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Cache reviewers

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Help....I am currently caching with the intent to collect different cache reviewers. I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to do that. I am currently randomly checking caches for different reviewers. Ohhh this is tedious work. Does anyone have an easier way to find cache reviewers. The areas I am interested in are North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Sakatchewan, Alberta. Thank you!


Help....I am currently caching with the intent to collect different cache reviewers. I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to do that. I am currently randomly checking caches for different reviewers. Ohhh this is tedious work. Does anyone have an easier way to find cache reviewers. The areas I am interested in are North Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba, Sakatchewan, Alberta. Thank you!

The word "tedious" did come to mind when you described your goal. Is this for some Challenge Listing, or just for your own amusement? Sometimes there are tools built for specific Challenges that make the task easier. Otherwise just looking at the first log entry on individual Listings may be your only solution.


Best of luck!


I would suggest using the Project-GC.com challenge checker that was developed specifically for this type of challenge. It took me just a few minutes to discover that I've found caches published by 79 different reviewers. This automation removes much of the "tedium."


Try looking at the list of reviewers maintained in the Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki. Just click on the states, provinces or countries you're interested in. Of course, that will only tell you the current reviewers for a particular area, but it's a start.


For historic reviewer information, I would suggest sampling caches from each year and seeing who published them. For example I think there's only been four dedicated reviewers covering North Dakota since the introduction of the "published" log.


Oh, I know how to determine how many I already have. I need to add to my collection.

Your best bet might be to ask the Challenge Listing Owner how they did it. My guess is they probably did it in a casual manner, and over the years collected the number of Publishing Reviewers to reach whatever magic number they ended up basing the Challenge on.


You can make a few assumptions however. Almost every State in the U.S. has at least one local Reviewer. In CA, where I'm from, we have 7 currently. Earthcaches have their own subset of Reviewers (called "geoawares" followed by a few letters and numbers usually). Up in Canada, I'm a bit less certain, but I believe the territories are divided up by Province, so you may have less opportunity to collect as large a number of Reviewers as you would in the U.S.


Be aware that early caches do not have the reviewer listed (not sure of the time frame on that, pre-2005 maybe someone knows exactly)


Check the bookmarks/qualifying lists of the geocachers that have already completed the challenge. That should help point you to caches you can use.


I'll mention that caches older than the Publish Log, which dates from late summer 2005, won't return results from project-gc.


The CACHE OWNER can see who published the cache at the bottom of the page (they have to load all logs). So if they're active, you can ask them and they may tell you.


I see you've found Florida's oldest cache, Christmas cache GCFA, published by irshye


Be aware that early caches do not have the reviewer listed (not sure of the time frame on that, pre-2005 maybe someone knows exactly)

Just to one-up palmetto, because it's so freaking hard to do: The "Published" log premiered on July 28, 2005, concurrent with the rollout of the instant notification feature. The challenge checker goes off the "Published" log.


Hey palmetto, we cache ALOT in Southern Florida... The Marco, Naples, Ft Myers area and have found MANY of your published caches, in fact the majority of our FTFs are published by you. I have emailed the CO regarding this challenge and getting pre 2005 reviewer info but I have a funny feeling that the requirements say it has to be a published reviewer.

I appreciate all the info you ALL have contributed to helping with my dilemma. Thanks!

I think the key to upping my published reviewers just might be in doing more earth caches..... Not my favorite type.


Just a thought, too bad the reviewer info isn't at the top of the cache page.


Maybe an idea for a "feature request": put the reviewers name at the top of the listing together with CO, placed date, D/T, size :ph34r:


The best way to "collect" reviewers is to cache in many different places as reviewers are regional most of the time. Earthcaches have different reviewers so you might double your count by finding an earthcache in every region go go caching.


Here's a list of reviewers that published caches that I've found. If you don't have some of these, then the associated GC Codes will tell you where to look.


