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Citius, Altius, Fortius : COINTEST!


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Well it has been 4 years since the XXI Winter Olympics (Vancouver, Canada) this year the athletes’ of the world meet to compete in Sochi, Russia at The XXII Winter Olympics.




Not of Olympic material, not enough funds to make it to Sochi, well you’re not alone many of us are in the same boat or I should say bobsleigh. So to make it feel like an Olympic competition I will award a Gold coin to the winners of this cointest. You’ll not need any special equipment or cardinal knowledge of the sports, all you need is to select who will win the Gold, the Silver and the Bronze medals in Ice Hockey.




I’ll even help by giving you the teams that will compete.


Women’s Hockey:

Canada, Finland, Switzerland, USA, Russia, Sweden, Germany, Japan


Men’s Hockey:

Russia, Austria, Czech Rep., Slovenia, Canada, Latvia, Slovakia, Finland, Switzerland, USA, Norway, Sweden


RULES & Regulations:


- Only 1 entry for the coinpetition!


- Choose from the Ladies then the Men’s teams the winners of the Gold, Silver & Bronze Medals (please list them as such; Ladies – Gold XXX, Silver XXX Bronze XXX Men’s Gold XXX etc.)


- For each correct medal placement you will be awarded an entry for the Gold Coin(GC) (1 GC for the Ladies, 1 GC for the Men & a possible 6 entries {3 in each} if you are correct on all medals)


- Entries will be accepted till the end of February 7, 2014 (Ladies hockey begins Feb. 8)


- The esteem & distinguished judges of me, myself & I will have the final say on all or any rule changes or disputes


At the end of the games (Sunday Feb. 23/14) two winners will be randomly chosen. Good Luck!

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thank you for the cointest!! :)


Gold - Canada

Silver - USA

Bronze - Sweden




Gold - Canada

Silver - USA

Bronze - Russia


will anyone go? I am still trying to find the commemoratine 100ruble banknote for the winter olympic in Soshi! hahahahahaha :laughing: have you seen it? it is fantastic! :)


about the matches... I hope TV will show some here! otherwise... I will see them from the Internet! ;)

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I haven't been in the forums in a while, but something told me to take a peek today. I do love a good cointest...almost as much as I love hockey!! This one was made for me! I'll give it a shot:



Gold- USA

Silver- Canada

Bronze- Germany



Gold- Russia

Silver- Canada

Bronze- USA


Thanx for the cointest, Kini!!

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Always Enjoyed watching the Olympics every year.


Here is what I think the outcome will be:


Ladies Gold: Sweden

Ladies Silver: Finland

Ladies Bronze: Germany


Men's Gold: Canada

Men's Silver: Russia

Man's Bronze: USA


Thank You for posting this fun Contest.

Keep On Caching! :)

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