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Pictures in logs? Spoiler pics?


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As a CO, what kinds of photos do you like to see?


I like posting pictures of my girls on our hunt, because I'm one of *those* moms. My husband on the other hand, likes to post pictures of THE cache in THE spot where it is hidden. I think this is bad form. What do you think? Helpful to newbies? Or just spoily?


I guess I should also ask... as someone on the hunt, does it upset you when you see spoiler pics? Or do you not even look at the pics at all?

Edited by 4CAN2
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As a CO, I prefer no spoiler pics. You can take a pic of the container, unless it's a tricky one that I've deliberately made tricky and thus would be a spoiler. But your standard plastic-wrapped-in-tape containers or ammo cans, a pic of the cacher(s) holding it is nice. But no pics of exactly where it's hidden, please!


As a searcher, I look at pics. Sometimes I see pics of the container near where it's hidden, which helps direct me to the area. But I'd hate to see a pic in the hiding spot in such a way that it gives it away.


In other words, I agree more with you than with your hubby. ;) Hope this helps!

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I've yet to see a spoiler picture, lucky me. I sometimes look at pics in the logs. Either after find to see what other cachers found worth photographing near the cache or if I could not find the cache or think it is going to be a tricky one for me, I check the pictures if there would be a hint ('erm, Cacher87r8w90q08 photographed that funny tree and I passed by it so I was near the cache'). A direct spoiler I would not like.

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I would delete logs with spoiler photos on my listings. :P As a cache seeker I also upload photos with my logs, but no spoilers. If I wanted spoiler photos of my geocaches, I would post them on my cache page. :)


You do know you can delete just the picture itself, and not the entire log?


Personally would only be annoyed if it was a very difficult hide. If its a standard ammo can or a hide you want folks to find, I do not worry about the pictures.

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As a CO, what kinds of photos do you like to see?


I like posting pictures of my girls on our hunt, because I'm one of *those* moms. My husband on the other hand, likes to post pictures of THE cache in THE spot where it is hidden. I think this is bad form. What do you think? Helpful to newbies? Or just spoily?


I guess I should also ask... as someone on the hunt, does it upset you when you see spoiler pics? Or do you not even look at the pics at all?


For most of my caches, I don't really care what they post. If it was meant as a difficult hide, yes, I would have problems with people posting photos of the cache.


I think it's kind of silly what your husband does, though. I mean, how is a photo like that interesting? I think other people would much rather see you holding the cache and grinning from ear to ear than the cache in its hidey spot.

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He's just asking for trouble as there are many COs that do not appreciate having spoiler pics posted. Don't be surprised if you start seeing these pics deleted and maybe even get some not so friendly emails.


It wasn't long ago you could not delete a picture without deleting the log so don't be surprised if a few logs get deleted too.


Is it really worth posting them?

Edited by Roman!
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I delete any pictures of my caches that either show the container (I try to be creative) or the hiding spot. If it's a new cacher that posted the picture I send a nice note letting them know I'm glad they liked it and to please let the next cacher have the same element of surprise and fun.


Once someone takes the time to make and hide a cache, they understand!

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Not backing him up (haha!), but what my husband says is that you are warned before actually clicking on a photo, so you should EXPECT spoilers.


But from the general consensus, spoiler pics suck. What should be done now? Leave the pics of 30+ caches? I didn't realize COs could delete so my guess is some have probably already even deleted.

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As a CO, I prefer no spoiler pics. You can take a pic of the container, unless it's a tricky one that I've deliberately made tricky and thus would be a spoiler. But your standard plastic-wrapped-in-tape containers or ammo cans, a pic of the cacher(s) holding it is nice. But no pics of exactly where it's hidden, please!


As a searcher, I look at pics. Sometimes I see pics of the container near where it's hidden, which helps direct me to the area. But I'd hate to see a pic in the hiding spot in such a way that it gives it away.


In other words, I agree more with you than with your hubby. ;) Hope this helps!



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There's a spoiler pic in a log for a cache near my house (not saying which cache) that would drive me bat-crap-crazy if it were my cache.


