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Stayfloopy Hits #1500!!


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WOW... congrats!! I had the pleasure of hunting out Bamboo Forest cache with Stayfloopy. He is a really nice guy. Hope to meet up with you again either at a picnic or cache site!! Congrats.. and hey we use the same GPS... WAIT UP FOR ME!!!! j/k icon_biggrin.gif


It seems like everyone is hitting milestones recently. Congratulations Floopy. You define addicted!





Geocaching . . . hiking with a purpose


He hit 1000 just after I started Geocaching last October. He incredibly added another 500 from Oct through May. This was a COLD winter to boot with some snow that hung around for a while. Now that the weather is nice I wonder if hes numbers will climb even faster!?!


Congrats SF


"Problems are merely opportunities for interesting solutions which can be implemented by those with the courage to be different."


A madman! How does he find the time to be one of the world's top 20 Wheresgeorgers, one of the finest geocachers in the country, draw cartoons,

be one of the top gas pricers in the state AND still have a full time job?



"It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues" -Abraham Lincoln


Fantastic Floopy!!!!


You are a lean, mean, mileage machine!!!!



As always, the above statements are just MHO.



Whoo-hoo! icon_biggrin.gif

We stopped at Gordon's Treasure in Cheesequake and noticed it was Stayfloopy's 193rd (or so) find ... I bet that seems like ages ago.


Whoop Whoop for the Floop!!! I had the distinct pleasure of happenstancely meeting StayFloopy while caching with Mopar, mtn-man, and dboggny in NJ just a little while back. And he's logged many finds around my parts of the woods, so I hope to run into him around here too. Congratulations StayFloopy! See you on the trail.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.


Congratulations to Floopy. We can remember writing congratulations for #200, and your name was already well known in this area.


Please say hello to Mom and Pop Floopy for us.


Originally posted by Planet:

Whoop Whoop for the Floop!!! I had the distinct pleasure of happenstancely meeting StayFloopy while caching with Mopar, mtn-man, and dboggny in NJ just a little while back. And he's logged many finds around my parts of the woods, so I hope to run into him around here too. Congratulations StayFloopy! See you on the trail.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.

While everyone was in town, we also hit good ol' Let There Be Light on it's second birthday. Of course Stayfloopy was FTF on it, even though I think it was only his second find ever.

Congrats on a long and eventful journey since that log.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.


The guy is unstoppable!!!

He was one of the first to show up and one of the last to leave the Spring Picnic in Belleplain even though he lives 3 hours away. I understand he also did a slew of caches on the way home and had all of them logged in on the website by morning including the WG dollars.

Congratulations Stayfloopy!!!

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