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Cache Rescue And Adoption Thread


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Posted (edited)

I would like to use this forum thread to ask for volunteers when a cache is abandoned, archived or not approved for listing on the website, and the cache container needs to be rescued from the wild, or adopted by a new owner. We would like to avoid geo-litter.


The approvers for the other Northeast forum states are welcome to use this thread, too.


Could I ask the rest of you to NOT post complaints about specific caches in this thread. If there is a cache that you think needs to be rescued, please send an e-mail with the details to the appropriate local approver:


Keystone Approver: Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia

MissPlaced: Eastern Pennsylvania

Crashmore: Maryland, West Virginia and DC

NJ Admin: New Jersey

New York Admin: New York

Honeychile: Virginia

GPS Fun: Delaware

Edited by Keystone Approver

Here is our first cache in need of rescue or adoption. A geocacher who lives in a different state forgot about the vacation cache rule, and placed a cache along Interstate 80 in Central Pennsylvania on his way home from a trip.


The cache is in a watertight Pelican case and seems to be placed in a good spot. The hider has been very understanding once the rule was brought to his attention. He would prefer to see someone adopt the cache or agree to act as a local 'cache nanny', but if nobody steps forward, he is willing to allow the cache and its contents to be rescued and recycled for use elsewhere.


The cache is near the town of Snow Shoe, PA. If you are a geocacher living in the area of Bellefonte, State College, Lock Haven, Phillipsburg or Dubois, and would like to help out, please send me an e-mail via my profile. First come, first served.



Saving the day and approving all the caches... before bedtime!


I think this thread is a good idea. If you care to forward me a list (if there is one) right before 8/23, I will happily announce any caches that need adoption at the scavenger hunt event.


Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03)


I've heard from one geocacher who is willing to take over ownership of this cache. If I do not hear an offer by Sunday evening from someone who's willing to act as a local cache nanny for the out of state owner, then I will present the hider with the option of giving up ownership or just having someone retrieve the cache.



Saving the day and approving all the caches... before bedtime!


Originally posted by Keystone Approver:

I would like to use this forum thread to ask for volunteers when a cache is abandoned, archived or not approved for listing on the website, and the cache container needs to be rescued from the wild, or adopted by a new owner.

Give me a buzz when you need help in my area.


-- I've found 58% of the caches in the country! How are you doing?


I would like to thank the *many* geocachers who have assisted in rescuing caches that have been archived, abandoned and/or never approved for listing on the site. These efforts range from well-publicized expeditions like the last visit to "The Hook Challenge", to quiet behind-the-scenes trips by helpful volunteers.


I have a new rescue mission for someone to undertake. Escape from New York is a cache placed in Washington Crossing Park in Bucks County, just across the river from New Jersey. The owner has not responded to a maintenance request note that I left on the cache page, and hasn't logged into the site since May of 2003. In addition, there is no evidence that the required permit was obtained for this cache placement.


Could someone who is geocaching in this area please check the coordinates and pick up the remains of this cache? Then, send me an e-mail or post a note on the page, and I will archive the cache. Thank you!



Keystone Approver, Geocaching.com Admin

"Eschewing Entropy and Ensuring Enthalpy in the Groundspeak Forums"


excellent thread. Its been a long time coming. Nice to see some formal attempt at heading off a problem with geo-litter. keep up the good work, KSA




Quitters never win and winners never quit, but people who never win and never quit and complete idiots


Since I presently don't own any Caches of my own. I'd be more than willing to Adopt anything in Central New Jersey, providing I could find it. icon_wink.gif


Take Care,


''The bear missed the train...

The bear missed the train...

The bear missed the train and now he's walk'in!'' Jean Shepherd


I know of two caches that either need adopted or rescued. Both of them have owners who are not involved with geocaching in the area anymore. They both need DCNR permits from the Bald Eagle State Forest or they will be pulled by DCNR.


Race Ya To The Top is owned by the same fellow who had Hook challenge. I e-mailed him about this one as well and did not get a clear answer. I'm sure adoption would suit him.


Hawk 3 is not far from Race Ya. I attempted to contact the owner once and was told in the forums that he moved oversees. I received no response from him at all.


I can adopt Hawk 3 if nobody else is willing. I hope that some of our newest (or not so new) local cachers will step up and adopt these two great caches! It is also a great way to get your feet wet with the DCNR permitting process. The Bald Eagle State Forest has been pretty good so far at approvals, although they have been a bit slow at times.




"The trail will be long and full of frustrations. Life is a whole and good and evil must be accepted together"


Ralph Abele


1. The "Escape from New York" cache in Washington Crossing park has been recovered. Many thanks to the helpful local geocacher who retrieved the geo-litter.


