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It is not so much an issue with the iPhone model as it is with the iOS version. The caching app I use (geosphere) is compatible with iOS 5, which I ran on my old 3GS. Since it is an app that supports the Groundspeak geocaching live API, it works best with premium membership. However, the 3GS gps was not known for its accuracy. I recall seeing people walk in the opposite direction, hundreds of feet from the cache. When I used it, I allowed time to let it settle down and relied on the map, description, and hint to get me to the cache since it was not uncommon for the iPhone to send me further afield.


Looking4cache has a free version compatible with iOS 6, geobucket has a free version that goes down to 5.1.1.

Edited by geodarts
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It is not so much an issue with the iPhone model as it is with the iOS version. The caching app I use (geosphere) is compatible with iOS 5, which I ran on my old 3GS. Since it is an app that supports the Groundspeak geocaching live API, it works best with premium membership. However, the 3GS gps was not known for its accuracy. I recall seeing people walk in the opposite direction, hundreds of feet from the cache. When I used it, I allowed time to let it settle down and relied on the map, description, and hint to get me to the cache since it was not uncommon for the iPhone to send me further afield.


Looking4cache has a free version compatible with iOS 6, geobucket has a free version that goes down to 5.1.1.


I agree here...my 3GS ruined me for phone caching.....horrible experience.

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I'll pile on the 3GS with everyone else. Mine was terrible for caching. The best accuracy I could get out of it was about 60 feet. My iPhone 4 was a big improvement and the iPhone 6 I currently own is nearly as accurate as my Garmin 64s (though, unlike the Garmin, I can't drop it in a creek).

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