+*Triforce* Posted July 3, 2015 Posted July 3, 2015 Geocaching.com seems to have focused all of their site and app updates on new finders. When will we see updates to make it easier for us hiders? Recommendations: Site - better map showing where current hides are: make it full screen and google map. Site - don't make us go through that intro page in order to start to post a new hide. Site - How about a Copy Page option? Would make it easier to create a series. App - give an option to have a 528' circle around existing hides. What other suggestions do you have, and how do we get these in Geo.com's radar?? Cheers! TriforceTino Quote
+T.D.M.22 Posted July 3, 2015 Posted July 3, 2015 Isn't the map showing hides with circles already Google? Or do mean you want their satellite view? The intro page; well even with that, people get denied hides because they don't understand everything. What would you suggest as a better, more effective alternative? The circles in the app; no, just no. If your in the field, pull up the map, and navigate to the closest cache-if it's less than 161 meters away, no good, if it's more, it's good. Plus it would only encourage short term caches to hide caches. As said above they don't understand everything, so it's only making it easier for them to hide bad caches. Yes some newbs Jose good caches, but they also understand the guidelines and such. There's enough of a problem with them finding caches- it would now be them hiding a cardboard box with bad co-ords, no log, and ignore maintanance. Plus I don't see why it's hard to use a computer to hide caches. You own one, or use a friends, or go to the library. Able to copy a cache page- we can do that. Ctrl C, Ctrl V. Or whatever it is on your choice of OS. You'd still have to do the name, co-ords different, so it's really pointless IMO. Quote
+*Triforce* Posted July 4, 2015 Author Posted July 4, 2015 Hi TDM, Thanks for your response. On your first point, yes, I would like it to be google maps and full size. On your second point, I can see what you are saying, but it really up to the reviewer to ensure that the hide was done properly. I remember on my first hide I had to jump through hoops to get it done. Also, I assume they can program the site to automatically redirect someone with less than xx hides to that Page. On your third point, I would want the circles to give me a general area of where I can go, especially for urban hides (I also have a gps that I use). On the copy page, I was asking for the page to copy. I understand (and I do) copy the HTML, just asking for a quicker experience. Regards, TriforceTino Quote
knowschad Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hi TDM, Thanks for your response. On your first point, yes, I would like it to be google maps and full size. On your second point, I can see what you are saying, but it really up to the reviewer to ensure that the hide was done properly. I remember on my first hide I had to jump through hoops to get it done. Also, I assume they can program the site to automatically redirect someone with less than xx hides to that Page. On your third point, I would want the circles to give me a general area of where I can go, especially for urban hides (I also have a gps that I use). On the copy page, I was asking for the page to copy. I understand (and I do) copy the HTML, just asking for a quicker experience. Regards, TriforceTino If it were a vote, I would vote a resounding NO! about the copy page option. Let's not make it that much easier to hide power trails and series, thank you. Quote
+niraD Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I'd like to see the Geocache Hiders Quiz be mandatory. Cache owners wouldn't have to take it every time they hide a cache, but they would have to get all the questions right at least once before hiding caches. It would be nice if the corrected coordinates I've added to solved puzzles could be used on the saturation map. But at the same time, if the only way you can find a spot for a cache is to look for holes in the saturation map, then I think it's probably better to "seek out new places to hide caches" (to quote an older version of the guidelines). It would be nice to have a knowledge base system linked to the coordinates entered. For example, if the cache location is within property managed by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, then the system could automatically refer you to the MROSD Geocaching Guidelines. Regarding your other suggestions... If the intro page is too much trouble, then perhaps you could bookmark the link on that page. Or maybe Command-click (or Ctrl-click) the "Create a New Geocache" link to open the link in a new tab. Then open more copies of the link in more new tabs. And so on. And I'm not sure Groundspeak's app should facilitate hiding caches. They can't stop the other apps from doing it, but Groundspeak's paid app is on the way out, and they're promoting their free app (with additional features for premium members). I really don't mind if cache owners have to slow down and think a bit as part of the process for listing a cache. But ultimately, I'd prefer tools to help cache owners list better caches, rather than tools to help cache owners create more copy-paste caches more quickly. Quote
+K13 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I hope the app NEVER is facilitated for hiding caches. Anyone who can't be bothered to use the website for hiding caches probably won't be staying around long anyway Quote
