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Geocache maintainer


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I see a lot of caches get archived and a lot of dnf and some poorly maintained logs. Do you think it would be good to have a cacher as a maintenance person. After a couple needs maintenance or dnfs the co might not be able to get out to repair caches.

So the co would know their cache needs work but can't get to it, they then email a maintenance guy who then goes and performs said maintenance when needed.

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I see a lot of caches get archived and a lot of dnf and some poorly maintained logs. Do you think it would be good to have a cacher as a maintenance person. After a couple needs maintenance or dnfs the co might not be able to get out to repair caches.

So the co would know their cache needs work but can't get to it, they then email a maintenance guy who then goes and performs said maintenance when needed.

Oh, I like this idea. Never again will I need to deal with that pesky chore of replacing a full logbook or other trivial needs of my cache. Wonder if I could hit them up to replacing the missing ammo can? That would be spiffy.

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I see a lot of caches get archived and a lot of dnf and some poorly maintained logs. Do you think it would be good to have a cacher as a maintenance person. After a couple needs maintenance or dnfs the co might not be able to get out to repair caches.

So the co would know their cache needs work but can't get to it, they then email a maintenance guy who then goes and performs said maintenance when needed.

That is called a "Maintenance Plan" -- at least it would be considered one. A CO certainly could arrange it, wouldn't necessarily need permission to do so. I would imagine that many already do such.


Or is it that you are suggesting a "Contract" maintenance person? Sure, why not? It would be one way for the maintenance "guy" to increase his/her find totals.



Either way... the responsibility still falls upon the CO.

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I already travel with a repair kit I. E. new logs, all sizes, new bags all sizes and a cppl pencils. I have gone as far as replacing a lock n lock. But that's just when I go to get new caches, but what about the caches I've found. They will need maintenance after I'm gone. So this is where the co could contact free of charge of course and get them to maintenance it for them.


Also the maintenance person should have a separate account and shouldn't be able to log the find under said account. But should be able to log it under their normal account.


I have seen logs dated months that either log is wet or cache itself is no longer in good condition.

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Most of the archived caches in our area are because the CO has disappeared months ago. There is no one to say, "Hey, my cache needs updating! I'll email the cache maintenance dude to do it."


Maybe they moved and just figured to leave it cause they are not around to maintain it, thats the reason for a maintenance guy, that co can say hay I no longer live there or am not able to get to it, will you go and fix it for me

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Are you volunteering to do this?

I would totally be up for this in my area, I already do. When the gf and I go out we check the logs if any one says wet log or bad cache we prepare for it and fix it up then notify the co of said changes I carry a "repair kit" new logs different sizes and baggies

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Twenty bucks a hide, plus mileage (including the walk in) and new containers (if needed)...

- Have to make some fliers and other ads and I'm in ! :)


I don't think the co would pay for it since geocaching its supposed to free. I know logs are nothing for me to print in bulk and the containers can be gathered fairly cheaply, as for gas mileage well you would go for that cache any ways. And depending in area there should be a volunteer for almost every area

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Twenty bucks a hide, plus mileage (including the walk in) and new containers (if needed)...

- Have to make some fliers and other ads and I'm in ! :)


I don't think the co would pay for it since geocaching its supposed to free. I know logs are nothing for me to print in bulk and the containers can be gathered fairly cheaply, as for gas mileage well you would go for that cache any ways. And depending in area there should be a volunteer for almost every area


Great! I've got a soggy loggy that you could replace for me.



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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?

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Twenty bucks a hide, plus mileage (including the walk in) and new containers (if needed)...

- Have to make some fliers and other ads and I'm in ! :)


I don't think the co would pay for it since geocaching its supposed to free. I know logs are nothing for me to print in bulk and the containers can be gathered fairly cheaply, as for gas mileage well you would go for that cache any ways. And depending in area there should be a volunteer for almost every area


Great! I've got a soggy loggy that you could replace for me.




I'm not in your area and this is just a discussion so I guess for now you will have to he active and fix your soggy log :)

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The problem with archived caches is often a lack of communication. A lot of caches get archived because a reviewer is made aware of an issue and the CO does not post any sort of log afterwards that addresses it. I'd be happy to see someone taking on maintenance, but if the CO isn't doing their job, it's still a waste of time, unless the general geocaching community finds the cache worth the effort entirely on its own merits.


Whenever my caches get too many DNFs or need maintenance, I post a log that acknowledges the issue. When I have a handle on my schedule, I also mention when I'm going out to fix it. If you can't go out immediately, it takes little effort to write a note to that effect for the people who go out looking for your cache.

