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Need a Century Cache


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My 100th is coming up and I want a good cache to celebrate it.


What I'm looking for is either a hike or a bike of a couple/few hours with a challenging find at the end. Something along the lines of a 3+/3+.


Yes, I'm using PQ and Watcher to sort through PA caches (yes, it needs to be a PA cache) but sometimes the stars given don't match the cache.


Any suggestions?


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

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How about that friggin night cache, Will O' the Wisp?...oh, oh wait thats yours. How about...




that one.




i hear that one is good too...




this one?


oh wait...here ya go!




"The more I study nature, the more I am amazed at the Creator."

- Louis Pasteur

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We are not sure how far you are willing to travel, but the best cache we have found in the eastern part of the state is Cary Mountain by Rich in NEPA. Rich puts a lot into each cache, and this one we believe is his best. You will be able to come home with a special souvenir of your 100th cache, made by the remarkable Rich in NEPA. (We picked a Rich in NEPA cache for our 200th.)


Other good caches are Choices and (CoFR) Sticks and Stones. Choices was Ce’Nedra’s 100th cache.


Of course we would like you to consider one of our caches, we will not put out a cache unless it is at least a two mile hike one way. Eagles Nest is the closest to you, the shortest way in on trails is about 4 miles. (The bushwacking way is quite rough.)

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Originally posted by Waterboy With Wife (www):


Of course we would like you to consider one of our caches, we will not put out a cache unless it is at least a two mile hike one way.

Howdy, Mike & Kieu! Thanks for the kind review of Cary Mountain. I consider it one of the finest compliments I could receive. I'm still hoping to get down to Eagles Nest. It's been on my watchlist for well over a year and sounds wonderful. I've never been disappointed with any of WWW's A-T cache hunts, and every one I have done still brings back exciting memories. Thanks so much!


Cheers ...


~Rich in NEPA~


--- A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ---

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You found many of the good ones!


How about if I set one for you... icon_wink.gif


But the couple of caches up north near Austin I hear are really awsome! And each has little know local historical significance!


I'll drive...that way we all will be sure to make it there together.


Or you could find Witches Brew! icon_biggrin.gif





"The trail will be long and full of frustrations. Life is a whole and good and evil must be accepted together"


Ralph Abele

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Enfanta -


Well, I am not much on PA caches as I have only done a hand full BUT, if you head down to the DC area there are a few that I can suggest that are a lot of fun, not much on long hikes but are well done math type of caches.


We have a few on the AT near winchester/front royal Va thata are 3+ mile hikes IN and have a nice elavation change 900 ft to 1800 ft as I recall )


Good luck on your 100th




my 100th

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Originally posted by enfanta:

Fibber's Loot!


On the 19th of September, this Saturday.


Wish me luck!!


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)


That is a good choice. Now of course I haven't done it yet. That stupid puzzle kicked my butt for a few days. Accident_Prone_Hiker's wife figured it out in 2 minutes... Maybe being an engineer caused me not to look for the simple solution...

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I think maybe that you are just kidding about doing Fibber's Loot for your century but on the chance that you chose this one for the 4.5/4.5 rating, I would like to point out that it's probably just another one of the Fibber's Fibs and it really isn't going to be all that difficult. You should check with Puppyman to be sure because I haven't done this cache at its current location.


If you really want to try a challenging cache in this neighborhood, I would recommend Slippery Rock Creek (GC1DE3).



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Originally posted by Quest Master:



If you really want to try a challenging cache in this neighborhood, I would recommend Slippery Rock Creek (GC1DE3).




That was a good cache. APH and I almost ended up on the wrong side of the river for that cache. We would have crossed the river to get the cache. If we did that, one of both of us would probably died. But that hike was great. If I remember there was another equally hard cache further down the trail, Hell's Hollow, but I believe it was plundered...

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Thanks for the head's up, QM. I've contacted PM and I'm disappointed to say it's actually only a 3/3. I understand the whole fibbing thing, but I didn't think it would apply to the rating without some mention in the cache description...




I spent $17 on a camp site for nothing!


Back to the drawing board...


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

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Why waste the $17? Slippery Rock Creek is in the same genearal area and I think that it's worthy of being a 100th cache. It's a killer hike and the cache isn't always easy to find. I searched for it for over an hour. I would have given up but I didn't want to have to make the trek again. There are also a lot of other fine caches scattered around Moraine and McConnell's Mill State Parks that you can do. You could do a lot of the caches in Moraine with your mountain bike.



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Actually, I'm now considering Polly Takes the Plunge... or Heart Attack at Sunrise. I want an honest-to-goodness work out for this one.


I'll keep looking. Pretty sure I'm heading west for this!


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

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Heart Attack at Sunrise is an excellent cache and a lot of fun to do. It can be made even more enjoyable if you have a three year old that decides that he wants to be carried the whole way.


Polly Takes the Plunge is also an excellent cache based on some interesting local lore. If you chose Polly, consider doing QM's Nearby Cache Twenty-Two concurrently. This cache is a virtual with a four star terrain, and even though it's a vert, I must say that is my favorite to date.

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Polly Takes the Plunge is also an excellent cache based on some interesting local lore. If you chose Polly, consider doing QM's Nearby Cache Twenty-Two concurrently. This cache is a virtual with a four star terrain, and even though it's a vert, I must say that is my favorite to date.


You will be the Queen of PA Geocaching if you can find stage #2 of Polly. Everyone has been cheating it recently. I think that it's still there but nobody can find it. It's a very good thing that I made it possible to cheat because there would be some folks very upset with me if they had walked the whole way up that hill and couldn't finish the hunt.


And don't forget Scattered Remains (GC331A) which may be accessed from the same trailhead as Polly and Cache Twenty-Two. I recently relocated it because the old route in has been blocked off.


Polly is my favorite hide but Sand Quarry (GCECD) seems to have been a bigger hit with geocachers.


If you are heading down this way and are looking for something to do with the bike I would also like to suggest Hampton (GC19E7).



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You will be the Queen of PA Geocaching if you can find stage #2 of Polly.


Hm. I like that.


See, I've roped Ce'Nedra and Salvelinus into this quest and 'linus ALWAYS finds the cache first. However, if he knows he will be crowned queen, that might make him back off enough to let Ce'Nedra and I have a chance at it...


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)

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