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Was just wondering.


A number of local city centre caches have 4+ DNFs on them some lots more than 4, is it ok to inform reviewer's about these caches or not?


It seems a shame that they are still live and the COs are not responding to multiple DNFs. Obviously catchers will avoid these as it will be presumed they are missing, was just wondering if it's ok to bring these to a reviewer's attention or will they be aware of them?

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You don't say, are these simple 1.5/1.5 hides, or do they have a difficulty rating that shows they may be tough to find?

Tougher D ratings will probably get a fair share of DNFs.


If simple, are there Needs Maintenance logs?

Often a bunch of people will log a DNF, but won't log a NM.

Not sure why that is...

A lotta DNFs in that case, might be good for someone to finally log a NM.


If there are already NM logs, maybe it's a good time for an NA, and let a Reviewer get an idea of what's going on.

Edited by cerberus1
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