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Melvin's Multiple Madness is logged!


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Almost 11 months after its placement, Melvin's Multiple Madness was visited by the first finders today. Included in the team were; BrianSnat, The Artful Dodger, Mxyzptlk and yours truly.


It was an incredible adventure involving mud, wind, mud, man-eating reeds, mud, the NJ State Police, and mud. The only casualties were Dodger's hiking stick and a two-way radio. If anyone finds the radio, its Brian's - please return it so I can avoid the replacement cost. Sorry Brian! icon_frown.gif


BrianSnat has the honor of logging the cache page first, as he discovered the cache. I haven't seen any of the pictures that were taken yet, but I'm sure there's some good ones.


This was a most excellent adventure. I strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a challenge. Be safe, though, and bring a friend.


This has to be the most fun I ever had looking for a cache. I say this in hindsight. While we were out there, I was cursing the mud, cursing Marty, cursing the phragmites, cursing the Cheesequake Creek and cursing the thorn bushes. But in the end, it was an absolute blast. Put this one on your must find list (but make sure you bring a partner or two along).


"Paternalism is the greatist despotism" - Emmanual Kant


Yep. Had a good time.


I think there should be more team effort geocaching hunts - they are more enjoyable.


30 seconds after I thought of the possibility of a NJ State Police car stopping and hailing us ... what happens next? El Coppo pulls over and asks us what we were doing near the side of the road. Yours truly couldn't think of anything substantial to say - so I said


"Nothing much. Just exploring the area."


"Fair enough. Just stay off the Garden State Parkway."


..and so onwards we went, making it a fun morning for Team Melvin




For anybody who is interested, this is the best time to do Melvins, when the ground is frozen. Instead of sinking in mud up to our knees, we just sunk up to our shins. We also avoided the mud because Etoast and Mxtylptlk figured out how to navigate the area during their last attempt. It made all the difference.


Finally, do not attempt this without contacting Marty first. One of the instructions for the last stage was wrong. Thankfully Marty was there to correct it, lest we'd have spend all day searching the wrong place (several hundred feet off).

Marty plans on correcting the mistake, but until he does, make sure you straighten things out before you attempt this.


"Paternalism is the greatist despotism" - Emmanual Kant


I thank and congratulate the team that logged Melvin's today. The web site description has been corrected for future cachers. The pictures you all took look great, mine didn't work out, new camera. I went back out to the site this afternoon, but did not find the radio. I walked out to the stage 2 area and back with no luck. I thought we found the walking stick? I tried following footprints , but there were only a few because of the frozen conditions. I also had my share of mud today, left you guys, and proceeded to get my truck stuck in mud in my backyard, had to winch it out. Great meeting you all, hope to see you again, another day another cache


Congrats on the find guys! If I had known sooner I would have loved to join you guys. Unfortunately, I wasnt even in NJ today, but I did get to hit a few caches down in Delaware, so the day wasnt a total loss! Way to go guys!


PS: I still would love to do this, even if it will be sloppy seconds! icon_smile.gif

Anyone one up for it????


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Originally posted by Mopar:

PS: I still would love to do this, even if it will be sloppy seconds! icon_smile.gif

Anyone one up for it????


I'll go, depending on the day (saturdays are best for me, plus I have ML King Jr's day off on the 20th).



Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be also be like him.


Mr. Magoo wrote:

Would you say it earns hardest cache in NJ honors?


With one less stage (the 1st one went missing) and the partially frozen ground, the cache was certainly easier than it was originally intended to be. It's definitely no cakewalk and probably is the most difficult cache I've ever done. Is it the hardest cache in NJ? I can't say. I haven't found enough to be the judge, but I'm sure it's in the top 5 or so.


"Paternalism is the greatist despotism" - Emmanual Kant



For anybody who is interested, this is the best time to do Melvins, when the ground is frozen. Instead of sinking in mud up to our knees, we just sunk up to our shins.


I have to agree with Brian on this. This is the best time of year to do this one. Plus I could just imagine some of the bugs that will be hanging out in Melvin's when the warmer weather arrives.


They key is don't step in an spot that you are unsure of. Go around it and you will be fine.


I think that Melvin's is a little unbalanced now that the original 1st stage is gone. I hope Marty puts it back and moves the original stage 2 locations enough to make the current posted coordinates unusable. That would even up 1&2 with 3&4 and make the cache more of what it was intended to be. Enough hints. icon_wink.gif


I think it unfair to compare a multiple stage cache with a regular cache, or even a micro. As it stands, Melvin's has my vote for the most difficult multi, and A Walk in the Park is still my nod for most difficult single.


I'm eager to try Revenge on the King, but I'd sure like Pellinore (or anyone) to verify the Teddy Roosevelt still exists. I'm not so eager to attempt Muskrats, Mosquitos and Muck because I've had enough of Cheesequake the last two weekends.


I will put the first stage back in a different location, but I am not sure what you mean about the 1st & 2nd and 3rd & 4th stages being more even ? If I change the locations of the intermediate containers, that means I must walk to each them, I am not looking forward to that. I need your input to help improve this cache.


I'm in - if anyone mounts a team effort, I'd love to participate (I just read the cache page and it certainly piqued my interest!). Just email me if you're mounting a weekend assault and I'm in (I can even provide a few radios).


Plus, I've got a (relatively) clean record so I'll volunteer to be the guy who sits in the back of the police car if we get caught on the parkway!


- Hart


OK, it's been almost 10 months since we logged it, but I finally developed the photos and uploaded them to the log.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

OK, it's been almost 10 months since we logged it, but I finally developed the photos and uploaded them to the http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?LUID=f48835c3-1ef2-47ea-b28b-556b2d400331



Thanks for the memories, Brian. I forgot how scary looking a bunch we were back then. Its amazing that the cop in the cop car that pulled over on the GSP let us go!! icon_biggrin.gif

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