+T.D.M.22 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hi TDM, Thanks for your response. On your first point, yes, I would like it to be google maps and full size. On your second point, I can see what you are saying, but it really up to the reviewer to ensure that the hide was done properly. I remember on my first hide I had to jump through hoops to get it done. Also, I assume they can program the site to automatically redirect someone with less than xx hides to that Page. On your third point, I would want the circles to give me a general area of where I can go, especially for urban hides (I also have a gps that I use). On the copy page, I was asking for the page to copy. I understand (and I do) copy the HTML, just asking for a quicker experience. Regards, TriforceTino You still never answered my map question. Google maps is a variety of maps, one of which I'm sure they currently use. Are you asking for just any maps from Google, or asking for their satellite maps? And no, it's the reviewers job to review the caches. Not to teach what the rules and guidelines are. We try our best, because we do make some mistakes, and there's cache saturation we can't see (puzzle cache final locations for example) that reviewers can. The more Newbs, and lazy people who just submit caches without understanding what they're doing, mean more time from the reviewers to take care of that rather than the cache by people who do know what they're doing. It will (and does to an extent) put more strain on them. They have jobs, families, take vacations, go geocaching. They don't get paid to do this. Plus if you're really interested, and want to hide a cache, is it really too much that you read and follow a few guidelines? And while your intro page only for users under X amount of finds/hides is a good idea in general, there are many who are experienced that fall into that category. Local groups that hide aren't few caches, and host events. Or different accounts just for powertrails. Or perhaps the teenager, who caches with mom and dad now wants his own account. Or the girlfriend who had an account account with her BF, but they broke up and she keeps caching. Good idea, just not doable this way. Quote
+jellis Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 What I would like is if a cache is placed on private property and gets archived, that it would show up for the reviewers some kind of mark on a map to prevent another cacher from placing it in the same spot. I found a cache on private property (HOA)with a big sign saying that and "Residents Only" where there were two previous caches that were archived for the same reason. Quote
+cerberus1 Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Truly hope I never see an easy/simple way to reproduce a gazillion hides along every road/stop sign, roadside, or lpc in a given area. I remember the finned one spoke of a series that were the same total as the route they were on. Sheesh... Someone's gonna put out carp like that , work for it a bit. I live in the middle of four roads with three-digit numbers. - Our roads can't handle that kinda traffic. Quote
+Mudfrog Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hi TDM, Thanks for your response. On your first point, yes, I would like it to be google maps and full size. On your second point, I can see what you are saying, but it really up to the reviewer to ensure that the hide was done properly. I remember on my first hide I had to jump through hoops to get it done. Also, I assume they can program the site to automatically redirect someone with less than xx hides to that Page. On your third point, I would want the circles to give me a general area of where I can go, especially for urban hides (I also have a gps that I use). On the copy page, I was asking for the page to copy. I understand (and I do) copy the HTML, just asking for a quicker experience. Regards, TriforceTino If it were a vote, I would vote a resounding NO! about the copy page option. Let's not make it that much easier to hide power trails and series, thank you. +1 We have too much junk out there now, sure don't want to make it any easier for people to place more! Quote
+narcissa Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 Hi TDM, Thanks for your response. On your first point, yes, I would like it to be google maps and full size. On your second point, I can see what you are saying, but it really up to the reviewer to ensure that the hide was done properly. I remember on my first hide I had to jump through hoops to get it done. Also, I assume they can program the site to automatically redirect someone with less than xx hides to that Page. On your third point, I would want the circles to give me a general area of where I can go, especially for urban hides (I also have a gps that I use). On the copy page, I was asking for the page to copy. I understand (and I do) copy the HTML, just asking for a quicker experience. Regards, TriforceTino If it were a vote, I would vote a resounding NO! about the copy page option. Let's not make it that much easier to hide power trails and series, thank you. +1 We have too much junk out there now, sure don't want to make it any easier for people to place more! +1 Quote
+wmpastor Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I smell power trail. Great! Where is it?! My numbers need major help! Quote
+*Triforce* Posted July 4, 2015 Author Posted July 4, 2015 I appreciate all opinions, however everyone plays our game as they want. Are there bad hides out there? Yes. However, I don't think making it a pain in the neck to post hides is the answer. Thanks, TriforceTino Quote
+TeamRabbitRun Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I appreciate all opinions, however everyone plays our game as they want. Are there bad hides out there? Yes. However, I don't think making it a pain in the neck to post hides is the answer. Thanks, TriforceTino I think it's a good start! The harder it is, the fewer casual caches. Personally, creating the cache listing is part of the fun for me. As you said, everyone plays differently. If you're one of the people that likes to put out fifty at a time, I'm just not interested. Quote
