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2015 Geocaching Goals/Resolutions

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Good morning! I have been contemplating what I wanted to achieve or focus on regarding geocaching in the coming year. My top goals are to find "CAA-Alaska" and finally complete the series I've been working on (slowly) since 2008.


So now it's your turn: What are your geocaching goals/resolutions for 2015?!

Posted (edited)

Cache in all countries around the Arabian Gulf with the exception of Iraq. I'm still missing Kuwait, Saudi and Iran, where I hope to cache next year. Without IS, Iraq might have been feasible, in Erbil/Kurdistan, but there's no cache at the moment anyway.


Cache in more new countries (33 now). No real plans yet apart from the Gulf states, but I'm sure there will be something else new.


See if I can finish a month of FTF (one on a random 1st, 2nd, 3rd... still missing 8 days)


Would love to reach Diamond for EarthCaches on BadgeGen/Project GC, but that's unlikely to happen. Still missing 21. Edit: though looking at this year's stats: we did manage to find 20 after all...


Place a few new ECs and more caches in general


Have fun and continue ignoring caches I don't enjoy instead of just going for the numbers.

Edited by terratin

When I first started caching and realized how much I enjoyed it, I made a decision to keep it that way. To that end, my goal is the same as always: To Have Fun.


My gold is to reach at least 200. I want to find a virtual (planning on doing that for 100), an earthcache, and five multis. Let's put it this way, without an independent source of transportation, that might take a while.


We hope to add three new countries this year (health allowing).

Also going to try to raise our overall terrain rating by a hair in 2015.

We hope as well to fill out the calendars both for days cached, and finds for dates placed.


We resolve to get more geocaching days in next year than this year.


Nothing earth-shattering but at this stage of the game it is enough to keep us motivated. :grin:


This was a slower year for me due to starting full time work again, a warm & wet & short winter in south FL, and other factors.


Goals for 2015:

Fill the last few spots on my DT grid

Cache in some specific FL natural areas

Complete the SCGA geo-tour

Complete the ORGT geo-tour

Have fun seeking the kinds of caches I want to find.


1000 Finds would be nice, but probably won't happen.


My personal goals are:


3000 finds

100 Earthcaches

75 Virtuals

10 Webcams

25 Large containers

50 caches in a day (real geocaching, not on some sort of ridiculous powertrail)


I really like the BadgeGen badges so I'm always setting little goals to gradually improve on those.

Posted (edited)

Modest stuff:


I'll be happy to hit the 1000 mark.

I'd also like to take a full day to myself sometime this coming year and grab at least 20 or 30 finds...which, for me, would be a big haul.

Edited by J Grouchy

fill in my Jasmer Challenge (need 24 months still)

fill in my Alphanumeric Challenge by cache (just Z left) name and hider (quite a few to go)

finish my top 10 of Indiana series bu favorite points (2 left)

balance out my DT grid better

have fun and visit more amazing places


As with past years, my main goal is to keep having fun with geocaching.


I'd like to make more progress on a local open space district's Preserve Circuit Geo-Challenge. And I'd like to make more progress on the Bay Area Quad Challenge too. But I'm working on both slowly enough that I hesitate to call either a goal for 2015...


I've been thinking about hiding another geocache. Maybe I can turn one of the many concepts I've come up with into an actual cache. That might be a good goal for 2015.


I want to:


1. Find most of the virtual caches in Washington DC.

2. Find most of the gadget caches in WV.

3. Cache in 5 new States and 1 new country

4. Continue my streak until I make it to 366 days.

5. Attend GeoWoodstock


1. Visit some new parks I have never been to. Of course finding caches there is part of it but experiencing the natural beauty of the area is also a goal.

2. Solve more puzzles! I like them.

3. Find the last 3 D/T combinations I need for a Fizzy. Not my most important goal though. I'd rather find interesting caches than ones that satisfy the grid. This will probably take most of the year to accomplish unless I happen on ones I need.

4. Make more puzzles to torment people. I was successful in this last year and have some ideas for this year.

5. Have fun! Certainly my top priority...


My personal goals are:


3000 finds

100 Earthcaches

75 Virtuals

10 Webcams

25 Large containers

50 caches in a day (real geocaching, not on some sort of ridiculous powertrail)


I really like the BadgeGen badges so I'm always setting little goals to gradually improve on those.


You might actually have to leave the forums for a while to accomplish this goal :P


This thread got me thinking and I created the following list, which should be doable:


  • Reach 500 total finds
  • Place at least one traditional cache and one multi cache
  • Find caches in at least one other country
  • Find caches in at least two other states
  • Gain at least 5k feet elevation (total)
  • Find at least ONE Terrain 5 cache
  • Find at least FIVE of each (earth cache, virtual cache)
  • Find at least TEN of each (cache hidden in 2000-2001, mystery/puzzle cache, multi cache)

Would be interesting to come back to this thread next year and see how many goals we all completed. I suspect this thread would have a better success ratio than typical New Year's resolutions. :P


have Fun


Maintain a 0.5 find rate for the year.


