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Garmin 62s refurb - averaging vs reposition here


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Another issue with my refurb, which was also an issue with my 2 year old 62s (mailed it in for the refurb), averaging coords doesn't seem accurate. Yesterday I took a couple of Reposition Here calculations then I Averaged (for almost 10 minutes before it finished averaging), and I took 2 readings with 'Coordinates Converter' app on my iPhone. The Reposition Here coords and the App coords pretty much agreed but the averaging was approx off by 4 both in the N and W coords.


Example RH and App got N43 45.138, W79 13.848

Averaging N43 45.145, W79 13.844.

It was similar to results I got with my old 62s. Averaging got comments from finders that the coords were off - reposition here got fewer (but still occasional) comments. Should I be concerned? Should I return the refurb? Or is this normal? Am I too picky about accuracy?

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