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I think it's a very nice idea and I don't see any reason why you can't offer maintenance services - for free or otherwise - to the cachers in your area. Check in over at the Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association and see if they can hook you up. Anyone else who is interested in acting as a maintenance guy/gal can do the same through the groups in their area.


Back here on the Wet Coast, we NoisyHikers are very much into maintenance. We always carry repair materials and often research caches before we go out to find them so we know what we are getting into. If the cache seems to be in serious distress - beyond a wet log or soggy swag - we will try to contact the cache owner and ask permission to replace a container (only if we find it!) If we notice that a cache we have found previously has gone missing, we will email the CO and ask if they'd like it replaced.


This is just our way of being geocaching stewards. Some people host events, some people create coins, some people admin organizations and work with land managers. We fix caches so the next finder has a good experience :)

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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?


I very much admire your approach.....good job !

Every area could use a guy like you. Over the years I've replaced hundreds of logs and containers....I know I appreciate it when someone assists me.

You won't get much support around here though because too many want to post NM, NA, check profiles,micro manage , find fault , etc, etc when all they had to do was put in a dry log.

Keep up the good work and maintain the great outlook you have.....believe me you efforts will be appreciated.

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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?


Please check the CO's activity first and whether they are a conscientious cache owner that could use a hand with a small issue. Don't enable lazy cache ownership. Often a NM or NA does the community a better service then helping a cache limp along. If it's a cache dense area or a nice location there may be someone who will appreciate having an abandoned cache archived so they can place a cache. Are you replacing poor quality containers that can't keep a logsheet dry with yet another poor quality container? Are you helping to keep alive poor quality cache experiences like park & grab film canisters in ho-hum locations? Please consider if you are really doing a service to the community.

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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?


Please check the CO's activity first and whether they are a conscientious cache owner that could use a hand with a small issue. Don't enable lazy cache ownership. Often a NM or NA does the community a better service then helping a cache limp along. If it's a cache dense area or a nice location there may be someone who will appreciate having an abandoned cache archived so they can place a cache. Are you replacing poor quality containers that can't keep a logsheet dry with yet another poor quality container? Are you helping to keep alive poor quality cache experiences like park & grab film canisters in ho-hum locations? Please consider if you are really doing a service to the community.


I do take care in the caches I repair, and I use the proper lock n locks not the cheesy dollar store stuff.

I like caching even with the gf lol, so when we come across a poor condition ( every thing is wet, water inside) cache we will replace all, new log, new bag, new swag, and if container leaks we will replace said container. I will then keep the wet contents and notify the co and ask what the co wants done with wet material, some have Said to throw out only a cppl wanted just the logs back. Every thing I do to someone's cache the co gets a full detailed email from me. I want the next cacher to have a good experience as well

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I think it's a very nice idea and I don't see any reason why you can't offer maintenance services - for free or otherwise - to the cachers in your area. Check in over at the Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association and see if they can hook you up. Anyone else who is interested in acting as a maintenance guy/gal can do the same through the groups in their area.


I think grounds peak should add a button the the CO cache page, by Edit, Archive, Disabled. That way it's the co that sends out the maintenance request on their own. Kinda have the setup as a reviewer, but has no control of the cache pages.


When you creat a new cache you have to fill out a forum that goes to the area reviewer. With the maintenance button it goes to the area maintenance volunteer

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I think it's a very nice idea and I don't see any reason why you can't offer maintenance services - for free or otherwise - to the cachers in your area. Check in over at the Atlantic Canada Geocaching Association and see if they can hook you up. Anyone else who is interested in acting as a maintenance guy/gal can do the same through the groups in their area.


I think grounds peak should add a button the the CO cache page, by Edit, Archive, Disabled. That way it's the co that sends out the maintenance request on their own. Kinda have the setup as a reviewer, but has no control of the cache pages.


When you creat a new cache you have to fill out a forum that goes to the area reviewer. With the maintenance button it goes to the area maintenance volunteer


Darn - this is where you lose me. See, I agree with Lone R that sometimes it is inadvisable to enable a lazy cache owner. I would feel better about your plan if conscientious cache owners - who maybe don't currently have time or have an unforeseen circumstance that prevents them from handling maintenance themselves - would make the effort to contact a cache maintenance guy such as yourself. If a NM log simply alerts a maintenance worker, then that would really support the lazy people and perhaps step on the toes of cache owners who want to handle their own maintenance.

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When finding a cache I will repair, dry it or what ever I can. Three of us will help maintain each other's caches because we know it's not lazyness that keeps us from doing our own right away.