+niraD Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 However, I don't think making it a pain in the neck to post hides is the answer.I don't think making it arbitrarily difficult to list a cache is a good thing. But speed for speed's sake isn't necessarily good either. As I wrote earlier, I don't think it's a good idea to make it easier for owners to list more copy-paste caches more quickly. But I would like to see tools that help cache owners list better caches. Tools that help owners establish adequate permission, and that help them comply with local land manager policies. Maybe tools that help them use their GPS device to confirm their coordinates, or to use their GPS device to get better coordinates if the confirmation failed. Maybe tools to warn them of problems indicated by a number of short-lived caches that were placed in the area one after the other. But more copy-paste caches more quickly? No thanks. Quote
+BAMBOOZLE Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I smell power trail. By the way where did " power " come from ? To add a little discouragement they could be called " diarrhea " trails....lots of movement in a short period of time. "Power" seems to put a positive spin on it. Quote
+niraD Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 By the way where did " power " come from ?To add a little discouragement they could be called " diarrhea " trails....lots of movement in a short period of time. "Power" seems to put a positive spin on it. Huh... I've been distinguishing between old-school "power trails" (trails saturated with varied caches by various people) and new-school "numbers run trails" (highways saturated with fungible caches by a single person/team). Should I be distinguishing between old-school "power trails" and new-school "diarrhea trails" instead? Somehow, I think the term "diarrhea trail" is even less likely to catch on than the term "numbers run trail". Quote
knowschad Posted July 4, 2015 Posted July 4, 2015 I smell power trail. By the way where did " power " come from ? To add a little discouragement they could be called " diarrhea " trails....lots of movement in a short period of time. "Power" seems to put a positive spin on it. Agreed. I prefer to call it "endurance caching" but unfortunately, the term "power caching" has pretty much stuck. Quote
+K13 Posted July 5, 2015 Posted July 5, 2015 I LOVE the "diarrhea trail" term! That is the perfect description for those blights! Quote
Keystone Posted July 5, 2015 Posted July 5, 2015 But I would like to see tools that help cache owners list better caches. Tools that help owners establish adequate permission, and that help them comply with local land manager policies. The Regional Geocaching Policies Wiki was created to assist with this valid concern. It's populated and maintained by the Community Volunteer Reviewers, who are well-positioned to know the land manager policies in their local review territories. The Wiki is linked from the very first sentence in the Listing Guidelines. Quote
+Harry Dolphin Posted July 6, 2015 Posted July 6, 2015 I smell power trail. Having found several caches hidden by the OP, he ranks very high on my list of quality hiders. I find your presumptuousness to be uncalled for. If he chooses to hide a power trail, I am sure that I would find it well done and enjoyable. Quote
+Manville Possum Posted July 6, 2015 Posted July 6, 2015 I smell power trail. Having found several caches hidden by the OP, he ranks very high on my list of quality hiders. I find your presumptuousness to be uncalled for. If he chooses to hide a power trail, I am sure that I would find it well done and enjoyable. I took a look at the OP's profile and their geocaches after reading their post and I determined that they wanted those features for creating more power trails. I would have no use for those features, but would enjoy a power trail attribute to filter them out from my PQ's. Quote
+-CJ- Posted July 6, 2015 Posted July 6, 2015 (edited) First, there are different contexts. For example, it's common that people on this forum talk about power trails and junk caches - simply because of the fact they live in countries with huge number of caches placed everywhere, including powertrails of course. I can understand why they vote against copy paste option. In my area there are no powertrails and very few caches which you could call "junk" so the problem isn't relevant. Being realistic, I understand that my position will hardly be taken into account so I do this copy-paste procedure manually. A good example is formatting which I use to provide internal links/anchors for cache visitors to easily get to English translation of the text. Copy-paste only. It leads to additional errors but I can deal with this issue. Ideas? Here are some examples. 1. A notification by email every time someone publishes a photo attached to my listing. Photos are sometimes interesting and it also happens sometimes that they contain spoilers. 2. Lightbox/colorbox feature to include nice photos in my listings. 3. Support for Unicode in hints. 4. WYSIWYG editor appearing not only once but every time I wish to edit my listing. Geocache Hiders Quiz be mandatory? No, I don't think so. - The quiz is not localized. - It's not completely correct. For example, it's asked whether you can use a nail to attach your cache to a tree; it's supposed that you answer "no" for ecological reasons. Nothing is said however about dead trees (which are still trees). Or, there's a question about "vacation caches" and it's told that one should not place a cache far from his/her home coordinates. The correct guideline is that COs must be able to provide effective maintenance plan for their hides. - Separate quizzes for different cache types would be more efficient. - More knowledge could be put into this quiz so it becomes really useful. For example, choosing the right type of container. How many complaints have been published here about micros in woods? Now look at question 6 and see Derek in a park (or wood) holding a nano container. So, I would vote not for a single short mandatory quiz but for a series of extensive quizzes on various aspects of the hiders' knowledge and experience. Not mandatory but widely promoted. Edited July 6, 2015 by -CJ- Quote