Find some of the challenge caches that I have all ready met the requirements for.


Log at least one Geo picture series.


Have Fun.


I've seen my caching time drop off significantly over the past couple years, and with my job on the line this year, it's just going to get worse. I already know I'll be in the field for at least a couple months and won't have any opportunity to even see my wife and kid, let alone go caching. So, sadly, I just hope I get a chance to find a few with my family and enjoy myself.




Cache in all countries around the Arabian Gulf with the exception of Iraq. I'm still missing Kuwait, Saudi and Iran, where I hope to cache next year. Without IS, Iraq might have been feasible, in Erbil/Kurdistan, but there's no cache at the moment anyway.


Cache in more new countries (33 now). No real plans yet apart from the Gulf states, but I'm sure there will be something else new.


See if I can finish a month of FTF (one on a random 1st, 2nd, 3rd... still missing 8 days)

- as of today I'm only missing 7 days


Would love to reach Diamond for EarthCaches on BadgeGen/Project GC, but that's unlikely to happen. Still missing 21. Edit: though looking at this year's stats: we did manage to find 20 after all...


Place a few new ECs and more caches in general


Have fun and continue ignoring caches I don't enjoy instead of just going for the numbers.


My Geocaching goals 2015:


1. Reach 100 by my 1 year anniversary date in March 2015

2. Place 2 caches for others to enjoy.

3. Buy 10 travel bugs and see where they go.

4. Have lots of family fun.


Our son and wife in California are expecting their first child so we plan on flying to seattle and getting HQ and the first cache and then adding Oregon to our list of states. Maybe we will get to CA to see the baby.


Hope to get out often with caching friends to get caches and share the fun.


Attend the M3 MEGA in Moncton NB.


Bring our bikes over to PEI to do more of the caches on the Confederation trail


This may be the year that we get less caches than the previous year. From now on we will simply aim for an average of 10 per day for the whole year.




We are looking forward to an exciting year of geocaching.


Our 8th caching anniversary is coming up in about 6 weeks. If all goes according to plan, I will be retiring in June. (Mr. Z is already retired.) We hope to head up to Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick in August, then work our way slowly through New England in the fall. We travel in a pickup with a camper shell on the back and camp about 90% of the nights on the road.



- reach find #20,000 (this will happen even if I don't retire)

- complete more state stars (we have done 5 so far)

- find caches in more counties(we have 1,138) and complete more state county challenges;

so far we have cached in all counties in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Arizona.

Hoping to finish the counties in Pennsylvania and New York this summer.

- finish the Jasmer Challenge ... just need to get up to northern Arkansas to get June 2000

- finishing the D/T grid would be nice (need two more on the grid)

- take grandson caching more - he is only 21 months old, but we can't wait to get him into this

great hobby

- most importantly, enjoy the back roads of this wonderful country and appreciate each place

we visit


I have no major goals in terms of numbers - reaching 150 Wherigos, 800 virtuals, or 555 earthcaches might be in the back of my mind.


But it would be nice to complete an Earthcache at Easter Island or even do a traditional or two around ghost towns, barrier style petroglyphs, or slot canyons. The latter three might be more realistic, but it could be the year for the former if we have any travel money left after a daughter's wedding,


My goals


Hit 800

Find one in 1-2 new states

Perhaps hide one

Just continue to enjoy and finding bigger ones for my 3 year old as she loves nothing more to find one with anything in it :)


My goals:


> Finish NJ, DE & MD Delorme Challenges

> Fill in the last 5 squares for my D/T

> Fill in the last 9 squares for my Jasmer

> Keep pushing towards completing the original Fizzy Challenge GC11E8N (16 squares to go)

> Attend more events far and wide

> Most of all, keep having fun!


Lets see...


•Reach 600 finds

•Develop 50 more Earthcaches.

•Make more fun Traditional, Multi, and mystery caches for people to find (maybe another gadget cache)

•Find 10 more Earthcaches

•Cache in at least one new state


Think that's about it...!


For 2015, I'm going to work on:

  • Double fizzy and the non-traditional fizzy.
  • Try to complete the Jasmer Challenge.
  • Find at least half of the 175 solve puzzle caches I have in my GSAK
  • Complete the Washington County Geo-trail in Maryland
  • Kick off the 2015 Central Jersey Checkpoint Challenge
  • Hide another Wherigo Cache
  • Hide an InterCache
  • Hide another SmartPhone/QR Cache style cache.
  • Hide another UV Cache
  • Create an Earthcache
  • Create a Gadget Style Cache
  • Host a series of Puzzle Events


Being a very new geocacher, at the moment I would just like more finds than DNf's

I see you've started with easy ones and that's the right move. After 25 diverse finds you'll find it a bit easier, and after 50, quite a bit easier. Some say it never gets easier but I think they're just looking for sympathy! :rolleyes: And the videos help open your eyes to possibilities.


