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Coming Soon to Michigan


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If you don't know yet, I'm a new Geocacher who just got started this past week. I have only gone on a find once so far and had luck. It was the 'rail trail junction'. I loved every second of it.


Anyway I just wanted to let my fellow Michiganders know that I did some scouting today and plan on placing some caches in the near future. I will probably wait until the weekend of the 28th so that I can scope the spots this weekend to see how busy they are.


I think I will start with a micro cache before that just to get the feel for placing a cache and I think a micro cache is a good way to start. As a matter of fact I picked some great waterproof micro cache containers today.


Just a heads up to keep your eyes open for some new caches to be placed soon.


Happy caching.


[This message was edited by umc on September 17, 2002 at 03:06 PM.]


We are fairly new to geocaching ourselves - just over 2 weeks - but we've found 14 so far. Of those, 1 was placed by an individual who had never found a cache and this was their first hide, and the other had found only 1 cache and this was their first hide. These 2 caches left much to be desired. And my advice to them is to get just a bit more experience under their belt before they go wild hiding caches. Our team is very excited too, and we have ideas for caches - but we've learned something from each cache we've found so far. icon_wink.gif


We are fairly new to geocaching ourselves - just over 2 weeks - but we've found 14 so far. Of those, 1 was placed by an individual who had never found a cache and this was their first hide, and the other had found only 1 cache and this was their first hide. These 2 caches left much to be desired. And my advice to them is to get just a bit more experience under their belt before they go wild hiding caches. Our team is very excited too, and we have ideas for caches - but we've learned something from each cache we've found so far. icon_wink.gif


As a counterpoint to Rosemont's comment, I have found one or two that were placed by newbies that were very good. I hid my first after only a few finds. I might do a few things differently if I were doing it today -- better container, for sure (I should go replace that) -- but for the most part I still think it's a good cache (it's boat-only until the water freezes, though, so it's not very popular so far).


But the point is a good one. Though I still like my one hide, I've also discarded several ideas I had before that I now think would not have made for good caches. And that refined view has developed after only about 20 additional finds. I have several ideas now, but I'm taking my time with them. It's very hard to curb my enthusiasm, but I hope to make my caches memorable ones.


I don't want to discourage newbies who truly think they have a really good idea. After all, by some people's count, I'm still a newbie myself. But always, even when you're a veteran, sleep on it for a few days and see if it still seems like a great idea after a variety of finds.


And scouting, as ucm says (s)he's doing (sorry, ucm, I don't know which it is) is an excellent start; gather camouflage ideas, determine appropriate containers, observe traffic, check for ecologically sensitive areas or private property, etc.




[This message was edited by dinoprophet on September 17, 2002 at 11:45 AM.]


[This message was edited by dinoprophet on September 17, 2002 at 12:19 PM.]


Personally, I really want to place a cache, but am waiting to get more ideas of what and where to place. I have found about 11 caches so far, mostly in SE Mich, and want to place one where there are none or few caches around, and challenging enough to be fun. It is tough to wait it out, but what the heck, its all a learning process anyway. If it sucks, its not placed in concrete, and all of us caching in Michigan seem friendly enough to give some advice along the way.








Thanks for the advice everyone. Just so you know I have been doing a lot of homework on this and have read hundreds of threads. I have even gone as far as to bookmark ones that will help in placing my first cache and beyond. I will probably take your advice and evaluate in two weeks from now if I'm 'ready'. I agree with what you all say along with everyone else about finding a bunch first before placing the first one. I think thats why I may do a micro first because at that point its more about location than what is in the cache. Although I do have a great spot where my first 'traditional' cache will go but I do need to do more research on that spot like I mentioned. At anyrate I want my first BIG cache to be a success especially since it will be somewhat close to my location. For that reason maintaing should be a bit easier. I also know that I want to make it a hard find seeing how my GPS has gotten me with in 4ft of some locations. At anyrate I will be doing more research and spending more time than I should on these boards icon_biggrin.gif


Do it right or don't do it at all.




Thanks for the advice everyone. Just so you know I have been doing a lot of homework on this and have read hundreds of threads. I have even gone as far as to bookmark ones that will help in placing my first cache and beyond. I will probably take your advice and evaluate in two weeks from now if I'm 'ready'. I agree with what you all say along with everyone else about finding a bunch first before placing the first one. I think thats why I may do a micro first because at that point its more about location than what is in the cache. Although I do have a great spot where my first 'traditional' cache will go but I do need to do more research on that spot like I mentioned. At anyrate I want my first BIG cache to be a success especially since it will be somewhat close to my location. For that reason maintaing should be a bit easier. I also know that I want to make it a hard find seeing how my GPS has gotten me with in 4ft of some locations. At anyrate I will be doing more research and spending more time than I should on these boards icon_biggrin.gif


Do it right or don't do it at all.




