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Oregon 650: Is it possible to remove awesomeness from filter?


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I don't see any way to remove options from the filter.


When loading caches from Geocaching.com (which do not have "awesommeness" set) it doesn't matter what the "awsomeness" filter is set to - it does nothing.


But, like you, I can't see any way to remove the option altogether so you don't see the slider bar.


Are you kidding me? Garmin's new units actually incorporate their lame-o OC rating system into the UI of the device?


Yes in the filter. Strangely they use Groundspeak's cache icon graphics as well!


My Oregon 550 also had the Awesomeness filter but it only showed up once when the gpx file failed to load properly. :blink:


Are you kidding me? Garmin's new units actually incorporate their lame-o OC rating system into the UI of the device? 👎


If I'm not mistaken, they are pre-loading new units with their own caches, too. However, that one is easy to fix and delete.


Are you kidding me? Garmin's new units actually incorporate their lame-o OC rating system into the UI of the device? 👎


If I'm not mistaken, they are pre-loading new units with their own caches, too. However, that one is easy to fix and delete.


My new Oregon 650 was not preloaded with OpenCaches.

The extra option doesn't impact any other functions. So it's kind of a First World Problem. 650 Filter

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