Just curious (I didn't study your finds) - have you found a cache in a parking lot and had the "aha moment"?! :laughing:


Being a very new geocacher, at the moment I would just like more finds than DNf's

I see you've started with easy ones and that's the right move. After 25 diverse finds you'll find it a bit easier, and after 50, quite a bit easier. Some say it never gets easier but I think they're just looking for sympathy! :rolleyes: And the videos help open your eyes to possibilities.


Just curious (I didn't study your finds) - have you found a cache in a parking lot and had the "aha moment"?! :laughing:


And even if you've found thousands of caches, someone will still utterly baffle you with what, to them, is a simple hide, which you utterly cannot find for all your preconceptions of how a hide here would be done. :laughing:


Being a very new geocacher, at the moment I would just like more finds than DNf's

I see you've started with easy ones and that's the right move. After 25 diverse finds you'll find it a bit easier, and after 50, quite a bit easier. Some say it never gets easier but I think they're just looking for sympathy! :rolleyes: And the videos help open your eyes to possibilities.


Just curious (I didn't study your finds) - have you found a cache in a parking lot and had the "aha moment"?! :laughing:


And even if you've found thousands of caches, someone will still utterly baffle you with what, to them, is a simple hide, which you utterly cannot find for all your preconceptions of how a hide here would be done. :laughing:


Usually followed by a log from else that goes something like: "Easy find. My 7 year old daughter found it"




I plan to hide a few more caches. I have a couple made up and ready to go, but need good spots. And a couple of ideas for others that might be somewhat clever. Would like to do at least one like my most recent that lasted over 2 weeks before the FTF. We have a very active group of FTF hounds, and I just love it when someone else gets there first.


My goal is to manage to place my six caches in progress before the end of January. I have spent a long time on each detail of the cache, from the color of the logbooks, to the theme of the FTF prizes. I aim to please people with some new pieces to the game of Geocaching.


I would also like to find at least 100 caches this year.


I'm relatively new, but here are some goals that I've set for myself.


  • Reach 150 finds total
    - Find 24 caches in a day
    - Find ten of the following caches: multi cache, puzzle cache, earth cache
    - Find five of the following caches: virtual/webcam cache, letterbox hybrid
  • Find at least five caches in these five states
    - Illinois
    - Indiana
    - Michigan
    - Minnesota
  • Find at least one 5/5 cache


After almost dropping off of the geocaching planet for the last two years, my goal is to actually get out and cache a little more! No big lofty numbers goals, just every now and then will make me happier. We're off to a good start though, in the first 15 days of this year we've gone out twice and found three. Nothing like we used to do, but a huge increase over last year! And today I spent a rainy afternoon making sasquatch magnets to use for SWAG, and they're awesome (if I do say so myself). 2015 is going to be great. :D

Posted (edited)

Most of my realistic goals are done like the Jasmer, Bay Area and Sacramento Quadangle Challenge, Cache every day of the year and 81 grid. But I need one more to complete NorCal challenge and only need two more (and the final) to finish the original Well Rounded Cacher (Fizzy Challenge). I want to also find all the 2000 caches in California which I am close to doing and the Counties Challenge which I need 8 more.

Edited by jellis

I've seen my caching time drop off significantly over the past couple years, and with my job on the line this year, it's just going to get worse. I already know I'll be in the field for at least a couple months and won't have any opportunity to even see my wife and kid, let alone go caching. So, sadly, I just hope I get a chance to find a few with my family and enjoy myself.


Well, turns out I had a few chances in between time in the field. Hoping to break 500 caches this year; I have a few days left to find 22 more, so I think it's feasible.

As with past years, my main goal is to keep having fun with geocaching.


I'd like to make more progress on a local open space district's Preserve Circuit Geo-Challenge. And I'd like to make more progress on the Bay Area Quad Challenge too. But I'm working on both slowly enough that I hesitate to call either a goal for 2015...


I've been thinking about hiding another geocache. Maybe I can turn one of the many concepts I've come up with into an actual cache. That might be a good goal for 2015.

I did manage to complete the local open space district's Preserve Circuit Geo-Challenge, although I still need to log the last few Finds online. I also made some more progress on the Bay Area Quad Challenge. And I published another cache listing, although it was an EarthCache rather than any of the ideas that I've had for more than a year.

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