Other owned caches in the area I would not go out of my way to fix, ones like the magnetic key holder on the side of a telephone pole. That one has needed maintenance for many months, I found it and sort of signed the plastic bag. Tried to replace log but it needed way more than that and didn't take the time because of the lack of parking on a sharp curve in the road. Really, who thinks a hide a key container is even close to waterproof?


So in cases like this, and this cacher has lots of them in town, who would make a special trip back to a cache to fix it when it had no business being ther in the first place and no thought or planning went into it. I can honestly say I would not.

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I admire your exuberance, but I think it just adds to poor caching. How are cachers supposed to learn what containers and log paper are effective if they don't maintain their own caches? There is also an art to cache placement. The CO knows the exact intended placement. The Geo Maintenance Engineer should replace as found using the same common sense as a cacher. This just seems like fixin' something that ain't broke.

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I too carry cache maintenance supplies in my geocaching kit: weatherproof log sheets, an assortment of O rings, and a bit of duct tape. And I'm happy to help, if I know that I'm providing a favor to an active cache owner.


But I share others' concerns about enabling lazy/absentee cache owners, and I don't think we need a formal system of volunteer geocache maintainers. It's one thing for finders to help out every now and then, or for cache owners to ask friends to help out. It's another to create a formal system for cache owners to request (and expect) others to maintain their caches for them.


But you might be interested in GCRM, which has been discussed in the forums before, for example:




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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?

Yes, but reviewers don't have to run all over the place, spending money on gas and supplies.

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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?

Yes, but reviewers don't have to run all over the place, spending money on gas and supplies.


She's right. Maintaining other people's caches can get expensive fast. If you have the money and time, fine, but I bet like most people, you are on a budget. Why not put this time and $$ into caches that you own.


When I first started caching, I used to go so far as to add swag to any cache that I thought needed it. All the trips back and forth to the store got tiresome and it added up $$. I also realized that I'd rather put the $$ into my own caches. I still do maintenance on other people's caches. I will wipe them down, clean them up, toss out garbage, replace micro logbooks, that sort of thing, maybe even a bit of duct tape on a crack. But replacing a whole cache, swag and all is something I will do only under very special circumstances - maybe once /year.


If a cache has been neglected, unless it's got historic value, it's better just to let it be archived and place your own cache there, if you so desire.

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I see a lot of caches get archived and a lot of dnf and some poorly maintained logs. Do you think it would be good to have a cacher as a maintenance person. After a couple needs maintenance or dnfs the co might not be able to get out to repair caches.

So the co would know their cache needs work but can't get to it, they then email a maintenance guy who then goes and performs said maintenance when needed.

Oh, I like this idea. Never again will I need to deal with that pesky chore of replacing a full logbook or other trivial needs of my cache. Wonder if I could hit them up to replacing the missing ammo can? That would be spiffy.

old news. I already have a few in place. The ones I don't I either archived (yes I picked up the cache), adopted out or let die.

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But I share others' concerns about enabling lazy/absentee cache owners


So do I.


In my first years of geocaching (much earlier then I joined this website/community) I was among those who believed that we could improve the game by maintaining other's geocaches in any situation. The other side of the problem was however that COs didn't actually take any responsibility for their hides. After 10 years the result was that many caches were left muggled and abandoned and there have been endless talks about their maintenance. We still have cachers who are happy to to maintenance for abandoned caches. I know one of these activists in person. He used to travel a lot and maintained many caches on his routes. I personally stopped doing this for COs that don't care about their own hides. At the other hand, I used to do maintenance for active COs who take care of their caches and are easy to communicate. Yesterday I replaced one such geocache in Moscow, it was stolen for the second time so I had to walk a little and find some other (better) hiding place and spent some time working on a container specially for this place... but I know it was worth doing because I've been in contact with this cache's CO and he was quite a responsible and friendly guy.

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I see a lot of caches get archived and a lot of dnf and some poorly maintained logs. Do you think it would be good to have a cacher as a maintenance person. After a couple needs maintenance or dnfs the co might not be able to get out to repair caches.

So the co would know their cache needs work but can't get to it, they then email a maintenance guy who then goes and performs said maintenance when needed.

how much would it pay, after all it cost money to run a car and a persons time is worth money.

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When finding a cache I will repair, dry it or what ever I can. Three of us will help maintain each other's caches because we know it's not lazyness that keeps us from doing our own right away.


Other owned caches in the area I would not go out of my way to fix, ones like the magnetic key holder on the side of a telephone pole. That one has needed maintenance for many months, I found it and sort of signed the plastic bag. Tried to replace log but it needed way more than that and didn't take the time because of the lack of parking on a sharp curve in the road. Really, who thinks a hide a key container is even close to waterproof?