I sort of agree with the suggestions that you should find at least a half dozen before you place your first cache. You are in an area with tons of caches, try a couple different types from different hiders. It won't take long to see that some are more to your liking than others. On the other hand if you think you have a good idea, go for it. Like someone else said, it isn't set in concrete.




Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page


Ok folks, The time is getting nearer. I now have a couple ammo boxes and a couple GeoCaching log books and travel bugs are on their way and should be here by next week. Now its just a matter of a short/small shopping trip for the GOODS.


I estimate that I will be placing my first cache in the next weekend or two as long as the wife doesn't have any big plans for us. You never can tell with her. icon_smile.gif




The 'idiot' who should be banned because he likes to spend all day annoying people while drinking beer.


Ok folks, The time is getting nearer. I now have a couple ammo boxes and a couple GeoCaching log books and travel bugs are on their way and should be here by next week. Now its just a matter of a short/small shopping trip for the GOODS.


I estimate that I will be placing my first cache in the next weekend or two as long as the wife doesn't have any big plans for us. You never can tell with her. icon_smile.gif




The 'idiot' who should be banned because he likes to spend all day annoying people while drinking beer.


Oh what a liar I am.


Ok the time is closer than ever. I have my stuff together now and just may be placing it this weekend.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Looking forward to it!


In light of the rest of this thread, I wonder how different the final plan is from your original idea. How much did your finds affect it? How would today's umc have responded to newby umc? Was the advice given here good, or did it just delay what was your plan all along? A retrospective would be interesting. Unless it didn't change at all, then it'd be boring. icon_biggrin.gif




Looks like I will be placing the cache on 10-26-02 unless something comes up. I have it all set and ready to go. Its actually sitting in a bag next to my pack waiting for tomorrows events.


I can't believe that this time is finally here. I know that it has taken me a bit to get my butt in gear on this one but I wanted every thing to be topnotch. I think it will prove to be a great cache.




Looking back, things have changed a little but pretty much right on course from what I have originally thought. I definately think the advice given here was and is great. I do think it made a difference. I now know better than ever what I didn't want to do and picked up some good ideas from caches also. I'm still a n00b but in time that will change. I have put a lot of thought, time and hard work into this cache and I hope it shows.


I think the real question is who is going to be the first finder?



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I placed it today icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif Now if you look closely on everything I wrote that I placed it yesterday so don't tell anyone. I planned on going out yesterday but ran out of daylight. Its out there though and I did my write up and sent it in so Its just a matter of getting approved and being posted.


I'm very excited, so excited that I keep looking at the cache page. Maybe I'm just weird. Yes thats it.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


umc's 1st cache


Its approved and ready to go. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Thanks all,


Uncle Alaska,


"Fair trade cache" Why? icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gif I have thought about it but figured the generic name would help me remember which is which if I go over one. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif Glad you like the TB idea, I hope it works out. I like the idea of a no pressure TB, These you can pick up from one cache and drop it off at the next without too much effort of having some major goal.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I plan on keeping an eye out on how they work and may try something similar in the future (when I have more time...ie graduate from college in Dec.)

Thanks for the inspiration and I'll be sure to credit the source if asked.



...Proudly ranked 620th in the state of California!


Way out there. Lol


I was hanging out with Trippy this weekend in his/your neck of the woods and would agree that its a bit of a trip but not to bad. Let me know when you set that weekend.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I think the bug idea is cool. It's like a travelling micro a little bit icon_smile.gif


I'm hoping to have all kinds of time in the next month or two to make cache runs. Perhaps I'll come and raid the area some time (maybe with backup?)


A refreshment stop in the evening will probably be called for icon_wink.gif Are there any good night caching spots out that-a-way?



trippy1976 - Team KKF2A



Congratulations umc! I've been watching for your first cache. I just sent in the report for our first cache tonight, and am also anxiously awaiting its posting (to correct a mistake already)!


I can't wait to see who finds it first, and what people think of it.


Rosemont Team


Originally posted by Rosemont Team:

I can't wait to see who finds it first, and what people think of it.


Rosemont Team


Thanks and I agree with the above. I'm pretty darn excited to see who gets there first and see how it goes over. I see you haven't been wasting any time when it comes to caching. Nice job on getting out there and finding them.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by Rosemont Team:

Congratulations umc! I've been watching for your first cache. I just sent in the report for our first cache tonight, and am also anxiously awaiting its posting (to correct a mistake already)!


I can't wait to see who finds it first, and what people think of it.


Rosemont Team


Oh man! We're not going to be able to get out again before Wednesday icon_frown.gif

We already have two new ones today within 20 miles and it's killing me looking at them and knowing they haven't been found yet icon_wink.gif





Friends don't let friends cache locationless!


Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

Michigan Geocaching Organization


Well, at least you don't have to worry about us on one of them!


On second thought, you probably don't have to worry about us being first on the others either. There sure are some eager beavers in our area!


Rosemont Team


I got my first first find the other day on one of Puppylover's caches. It was an interesting, almost reverent, feeling to open up a log book and see it be totally empty. It's kind of addictive icon_smile.gif



trippy1976 - Team KKF2A



Golly Ummer, I hope all your Michigan buddies are not going to pull some sophomoric trick with your first cache. Things like posting a sentry to scare off any potential finders, and then posting here that they would have visited it but they had a wedding to attend in Kalamazoo. If you don't get any logs in a couple of weeks or so, this might be a possibility to consider. That would be the time to get Ted Nugent interested in geocaching, they wouldn't scare him. If Ted started geocaching, that would scare me!

I notice that the latitude is close to me(Il/Wi line), but I'll have to wait until the lake freezes over before I make a trip that way.


I hope so.


I think it will get some hits this weekend. Seeing how we just had the time change and all with it getting dark sooner it makes it hard for most to get out after work. This is the first weekend thats its been out there so we will see.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I'm hoping to get to UMC's cache soon if the weather holds out. I broke my little toe the morning before I spent 6 hours caching with Lost Sailor on "Bill & Gary's ...". When I got home and took off my shoe the whole side was black & blue (ouch!) icon_redface.gif So I've been off the cache hunts for a few weeks.

But to the point, I've placed my first Travel Bug in my Sterling Stash. Help the Little Tykes move along by capturibg it.

Little Tykes Travel Bug






If it takes you a while just remember that you will be able to find it in the winter. Also a note to everyone, VictoryMike found my cache (big suprise icon_wink.gif) and stocked it with some really nice things.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02




I am going to try and get a micro out there this week, we will see if that happens or not.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


As per usual I placed this one later than I said but its out there. You can find the cache here: umc's 2nd cache At the point of this posting it hasn't been approved yet but will be available shortly.


good luck and have fun.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by Squirrel Nut:

ok, the link just takes me to the 'seek a cache' page...

At some point, a change was made so only the owner of a cache can view the page before it is approved. But it's there now.



Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann, und ich hab' auch im Blut.


It has been approved so you can find it now.


at: umc's 2nd cache



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


It is always a surprise to find a cache and then find that the owner has only found one cache in the whole last year. It is also a surprise to see that someone who knows so much about geocaching (932 posts!) waited so long to place a cache. Congratulations, UMC.




I don't know crap about geocaching I just like to talk a lot. icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gif


Hey, that bug hotel cache of yours is something that I want to do around here and will just have to find a place. I may be contacting you if I have some questions, if you don't mind.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02




There is a good chance I am going to "hide" a virt tomorrow. I know of one I want to do and know how I want to have it work so its just a matter of filling out the form.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


umc's 3rd cache


This is a virtual that I just sent the info to the site so that link won't work until its approved. At this point I have three caches placed and they are all winter accessable. As the rest of you Michiganders know a lot of the caches are going to near impossible to find once we get a decent amount of snow so I wanted to get a few out there that you could still do whether there's 5 inches or 5 feet on the ground.


Have fun and good luck.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Whats going on here? Did everyone quit caching for the winter?



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


It just takes a while for the reality of cold weather to sink in! We'll get bored of being indoors soon enough. Plus, I don't like dodging bullets the last 2 weeks of November!

Last weekend, I had to take time off to see the new Harry Potter movie but I did find time to re-hide the Oakland Transit III.

Hopefully, I'll be doing some caching this Sunday with Lost Sailor. If you ask real nice, we might even find the time to do another of your caches! icon_biggrin.gif

Be patient, my Pick Me Pinckney cache has gone as much as 3 months without someone seeking it. I've also had a couple of logs that were deleted almost immediately by the finders. I got the notifying Email but when I checked the cache page later, their logs were gone. icon_confused.gif I never figured what that was about


"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" - William of Occam



I would second OneStepOff's comment about going and searching for Novi Tree Farm Treasure. Thats one great cache in a great park that I never knew about and I'm sure most don't. Very nice park and a cache that was very nicely done.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Sorry, UMC. We've decided to hit a few more north of the city. (Auburn Hills & Rochester area)

I'll get to your other ones soon.

As for the Novi Lake Shore Park, as I know its name. I used to mountain bike there on the trails. Something I haven't been able to do much in the last year or so. My joints are showing some wear. icon_frown.gif

While it's a great woods, I've never had much luck finding mushrooms there which is my personal critera on judging the quality of a woodland area.


"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" - William of Occam


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