It's an ammo box, tucked deep into a fold in a big boulder on the side of a bike trail. The fold is in the BACK of a seven-foot-high, two-foot wide, two foot deep crack. It's hidden SO well that I poked my head back in there and never saw anything.


It's a GREAT hide, with a GREAT hiding place. Finally found it.


Later, I looked at previous logs and found a pic of this kid, standing up on a rock that wasn't currently in the crack, pointing right back into the fold.


WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT???????? "Look how smart I am!! Too bad I won't let you prove how smart you are, too!"


It's like people who HAVE TO blurt out joke punchlines! Leaves the joketeller standing there with his schmekel in his hand, looking like an idiot. Everybody else: "Oh, yeah, I see where you were going. That would have been funny."

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Not backing him up (haha!), but what my husband says is that you are warned before actually clicking on a photo, so you should EXPECT spoilers.

That's my approach. If you're looking at the cache gallery you should expect that the experience could be spoiled for you.

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Not backing him up (haha!), but what my husband says is that you are warned before actually clicking on a photo, so you should EXPECT spoilers.

That's my approach. If you're looking at the cache gallery you should expect that the experience could be spoiled for you.


Before GS made it possible to delete pics without deleting the log the CO was allowed to delete a legit found it log if it included a spoiler pic. That should tell you it's not ok to post them

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I used to delete spoiler photos from logs at my geocaches.


My favourite photos are those of places of interesting, the objects that my caches are devoted to. I especially like them if they are taken from some unusual points or in unusual manner. A "standard" good quality photo is also great. I think such photos prove that my cache was more than another number in someone's statistics.

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Not backing him up (haha!), but what my husband says is that you are warned before actually clicking on a photo, so you should EXPECT spoilers.

That's my approach. If you're looking at the cache gallery you should expect that the experience could be spoiled for you.


It's badly written/worded.

It means there could be spoilers in the logs, not that you CAN post spoilers...


I look at the photos to see what the area is like.

Check my photos, I photograph things I see while in the area looking for the cache.



You agree not to: ... Publish on our websites the solutions, hints, spoilers, or any hidden coordinates for any geocache without consent from the geocache owner.

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When I use Groundspeak's websites, I try to follow their Terms of Use Agreement. Section 2.D.xxiii.:


You agree not to: ... Publish on our websites the solutions, hints, spoilers, or any hidden coordinates for any geocache without consent from the geocache owner.


Woah... I had no idea this was actually a rule! Thanks for sharing. This is enough to get him to stop doing it ;) yay!

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As a cache owner I love seeing photos of the happy finders posing with the cache. The only time it would bother me if it was a uniquely camoed container where a photo of it would give away the hide.


Taking photos of the cache in situ is and posting them in the log is not acceptable to me, and I think probably most cache owners.

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It is a hunting game and spoiler pics that show the hiding place hurt the game. So I usally ask the cacher to delete it themselves and nicely explain why - they are usually new to the game. I have great containers with lots of good stuff in it and that is what they are showing off. Sometimes the background shows the hiding place. So by asking them to delete it, helps them understand the rules better and all of them agreed to do so. There are only been a few of them since 2002.


I also believe it is a good Idea to walk away from the hiding spot before perusing the cache just in case a muggle appears!


Never holler 'I found it'


Love the posted pics - many are very interesting - some are really well done and come with great comment - I read every log and very disapponted if there is no story! My caching are given great thought before placing and I will take you somewhere really neat!

Edited by GPS-Hermit
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Not backing him up (haha!), but what my husband says is that you are warned before actually clicking on a photo, so you should EXPECT spoilers.

The concern isn't that an unsuspecting seeker will see a spoiler he doesn't want to see. The conern is that the cache will be easier than the CO wants it because of the spoiler picture that the CO doesn't want anyone to see. It's really beyond rude to post such a picture.

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I was asked once to delete a photo that didn't even have the container in the pic. Just a pic of us there. It did however give away the secret location at the spot. No biggie. I was glad to do it. I personally don't care. If it is one of my hides I would let it stay. If it was tricky camo I could see it being a problem though. Probably best not to do it. But on our caches any pics you want to post we wont worry about. We just hope you are having fun with the game.

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