2. Thank you to Salvelinus for noting the permit issues with the Hawk 3 and Race Ya to The Top caches in Bald Eagle State Forest. I posted notes on both cache pages. In response, Hawk 3 has been archived and the owner states he has made arrangements for its removal. Thank-you to Hawk-eye for placing a great cache and being cordial and responsible in handling its archival. This great 4WD trail is open for a new cache placement by a Pennsylvania geocacher who is willing to pursue a DCNR permit.


3. Please note the request in the top posting on this thread. If you know of a cache that needs recovery or adoption, please e-mail your local approver. Let the approver post the details in this thread. Before doing that, I like to contact the cache owner/post a note on the cache page asking for a response. It's still the owner's cache until abandonment is demonstrated or permission for rescue/adoption is granted. Thanks.



Keystone Approver, Geocaching.com Admin

"Eschewing Entropy and Ensuring Enthalpy in the Groundspeak Forums"


[This message was edited by Keystone Approver on November 10, 2003 at 10:33 PM.]


Hello Admins.....


Can an active cache be transferred to another geocacher who is willing to adopt it?

If so, how do we go about doing it?



Hello Admins.....


Can an active cache be transferred to another geocacher who is willing to adopt it?

If so, how do we go about doing it?



email the approver monitoring the cache or email contact@geocaching.com


A nice summary of the Groundspeak cache adoption policy can be found In this document from the Knowledge Base. For prearranged adoptions (consented to by the existing owner) you can just contact Groundspeak. Get your regional volunteer to help you with "special cases" like caches that look to be abandoned. We'll help out by leaving a note on the page, writing to the owner, and making a recommendation to Groundspeak.

Posted (edited)
B) This is a great idea, I'd love to help,I live in eastern Pa but I get around a bit. anything east of harrisburg is day trip material for me. :unsure: Edited by bleattler

I recently posted a Needs Archived log on Craigsville On The Hill (GC679E). As you can see from my log the owner has not checked on this cache in over 8 months after a maintence visit was requested. The cache might be gone. Someone will need to verify if the cache is still there. If it is still there someone will probably need to adopt it.


We have an orphaned cache by the name of Geocache that has reached its first birthday today. Since it is located in upper NY state very close to Vermont, I am posting this in the Northeast and the New England forums.


If you are interested in adopting this cache, you may send an e-mail via my profile or post here. I will coordinate with the reviewer who handles NY state so we may place this cache in the hands of an active owner.


Thank you.


This cache now has an adoption in process. The new owner's name should show up in a few days.




We have an orphaned cache by the name of Geocache that has reached its first birthday today.  Since it is located in upper NY state very close to Vermont, I am posting this in the Northeast and the New England forums.


If you are interested in adopting this cache, you may send an e-mail via my profile or post here.  I will coordinate with the reviewer who handles NY state so we may place this cache in the hands of an active owner.


Thank you.

Posted (edited)

Well, I have sent another request to GC.com since they never replied to my request to adopt the Crump Park Cache in Glen Allen, VA. I e-mailed them about three months ago but never received any reply. That was a little disheartening since we are premium members and someone could have sent some type of e-mail saying, we'll look into it, thanks, but no thanks, etc. Anyway, I hope it just fell through the cracks and we'll get an answer this time, otherwise I guess we'll just move on and use the refurbishment items on a cache somewhere else. Just thought it would be better to take care of what was out there first.



Edited by SoMDCacherz

Here's a link to a topic started by Team JackQuest, offering the Team's remaining Pennsylvania caches up for adoption. Each of these are fine old caches and it would be a shame to lose any of them. Potential new owners are cautioned that a DCNR permit will need to be obtained for any cache in a State Park or State Forest, if not already in place. These caches were hidden before the DCNR established its permit system.


When I came here to post, I saw the note from SoMDCacherz. I am sorry that your adoption request slipped through the cracks. Try working with one of the volunteer reviewers, like Crashmore or Honeychile, to assist you in getting the cache transferred over.

Posted (edited)



I would be more than happy to adopt a cache (or more than one) in Upstate NY State...ideally within 60 miles of Saranac Lake.


A prime example of a cache needing adoption is Sprucy McHedgehog by Team Slacker (GC3F21). The last 5 experienced geocachers to look for the cache have not been able to find it, and there has been no response from Team Slacker. I live a few miles from the cache, and would be more than happy to restore it, and maintain it.


Please get in touch if I can help.


NFA - Jamie

Edited by NFA

I requested the adoption of GC77D "Lottery Cash Cache". The owners have been active on GC.com but have not responded to a note posted by NJAdmin in over a month.


This was one of the first caches I found on my own and I would like to get it back up and running soon - as a matter of fact, it is almost a year to the day I found the cache.


