside Rd. in Glenham (41 30.421 73 55.767), which is the same approach you would use for the campground, only all the way up on the top. This site would not be technically legal, but it's remoteness would make the likely hood of discovery extremely unlikely.

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