2009-05-07: GCZ2M9 - published by Cache Effect

2009-05-10: GC16HB1 - published by geoaware

2009-06-06: GC1ERAY - published by mtn-man

2009-06-06: GCQV4H - published by OpinioNate

2009-06-11: GCTX5D - published by Cache-tech

2009-06-12: GCQDC3 - published by cache-advance

2009-06-17: GC13RNP - published by onecrazycanadian

2009-07-17: GC1QHY1 - published by MT Fellwalker

2009-07-18: GC18GNX - published by MsDelilah

2009-07-18: GC14FGA - published by Cascade Reviewer

2009-07-21: GC1F5Y7 - published by Ice and Wind

2009-07-24: GC19J5N - published by Lord Stirling

2009-07-24: GC1FKT9 - published by GCTeamOregon

2009-07-24: GC14497 - published by ThunderEggs

2009-07-25: GC1R259 - published by GeoCrater

2009-07-25: GC14D3T - published by PNWadmin

2009-07-25: GC144FN - published by Team Misguided

2009-07-26: GCYHHQ - published by Keystone

2010-01-01: GCQ5FG - published by kerrysol

2010-03-14: GC248ZP - published by geoawareCA

2010-06-10: GC29W07 - published by Alba15

2010-06-10: GC1AZ18 - published by erik88l-r

2010-06-11: GC27ZV8 - published by Deceangi

2010-06-10: GCV5VA - published by Lactodorum

2010-06-22: GC120QB - published by Eckington

2010-12-17: GCX74J - published by OReviewer

2010-12-17: GC20ZXQ - published by BlueRajah

2010-12-17: GC1NAN6 - published by HighCountryAdmin

2010-12-17: GC184XR - published by RedHiker

2010-12-17: GCREMT - published by UtahAdmin

2010-12-19: GCRD9M - published by RoadRunner

2010-12-19: GC1Q68P - published by Cache Chameleon

2010-12-22: GC2H8WP - published by GeoDesertTiger

2010-12-22: GCWWZH - published by honeychile

2010-12-27: GC20EX7 - published by geoawareHQ

2011-05-31: GC2W873 - published by Brad_W

2011-06-05: GC2XAQH - published by Scootch

2011-06-04: GC2TJ65 - published by Wizard of Ooze

2011-06-15: GC2D76A - published by Surfer Joe

2011-06-17: GC2FVXB - published by Electric Mouse

2011-06-17: GC2Y3H2 - published by Christopher Pike

2011-06-18: GC1MMDH - published by Rana Pirica

2011-06-16: GC2KBQ6 - published by MN.Fruitcake

2011-07-15: GC2WC7D - published by MissJenn

2011-07-16: GC2HB80 - published by powpea

2011-08-01: GC2XY0R - published by cache agent

2011-08-01: GC2VW2A - published by CacheDrone

2011-12-29: GC2CTGR - published by geoawareUSA1

2011-12-29: GC2X6XE - published by geoawareUSA2

2012-01-05: GC23ATH - published by Heartland Cacher

2012-06-20: GC3NK9Q - published by TheScarlettReviewer

2012-08-19: GC3NHQB - published by Vrso

2012-12-04: GC2ZHV5 - published by mixtli

2012-12-05: GC1MH8C - published by garri

2012-12-01: GC1KV27 - published by Prime Reviewer

2013-04-25: GC49D6M - published by Dr.MD

2013-04-27: GCV23X - published by Quiggle

2013-04-29: GC23C2F - published by offline.cacher

2013-06-13: GC40HP8 - published by Gat R Done

2013-06-22: GC3DKGF - published by IowaAdmin

2013-07-02: GC1BQGD - published by Wis Kid

2013-07-06: GC3V58M - published by Agramone

2014-03-17: GC37PR0 - published by Hemlock

2014-06-28: GC56W7R - published by saltchuk

2014-06-29: GC44HHQ - published by Cachin' Cricket

2014-06-30: GC4RGVT - published by Finn Tully

2015-06-24: GC5VRW3 - published by Punk Rock Girl

2015-06-28: GC5XEJT - published by Miss Steele

2015-06-11: GC1W5HT - published by Rock Rabbit

2015-06-12: GC57ZJR - published by Barking Frogz

2015-06-13: GC2QAMT - published by Radical Ed

2015-06-15: GCW9MB - published by TeamB&S

2015-06-16: GC3B4PY - published by Nomex

2015-06-17: GC4XQCT - published by Krypton

2015-06-23: GC4QHN4 - published by iryshe

2015-08-10: GC1AJVR - published by RockyMtnReviewer

2015-08-10: GC2ZNVC - published by Alpine Reviewer

2015-08-13: GC4R3MH - published by Frank Black


Just a thought, too bad the reviewer info isn't at the top of the cache page.