NJ (who is really Floopy, or Hart, or Skully or Snat or...) said he/she would transfer ownership after a month of no response. I sent him/her and email about it as per his/her request (since the month was over) and got no response - I no doubt believe that was due to the fact of the new breaking in of NYAdmin...


-So...Can ownership of this cache be transferred to me???? I can have it up and running before the end of the weekend - barring massive amounts of rain.






I would like to volunteer but I live in a fairly Cache barren enviro. Any Orpans in the Alleghany Highlands area of VA/WV I would help out with.


I have sent numerous emails to NJAdmin requesting to adopt some caches by Two River Walk. It has been almost TWO WEEKS with no response. I even emailed Groundspeak directly with no response. :unsure: What should we do next?




I've offered to "babysit" (his words) a number of caches for Team Kuebbing while he is serving in Iraq...do we need to officially do a temporary adoption, or should I just look after them until he gets back?


Team Kuebbing Caches





I have sent numerous emails to NJAdmin requesting to adopt some caches by Two River Walk. It has been almost TWO WEEKS with no response. I even emailed Groundspeak directly with no response. :rolleyes: What should we do next?

Sit tight. The caches have been out there for years already, cache adoptions are probably rather low on on the list of priorities. From what I've seen 2 weeks is not a long time to wait, especially when there was a long holiday weekend and a major website upgrade during that time. Many adoptions take a month or more.



I've offered to "babysit" (his words) a number of caches for Team Kuebbing while he is serving in Iraq...do we need to officially do a temporary adoption, or should I just look after them until he gets back?


Team Kuebbing Caches





The answer may turn on whether Team Kuebbing has access to the internet while serving overseas. If so, then edits to the cache page can be made, the cache can be temporarily disabled, etc. Then, NFA could just be the on-site caretaker until Team Kuebbing's *safe* return. This fact could be stated on the cache page in case anyone has any questions.


On the other hand, if Team Kuebbing will not have access to e-mail and Geocaching.com on a regular basis, then a formal adoption might be a better route.


Thanks Mopar. I have talked to POFE and he said the same thing. The first cache "Five Brothers" that I adopted from Two River Walk was approved the same day. If NJAdmin had just hit the "reply" button and stated "Your request was received and is being reviewed" I wouldn't have been so impatient. Thanks. <_<



I do not know if you received my follow up email. I would like to adopt spencer Park cache, Christmas cache, & Vacation cache these three hve had some problems and when the rain stops i am delivering new containers even if I can not adopt as it is the right thing to do so fellow cachers have a good find.I would also like to adopt,Caching for numbers,skate board Park cache, Cinnaminson cache,Amandas cache, &Take the

highground. All these caches belong to the magician who according to his profile no longer avaiable to maintain them.


update on my request for adoption I received an email from NJ ADM and they requested I speak to the qwner I senta copy of that email saying I could adopt Amands Cache and Spencer Park cache. I also heard from pofe and they asked me to be patient because this generally takes time as new caches take priority. I want to thank these approvers for their time doing this. I had no idea of the work that goes into this. I also am awaiting approval onmy first cache hide that i submitted Friday evening. Again I thank them and am trying to be patient.


chstress53, I looked at a couple of the caches you mentioned, as well as the owner's profile. This is an active owner who is still finding caches in your area, attending events, etc. The caches are still there and are being found. If there is a maintenance or other issue that concerns you, please contact the cache owner and, if you do not see a response, consider contacting NJ Admin or log a "should be archived" note. Unless I am missing something, any adoption of these caches would have to be arranged consensually with the owner. We don't facilitate forced adoptions of active caches from active geocachers without the owner's consent. The purpose of this topic is to deal with abandoned caches that are in need of rescue or adoption. Thanks.


Keystone approver. I contacted the owner of the cache . I even sent a copy of his email to me giving me permission to NJ admin. The magician gives his permission for me to adopt Amandas cache and Spencer Park cache. He has recently moved. His email actually told me where he was moving to as well as the state he is mostly in now and where he will be moving to next year which is not NJ when a memberof his family graduates.. Yes he has been making a round of maintence latelywhen he can get back to the area. He has also asked to meet our team at the SEPAG event as he said he is going to try and make this event. Please contact him yourself. He has given his permission as these two caches are very close to me and he at this time can not maintain these as to where he lives and works. I could forward the email from him again if that helps.

:o back again. I have just sent you a copy of the email from the Magician owner of the two caches giving me permission to adopt Amandas Cache and Spencer Park Cache. Is there anything else I need to do, not having done this before you and everyone has been more than helpful. I am sorry I was not more clear that I actually had permission from the owner.
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