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Has anybody else had any problems finding the right app for use on their IPad. The app we have for our iPod and iPhone seems very different to that that comes up for selection for the iPad (from iTunes app).


I have tried the intro app, but this does not show all the cache types and have tried the geocaching UK app but this seem very restricted.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Has anybody else had any problems finding the right app for use on their IPad. The app we have for our iPod and iPhone seems very different to that that comes up for selection for the iPad (from iTunes app).


I have tried the intro app, but this does not show all the cache types and have tried the geocaching UK app but this seem very restricted.


Any help would be much appreciated.


If you are talking about Groundspeak's Free Intro App:


2.1. What Geocaches am I Able to Find with Geocaching's Free App for iPhone?



If you are a Basic Member, you will see:


All geocaches up to level 1.5 Difficulty and level 1.5 Terrain (D 1.5/T 1.5)


Green dots denote all traditional geocaches, up to level 1.5 Difficulty and level 1.5 Terrain (D 1.5/T 1.5)


Grey circles denote all other geocache types (Mystery, Multi, Earth, Letterbox, Event, CITO, Virtual, Webcam, Project A.P.E) and all levels that are available to Premium Members only


If you are a Premium Member, you will see:


All the features of Basic membership, plus


All Premium member caches


All caches types will be visible and interactive (Traditional (green), Multi (orange), Mystery (blue), Earth (blue), Virtual (blue), Letterbox (blue), Event (red), CITO (red), etc.


List views of all caches on your map


Filters for difficulty, terrain, cache size, hiding previously found caches, distance, and favorite points


Plus the ability to search for landmarks, neighborhood, GC codes, cache names, etc.



Edited by Pup Patrol
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