Maybe an idea for a "feature request": put the reviewers name at the top of the listing together with CO, placed date, D/T, size :ph34r:



Agreed. I think that I've even seen that feature request previously posted. Of course, for caches prior to 2005, that field would be empty.



The best way to "collect" reviewers is to cache in many different places as reviewers are regional most of the time. Earthcaches have different reviewers so you might double your count by finding an earthcache in every region go go caching.


Agreed again. I've collected quite a few reviewers but I have no idea where the nearest challenge cache based on finding caches with N reviewers is located.


The list that CanadianRockies provided is pretty good, but in the interest of transparency wouldn't it be nice if GS had a page which listed all the reviewers and their coverage area?




Not sure how this turned into a feature suggestion thread, but stuff happens.


Putting the original reviewer name at the very top is dangerous because reviewers come and go (especially the reviewers who are dogs). A name at the top of the page by the CO suggests that the named reviewer can be contacted to give hints, mediate FTF disputes, etc. Even the reviewers who are still reviewers (dogs or otherwise) don't like this. We get such emails frequently.


The name of the publishing reviewer is stored in the database, it just isn't displayed on the listing except in the published log and for the cache owner at the very bottom of the page, just so you know.


Reviewer assignments are maintained by the Reviewer group for their respective areas per the Land Manager Policy wiki I mentioned above. I cannot think of a reason, apart from this challenge, why a public list is needed from A to Z. Whenever that's been suggested, the concern is the difficulty of keeping it up to date. Regionalizing the information was a nice solution as every reviewer knows to keep their own section updated.


Here's a list of reviewers that published caches that I've found. If you don't have some of these, then the associated GC Codes will tell you where to look.


2010-01-01: GCQ5FG - published by kerrysol




"kerrysol" caught my eye, not a reviewer name I recognize.

GCQ5FG was published by geoaware. http://coord.info/GLWHG8B


An output error from project-gc, or possibly a copy error on your part?


kerrysol is/was a Lackey.


On that subject, please note that the qualifying requirements can vary from one "reviewer challenge" to the next. Some exclude Lackeys and/or Geoawares.


What are Lackeys and Geoawares?

I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers. Thx


Just a thought, too bad the reviewer info isn't at the top of the cache page.

I wouldn't want to see the reviewer name take up space just because once in a blue moon someone's working out their requirements for a reviewer challenge cache. There's simply no other purpose for listing the publishing reviewer.


What are Lackeys and Geoawares?

I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers. Thx

Lackeys are employees who work at Geocaching HQ. If the purpose of the challenge cache is to honor Community Volunteer Reviewers like me, some challenges exclude Lackeys. A Lackey may publish a special cache, like a Mega Event or an exception to the Listing Guidelines or a cache that was appealed.


Thus far, you have not found any caches published by Lackeys. In CanadianRockies' sample list found in Post 15, there are Lackeys listed -- OpinioNate, kerrysol, Brad_W, MissJenn, powpea and iryshe.


Geoawares are reviewers who only publish Earthcaches. Some reviewer challenges exclude these.


What are Lackeys and Geoawares?

I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers. Thx


There were (are?) at least a couple of reviewers which were not responsible for a specific region but covered areas all over the world that are not specifically covered by a "regional" reviewer. I've found caches published by the same reviewer on two different continents.




What are Lackeys and Geoawares?

I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers. Thx

Lackeys are employees who work at Geocaching HQ. If the purpose of the challenge cache is to honor Community Volunteer Reviewers like me, some challenges exclude Lackeys. A Lackey may publish a special cache, like a Mega Event or an exception to the Listing Guidelines or a cache that was appealed.


Thus far, you have not found any caches published by Lackeys. In CanadianRockies' sample list found in Post 15, there are Lackeys listed -- OpinioNate, kerrysol, Brad_W, MissJenn, powpea and iryshe.


Geoawares are reviewers who only publish Earthcaches. Some reviewer challenges exclude these.


Hmm, challenges that exclude Lackeys could be problematic. Wasn't MissJenn a PA reviewer before she became a Lackey? (unsure about this)


What are Lackeys and Geoawares?

I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers. Thx

Lackeys are employees who work at Geocaching HQ. If the purpose of the challenge cache is to honor Community Volunteer Reviewers like me, some challenges exclude Lackeys. A Lackey may publish a special cache, like a Mega Event or an exception to the Listing Guidelines or a cache that was appealed.


