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The cache machine HartClimbs passes 200 finds!!


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That's right!!!


Not bad for a guy that doesn't sweat!


Congrats buddy and many more. icon_biggrin.gif



As always, the above statements are just MHO.



And he did it at the Cheesequake picnic/campout in style. Knocked off most of the infamous Marty621 caches, including Muskrats. He also made a valiant effort on Melvin's.

WTG! Make sure you let me know when, and we will take another shot at Melvin's.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


Almost forgot!

Hart also gets the LAID BACK CACHER AWARD for not killing anyone attending the hip-hop party in the campsite next to his.

I woke up around 6am, and it was just starting to wind down.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


nicely done! I have enjoyed the hides you have as well.


Keep on caching!


"Problems are merely opportunities for interesting solutions which can be implemented by those with the courage to be different."


Congratulations Hart!

Although, the missus says it's a good thing you have a radio on the GPS, especially after you took use on the circuitous route to Park loitering icon_wink.gif


Now, more cachin' and keep that Rap music down! OK? icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by Team Ekitt10:

Although, the missus says it's a good thing you have a radio on the GPS, especially after you took use on the circuitous route to Park loitering icon_wink.gif


Hmmm, I thought we had a female navigator on that outing? My brain was still foggy from the rapfest going on next door all night!


Seriously - thanks everyone. Thanks both for the nice posts as well as thanks for all the great hides people have stashed. The game's made enjoyable by the creativity and efforts of the people who give of themselves by hiding caches for others to find!


I've especially enjoyed meeting so many nice people through this game. Thanks!


Thanks again everyone.


I've got a bunch of hides ready to go. I've started archiving some of my easier caches and am going to work on placing more challenging ones. One I've got in the works is (IMHO) pretty tough, I'm thinking of calling it "Only StayFloopy Will Find This".







There is no such thing as "fun for the whole family." -Jerry Seinfeld

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