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Where can I buy the Delorme PN-60 in black?

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I don't find Delorme's website to be very user friendly. Apparently there is a red and black version of this device? Someone said the PN-60W is the one in black, but yet that comes with some SPOT receiver and is hundreds more than I would like to spend.


Amazon have the red version: http://www.amazon.com/DeLorme-Earthmate-PN-60-Portable-Navigator/dp/B0031QNP8O#productDetails


I'm just looking for the PN-60 with the Topo 10 maps. Anyone here know of a reputable dealer that sells this? Did Delorme discontinued the PN-60 and preparing to release a new handheld unit?




Going through Delorme's website, I still have no idea why the black version cost about $74 more despite both colours include Topo 10.

Edited by Sgt_Strider
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The black one is the PN60w - it can communicate with some version of the inReach communication device. That accounts for the higher price.

That, and, of course, it's the much cooler black!


When I got mine for xmas a couple years ago, they also threw in a free year's subscription to their mapping service which lets you download space views that the device can use. From what I saw, they didn't give that away to people getting the plain old red PN60. So that's theoretically worth $40, if you like that kind of thing. (I never would have bought a subscription on my own, but having it for a year was fun.)


My wife got it because she keeps threatening to get me an inReach so she knows where I am, but she hasn't, so I just use it as if it were a PN60. Except it's black!


By the way, I find the Delorne website kind clumsy and hard to use, too, but since I already have mine, it doesn't matter to me as much.

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And... afterthought ... I don't think of the PN-60 as a good option for geocaching anymore.


There might be good reasons to buy one -- upgrading from a prior DeLorme model, preserving other prior investment in DeLorme software, or even "Hey, I haven't tried one of those before and I have hundreds of dollars to play with!" -- but for geocaching, and most every other use I can imagine for a handheld GPSR, I think there are many better, more cost effective options.

Edited by user13371
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The GPS Store is definitely reputable, I purchased an InReachSE from them last week for an eight-week hiking trip :)

Cheapest price I could find online as well $264; everyone else wanted $299. Not sure if the same is true for the PN-60.

Edited by Yeah_meoW
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If you think their website is bad my friend. Their gps are hard to understand too. :-p I love mine, but it took me a bit to learn it. The learning curve on it is a bit harsh. I want to also put out that its not the quickest unit out there to load up gpx files. Nor to arrange them into closest to you or name. It takes some time to load. I figured out that you just select the closest geocache on the map to remove the arranging problem. I love my unit though. I have 3 gpsr. Delorme 40/60 and then a Magellan 710. I have not had much luck in the woods with the Magellan, so its my navigator unit for geocaching, and the delorme is my hiking unit. I am going to be trying a Garmin here in a bit. :) See what the difference is.



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There's a bit of a learning curve but its not drastically hard to figure out. Personally like the PN-60 reminds me of the original Garmin Etrex. My only nitpick is the screen-size but aside from that its great.


Anyone know if there has ever been a test done on GPS accuracy? I just tested my PN-60 and get an accuracy reading of 6ft +/- The best my Garmin unit can do is 9ft +/-



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Anyone know if there has ever been a test done on GPS accuracy? ...

Yes, I recently did exactly that. I recorded one waypoint a day for 20 days while standing in the same spot. I calculated the distance from the average to the point where I stood. Additionally, I calculated the repeatability as characterized quantitatively by the standard deviation of the 20 data values.


However, I choose not to post my data as I do not wish to be associated with psuedo-science as I was previously:


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.... Anyone know if there has ever been a test done on GPS accuracy? I just tested my PN-60 and get an accuracy reading of 6ft +/- The best my Garmin unit can do is 9ft +/- ....



I use Meters as my unit of measurement (which happens to be equal to my foot step). I often get +/- 2 Meter EPE, but Estimated Positional Error has a Horizontal Dilution of Position (HDOP) component that constantly varies so error is not all GPS hardware related i.e. signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). However the PN-60 uses a patch antenna that naturally filters out most ground bounce signals when held horizontally due to its hemispherical radiation pattern. This configuration helps reduce the S/N ratio versus an omni-directional helix antenna. This may explain the EPE difference. Whereas the helix antenna may be more sensitive to signals, the navigation solution will be degraded because of distorted range measurements in a multi-path environment.


But what this has to do with the OP's original request I haven't a clue. :D

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And... afterthought ... I don't think of the PN-60 as a good option for geocaching anymore.


-- but for geocaching, and most every other use I can imagine for a handheld GPSR, I think there are many better, more cost effective options.


Would you make a few suggestions or point me toward a recent relevant thread for better options ? Thanks !



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A relevant thread? They come and go on this theme almost weekly; a never ending drone.


Short answer: Garmin. Long answer: Depends on how much money you have to spend and what features you want/need.


I hear ya. I am firmly in the Garmin camp and always seem to want more ! Thanks for the reply. // KT

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