So in cases like this, and this cacher has lots of them in town, who would make a special trip back to a cache to fix it when it had no business being ther in the first place and no thought or planning went into it. I can honestly say I would not.


This is how i approach this. I'll dry out a container and replace a soggy logsheet if it's one that i think is worth doing this for. I'll try my best when it's a soda tube, lock&lock, ammocan, peanut butter jar, etc,,, that i think someone just didn't close well or something. It won't get much sympathy from me if it's a cache container such as magnetic keybox, 35mm, coffee cannister, or cheap plasticware that i know won't keep out moisture.

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Great idea! I'm willing to be the 'maintenance guy' for our area. Gas is $0.50/km, my time is $30/hour. I accept cash and Paypal. :D


Every one tries to make a dollar off any thing.

I'm offing up for free. Come on people this is supposed to be a hobby/pass time not a career, u think the reviewers get paid to check your new cache?


I very much admire your approach.....good job !

Every area could use a guy like you. Over the years I've replaced hundreds of logs and containers....I know I appreciate it when someone assists me.

You won't get much support around here though because too many want to post NM, NA, check profiles,micro manage , find fault , etc, etc when all they had to do was put in a dry log.

Keep up the good work and maintain the great outlook you have.....believe me you efforts will be appreciated.

Go for it, you will get much support from those who only care about the numbers and will log anything.

Edited by fbingha
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This is how i approach this. I'll dry out a container and replace a soggy logsheet if it's one that i think is worth doing this for. I'll try my best when it's a soda tube, lock&lock, ammocan, peanut butter jar, etc,,, that i think someone just didn't close well or something. It won't get much sympathy from me if it's a cache container such as magnetic keybox, 35mm, coffee cannister, or cheap plasticware that i know won't keep out moisture.




Great container, that hit a bit of a snag. Active cache owner that regularly cares for his/her caches and puts out quality caches.

Edited by L0ne R
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This is how i approach this. I'll dry out a container and replace a soggy logsheet if it's one that i think is worth doing this for. I'll try my best when it's a soda tube, lock&lock, ammocan, peanut butter jar, etc,,, that i think someone just didn't close well or something. It won't get much sympathy from me if it's a cache container such as magnetic keybox, 35mm, coffee cannister, or cheap plasticware that i know won't keep out moisture.

This is how it should be. If the hider made a good faith effort with the cache then it should be helped when it is needed. The issue here is that when this subject is brought up, it isn't about those caches - they rarely need the help.


It is always about the dreck that numbers people want to fix so the next numbers person won't have to and maybe down the line that will come back to help the fixer get more smilies quicker. The only thing I do for a keyholder, altoids, gum package, etc is to put a hex on them so they go away quicker.


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I see two problems with having official Geocache maintainers.


1. It encouraged lazy cache hiders. In our area we seem to have many geocache hiders that fall into the following categories.

a. Have a few finds and a bunch of hides and left caching shortly after

b. Never lived in the area and hide one and don't care what happens to it.

c. The whole "Boy Scout" issue


2. catch 22 ... You would want the maintainers to have already found the cache so they know what and where it is supposed to be. Problem with many or most of the high numbers people is they already have a bunch of hides of there own.

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Would set a bad precedent. I think the archive and adoption process should be streamlined. Lets get un-maintained caches out and new maintained caches in. Is there a way to view caches that are up for adoption in a specific area? It would be nice to be able to search for adoptable caches by zip code. This way caches could be adopted by people who want to take care of them. At the very least caches would have a heads up on areas that will become available once a caches is officially archived.

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I help fix up every cache that I come across. Keeps the game fun for everyone and less hassles all the way around. Heck I'll even replace missing caches if I have a container with me. It's all about having fun.


Every cache? Even the ones that already have a NM or 2 or 3 and are in line to be archived by the reviewer? Even the ones that are clearly abandoned by the CO? Even the abandoned caches taking up a nice location that an active CO could use? Lame caches where it would be merciful to archive rather then keeping them limping along?

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Let me make an offer I will check on another cachers geocache but there is a cost. $50.00 per hour (one hour minimum), plus travel cost, hotel and a new cache will be waiting when I check into my hotel room. Any caches more than 60 miles from my location will require a hotel room. This service is only for caches rated T 2.5 D 2.5 or less

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I help fix up every cache that I come across. Keeps the game fun for everyone and less hassles all the way around. Heck I'll even replace missing caches if I have a container with me. It's all about having fun.


How will you know the cache is missing? I've had a couple caches that people said are not there. Every time I go out, it's exactly where it should be...

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