Thus far, you have not found any caches published by Lackeys. In CanadianRockies' sample list found in Post 15, there are Lackeys listed -- OpinioNate, kerrysol, Brad_W, MissJenn, powpea and iryshe.


Geoawares are reviewers who only publish Earthcaches. Some reviewer challenges exclude these.


Hmm, challenges that exclude Lackeys could be problematic. Wasn't MissJenn a PA reviewer before she became a Lackey? (unsure about this)

Michaelcycle - I believe you're thinking of MissPlaced. At least I believe that was her username.


I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers.


I believe it was 2012, if I remember correctly.


What are Lackeys and Geoawares?

I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers. Thx

Lackeys are employees who work at Geocaching HQ. If the purpose of the challenge cache is to honor Community Volunteer Reviewers like me, some challenges exclude Lackeys. A Lackey may publish a special cache, like a Mega Event or an exception to the Listing Guidelines or a cache that was appealed.


Thus far, you have not found any caches published by Lackeys. In CanadianRockies' sample list found in Post 15, there are Lackeys listed -- OpinioNate, kerrysol, Brad_W, MissJenn, powpea and iryshe.


Geoawares are reviewers who only publish Earthcaches. Some reviewer challenges exclude these.


Hmm, challenges that exclude Lackeys could be problematic. Wasn't MissJenn a PA reviewer before she became a Lackey? (unsure about this)

There are five Lackeys/former Lackeys who were/are also Community Volunteer Reviewers. You can distinguish their roles because Lackey accounts are separate from Reviewer accounts, as in the example of MissJenn / MissPlaced. One exception is Moun10Bike, who reviewed under that name and as PNWAdmin prior to joining Groundspeak as a Lackey. Whatever his name is, he's awesome.


So, even the most militant of challenge cache owners would have to allow a cache published by MissPlaced the Reviewer, while also disallowing one published by MissJenn the Lackey/Player. An interesting trivia tidbit: MissPlaced was the official Volunteer Sherpa, earning that title in May 2004.



I have heard that one April 1 there was a trick played where reviewers published caches in regions that they don't typically publish in. Does anyone know what year that was? This might be another way to up my numbers.


I believe it was 2012, if I remember correctly.


You are correct. That was fun - I was able to collaborate with reviewers from all over the world (and the U.S.), and publish some of their caches.


Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't there also been times when a reviewer may jump in to help in an area where there is a temporary shortage of reviewers? If a reviewer in an area with only one or two reviewers is dealing with a long-term situation (family illness, extended travel, jail time, etc.), then a reviewer will fill in for some of the load.




Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't there also been times when a reviewer may jump in to help in an area where there is a temporary shortage of reviewers? If a reviewer in an area with only one or two reviewers is dealing with a long-term situation (family illness, extended travel, jail time, etc.), then a reviewer will fill in for some of the load.




I believe you are correct. The main reviewers in my area are Cotton Malone and OReviewer but every now and then, I'll see skeetsurfer and/or Lord Stirling filling in for them.


Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't there also been times when a reviewer may jump in to help in an area where there is a temporary shortage of reviewers? If a reviewer in an area with only one or two reviewers is dealing with a long-term situation (family illness, extended travel, jail time, etc.), then a reviewer will fill in for some of the load.




I believe you are correct. The main reviewers in my area are Cotton Malone and OReviewer but every now and then, I'll see skeetsurfer and/or Lord Stirling filling in for them.


Or back in older times, we had NY Admin, followed by Pofe. But I did have one reviewed by someone at GCHQ.


An update to my cache reviewer dilemma.... A huge shout out to you all as I was able to find a pretty good solution thanks to all your contributions. I ran a pocket query looking for caches published on April 1,2012! As someone had previously wrtiten an April Fools joke was played that year at geocaching HQ switching up the usual cache reviewers. THANKS!


An update to my cache reviewer dilemma.... A huge shout out to you all as I was able to find a pretty good solution thanks to all your contributions. I ran a pocket query looking for caches published on April 1,2012! As someone had previously wrtiten an April Fools joke was played that year at geocaching HQ switching up the usual cache reviewers. THANKS!


MIG, you might want to check for publication date of 31Mar12 as well. Some of the "visiting reviewers" published caches on that date here in Jersey (time difference, maybe?)


By the way, there is at least one cache published by iryshe that will show up on the project-gc checker: GC1193P, a recent addition to my list.

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