+WarNinjas Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 I think making a listing is pretty easy as is. If someone wanted to make copy and paste caches I am sure they could open another program and write what they want and then copy and paste it to the new cache listing. I do like the idea about notification if someone adds a photo, Or even when someone edits one of there logs. I get some logs that say "more later" It would be nice to get a email when that more is added instead of having to remember to go look to see when they add more. Quote
+wmpastor Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 I smell power trail. I smell diarrhea trail. The whole debate stinks! How about linguistic and scientific precision: "high-density cache trail"? Quote
+wmpastor Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 First, there are different contexts. For example, it's common that people on this forum talk about power trails and junk caches - simply because of the fact they live in countries with huge number of caches placed everywhere, including powertrails of course. I can understand why they vote against copy paste option. In my area there are no powertrails and very few caches which you could call "junk" so the problem isn't relevant. Being realistic, I understand that my position will hardly be taken into account so I do this copy-paste procedure manually. A good example is formatting which I use to provide internal links/anchors for cache visitors to easily get to English translation of the text. Copy-paste only. It leads to additional errors but I can deal with this issue. Ideas? Here are some examples. 1. A notification by email every time someone publishes a photo attached to my listing. Photos are sometimes interesting and it also happens sometimes that they contain spoilers. 2. Lightbox/colorbox feature to include nice photos in my listings. 3. Support for Unicode in hints. 4. WYSIWYG editor appearing not only once but every time I wish to edit my listing. Geocache Hiders Quiz be mandatory? No, I don't think so. - The quiz is not localized. - It's not completely correct. For example, it's asked whether you can use a nail to attach your cache to a tree; it's supposed that you answer "no" for ecological reasons. Nothing is said however about dead trees (which are still trees). Or, there's a question about "vacation caches" and it's told that one should not place a cache far from his/her home coordinates. The correct guideline is that COs must be able to provide effective maintenance plan for their hides. - Separate quizzes for different cache types would be more efficient. - More knowledge could be put into this quiz so it becomes really useful. For example, choosing the right type of container. How many complaints have been published here about micros in woods? Now look at question 6 and see Derek in a park (or wood) holding a nano container. So, I would vote not for a single short mandatory quiz but for a series of extensive quizzes on various aspects of the hiders' knowledge and experience. Not mandatory but widely promoted. I predict the quiz idea will be as acceptable as a lead balloon! There was recently a thread by a parent who went ballistic because their child's cache was rejected. Throw in some quizzes and all heck will break loose! The appeals office will be flooded! Quote
knowschad Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 I think making a listing is pretty easy as is. If someone wanted to make copy and paste caches I am sure they could open another program and write what they want and then copy and paste it to the new cache listing. I do like the idea about notification if someone adds a photo, Or even when someone edits one of there logs. I get some logs that say "more later" It would be nice to get a email when that more is added instead of having to remember to go look to see when they add more. Photo notification would be great! Log editing, not so much. You could get way too many notifications sometimes. "More later" is an unfortunate trend that seems to be sweeping the globe. The cache FINDER should have to receive regular notifications until they edit their log when they use "More later" Quote
+bflentje Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 I smell power trail. Having found several caches hidden by the OP, he ranks very high on my list of quality hiders. I find your presumptuousness to be uncalled for. If he chooses to hide a power trail, I am sure that I would find it well done and enjoyable. I took a look at the OP's profile and their geocaches after reading their post and I determined that they wanted those features for creating more power trails. I would have no use for those features, but would enjoy a power trail attribute to filter them out from my PQ's. So what if it facilitates power trails. Best I can tell is that power trails are allowed. Either ban power trails or take the request seriously. Purists can go hunt for mushrooms or scan barcodes. Quote
+-CJ- Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 I predict the quiz idea will be as acceptable as a lead balloon! If quizzes are of any interest around here I'm pretty sure I can do them myself (in local language) and publish on some other website so gc.com isn't involved. No urgency, anyway. I only responded to the idea of making any quiz mandatory. Quote
knowschad Posted July 7, 2015 Posted July 7, 2015 I smell power trail. Having found several caches hidden by the OP, he ranks very high on my list of quality hiders. I find your presumptuousness to be uncalled for. If he chooses to hide a power trail, I am sure that I would find it well done and enjoyable. I took a look at the OP's profile and their geocaches after reading their post and I determined that they wanted those features for creating more power trails. I would have no use for those features, but would enjoy a power trail attribute to filter them out from my PQ's. So what if it facilitates power trails. Best I can tell is that power trails are allowed. Either ban power trails or take the request seriously. Purists can go hunt for mushrooms or scan barcodes. I saw that. Quote
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