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Posted (edited)

Ok. It's geocache not geocatch. And that's what this whole forum is about- that's why it's called geocaching topics.


More common than you think. :) Try www.geocatching.com and see where you get redirected. In the last 2 months (that's as far back as you can see with a basic Google webmasters tool account) 1,373 people have typed Geocatching into Google. :ph34r:

Edited by Mr.Yuck



Sorry, not making fun of you, really. But it is true what the first person to respond said. This ENTIRE sub forum is for anything and all things Geocaching.


This is quickly turning into a thread that belongs in off-topic. Or locked-ville. <_<


The OP is not a premium member, so I say by the time they wake up in norwegian (sic), it will be locked-ville. Not before I drop an IBTL first though. :ph34r:


It has been nice and warm here lately, so I have been sitting by various lakes reading, relaxing and getting a tan.....and not geocaching. My boss is off for a month, so any cooler days will see us back on the hunt - as long as my back doesn't act up again.


I found a geocache a few days ago and logged it on line with my phone via a Android app for geocaching. :)

It was fun, and the cache was only a micro in a shopping center parking lot with a cruddy log that needed replacing. But it was fun, because I used my phone and not my GPS unit. Phone caching is new to me, so I think it is fun. I am also suprised how accurate the darn thing is compared to my Garmin GPSmap 60. One of the best things that I like about geocaching with my phone is I can post "TFTC, Logged via Andriod App for geocaching.", then I can come here to geocatch forum and blog about my find and complain that I would leave a nice note in the log book, but micros are sign only logs and don't deserve the time it would take me to blog about it on the cache page. :(


Blogged via my PC, just for fun. :anibad:


<snip>Try www.geocatching.com and see where you get redirected. <snip>


Just as interesting, given the very commonly used abbreviation "gc.com", see where that takes you!


I had never actually tried that! I'll bet they get a little extra traffic out of that. I don't remember where I saw it, but I'm sure it was some sort of DNS tools type website, and if I remember correctly, they have almost 50 domain names that point to Geocaching.com.


Oh, I found a cache yesterday! I might find a couple this weekend. I have a couple that could use fixing, maybe I'll do that instead.


I found a cache, then signed the log, then logged it online once. Has anybody here done that?


I used to do that but not anymore! My stats used to show this thing called "distinct" caches found but now it doesn't so i'm multi logging finds like crazy. I'm guessing it's an out of sight, out of mind kinda thing so my conscience isn't bugging me a bit about it. Now my find count is going through the roof and soon i'll be winning this geocaching game. :laughing:

... if I remember correctly, they have almost 50 domain names that point to Geocaching.com.

My favorite is yourcachesucks.com


And I didn't find a cache today, but I logged one I found a while ago.


Yes, that certainly works, but If I'm not mistaken, it's "reviewer humor", and was purchased by a reviewer (and I'm going to guess Mtn-Man), and redirected to Geocaching.com.


I haven't found a cache since Sunday. I'm going into withdrawals. I NEED one tomorrow though, to fill a hole in an imaginary grid on our stats page. Then we're good until October, providing on those 2 days we don't get another SD blizzard of biblical proportions. :ph34r:


I think thus thread help out of all problem?


It doesn't appear that any new problems were created, nor were existing ones exacerbated.


Ergo, we are still ahead of the curve.


Have a great weekend!




Yes, that certainly works, but If I'm not mistaken, it's "reviewer humor", and was purchased by a reviewer (and I'm going to guess Mtn-Man), and redirected to Geocaching.com.

He should re-direct it to a static page that lists common reasons why caches suck. And then people could be referred there as necessary.

Posted (edited)

I got a FTF at midnight. Apparently I'm the only one who caches instead of sleeping.


I think thus thread help out of all problem?


Nope. One would have to go to school for a long, long time to help with my problems....

Edited by T.D.M.22

I found 3geocatch today in norway!


No you didn't find 3 geocatch today, unless you can explain what a geocatch is.

You found 3 geocaches today. And you logged one of them (GC3324W) twice.


I found 3 geocaches today, but I wanted to find only 2 caches.

But one was a micro although the listing said it was a small, so I had to drive to another one to be able drop a geocoin.


I found 3geocatch today in norway!


No you didn't find 3 geocatch today, unless you can explain what a geocatch is.

You found 3 geocaches today. And you logged one of them (GC3324W) twice.


I found 3 geocaches today, but I wanted to find only 2 caches.

But one was a micro although the listing said it was a small, so I had to drive to another one to be able drop a geocoin.

I think a Geocatch is a slang for a TB prison.


I would never belong to a club that would have me as a member.


This club wouldn't take me at first but i bribed them with cold hard cache. Yup, it was expensive at $30 but it was worth it. Of course, i might have rethought spending that if i had known wimseyguy was a member,,, :o:ph34r:B)


I found 3geocatch today in norway!


No you didn't find 3 geocatch today, unless you can explain what a geocatch is.

You found 3 geocaches today. And you logged one of them (GC3324W) twice.


:) oops!

Posted (edited)

Dont understand :P


You logged this one as found twice. And the entire contents of your first of the two find logs translates to "found". Mr.Yuck can turn *ANY* thread into a rant about lame smartphone logs. :laughing:

Edited by Mr.Yuck

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