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Originally posted by Criminal:

That _was_ the cache! Go ahead and log it as found. icon_eek.gif




Criminal - you kill me dude!!!


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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Actually - I'll bet it was part of a multi.... ya know, a waypoint.



"If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised." - Jack Handy

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My worst find was a fresh used condom right at the start of the trail.


I will never go look for that cache.


Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes

On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:

"Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges --

"Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!"


Rudyard Kipling , The Explorer 1898

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Originally posted by Geo Ho:

The worst think I came across was a snake swallowing a frog. And, I thought THAT was gross...


What are you doing in another thread, to which I'm responding to you!?


Anyway, I've watched wild snakes swallowing frogs twice--neither was gross.


The first was a copperhead taking a frog from behind. We found it 'cause the frog was conscious and croaking about once a minute. Twenty minutes later it was gone--lousy way to die.


The second was only a few years ago, my girlfriend at the time and I watched a black water snake take a frog, started sideways but worked it's way around to the front. She shot a bunch of pics during the 1/2 hour. It's amazing how they can unhinge their jaws...


So now I'm curious why someone who hunts is grossed out by a snake eating!?


Enjoy (or not),




PS: It occurs to me in this post-HIV world, leaving bio-waste around is probably majorly illegal. Since they left their DNA there, there's positive proof!


PPS: Please, nobody get the idea to start this as a locationless... Thanks.

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Originally posted by Geo Ho:

The worst think I came across was a snake swallowing a frog. And, I thought THAT was gross.

You must have left the "e" off your user name. You'll see why I say that.

In the summer of 1949, I was 5, we were living with some friends in far south east Oklahoma. The house was newly built and on about foot and a half stilts. I was standing on the back porch and my mother was working in the garden off to my right. I watched a cottonmouth come from behind the well and go under the porch. It emerged from the right corner with a frog in its mouth. I yelled to my mother. She didn't say a word and didn't hesitate. She came right over and chopped the snake's head off with a hoe. The frog hopped away. The owner of the house, a Choctaw, put the snake in a pot and nailed the pot high in a pine tree. I didn't start using the term "cool" until the mid 50's. But that's what I thought of the episode, certainly not gross. frog.gif

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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Why is it always panties in the woods and seldom underwear?


Obviously you've never attempted any of the caches at the US78 rest areas in Olive Branch, MS, just SE of Memphis. Plenty of used men's briefs, crack vials, syringes, condoms, and all sorts of other delightful stuff. I thought I was gonna catch something (possibly from behind! icon_eek.gif ) just venturing a few feet into those woods. Blecch! (and Yikes!)


-Dave R. in Biloxi

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About the snake swallowing a frog...


In 1979 I was a park naturalist (giving nature programs, etc) at a state park in Minnesota. We had a small Nature Center with a few live exhibits, including a couple of garter snakes. I frequently fed them frogs, worms, whatever I could find. As the summer got hotter, it was harder to find frogs and such, so they were getting hungry.


Anyway, I found a frog, and dropped it into the exhibit. Both snakes were on that frog in an instant! Each snake grabbed the frog by a hind leg, and were tussling over that frog, nose to nose, while the frog was croaking and trying to pull away. The other naturalist and I were just rolling on the floor, watching the whole thing. I ran to get my camera, but while I was gone, both snakes dropped their grip, and one grabbed it head first and swallowed it. I have never seen anything like it since, but sure wish I had gotten a picture of it! icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by RJFerret:


Anyway, I've watched wild snakes swallowing frogs twice--neither was gross.


Geez, thanks for the visual... Maybe not gross, but definately sad for SOME of us! icon_frown.gif


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

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In high school (NOT TELLING HOW MANY YEARS AGO, but let's say bell bottoms were in style) icon_rolleyes.gif the Biology lab had a King Snake and we would feed live mice to "Charlie" once a week or so. After a while, some of the girls in the class actually asked to be excused during feeding time.


Bob ~

Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese...

Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut?...Stephen Wright

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Originally posted by RainbowCache:

...Biology lab had a King Snake and we would feed live mice to "Charlie" once a week or so...


Nowadays responsible snake owners won't feed anything live to their charges, as the food can seriously wound the snake.


(Perhaps not crickets when they're small [the snakes that is], but mice, rats and rabbits can all be ordered frozen and make much safer food sources.)



...girls in the class actually asked to be excused...


On the other hand, a girl I dated a few weeks last year owned several snakes, one a 13' reticulated python. She participated in a private owners maillist and discovered that most other female snake owners happened to be bisexual. Weird correlation!


Just FYI (Heh),



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Originally posted by Cholo:

... The owner of the house, a Choctaw, put the snake in a pot and nailed the pot high in a pine tree. I didn't start using the term "cool" until the mid 50's. But that's what I thought of the episode, certainly not gross. frog.gif


So why did he put it in a pot and nail it high in a tree?


If you get lost while geocaching, don't worry. Someone else will get lost while geocaching and find you. icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking:

My worst find was a fresh used condom right at the start of the trail.


I could see how you knew it was used....but how did you know how fresh it was?


When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.

Henny Youngman (1906 - 1998)icon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking:

My worst find was a fresh used condom right at the start of the trail.


That reminds me of a time when I had gone deer hunting when I was an undergrad. Another hunter and I heard a ruckuss (can you tell I'm from the South?) in the brush just over a hill. We went over to investigate and, needless to say, we found the location where two deer had just mated. (There was steam!) Let's just say that there was alot of fluid on the ground. As a guy, I gained alot of respect for bucks!




-Technology...I have no idea what I would do without my GPSr, my TiVo, or my Computer with a broadband connection. I guess I would spend more time with my wife! icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by WVDan:

Originally posted by Cholo:

... The owner of the house, a Choctaw, put the snake in a pot and nailed the pot high in a pine tree. I didn't start using the term "cool" until the mid 50's. But that's what I thought of the episode, certainly not gross. frog.gif


So why did he put it in a pot and nail it high in a tree?



That was something that I've never found the answer to. I was hoping that someone here might know why. Tho Choctaws, they were Christians. I remember going to their church and their children dressing in brightly colored attire just for the occasion. The nearest town was Eagletown, Ok.

Another thing happened on that tree that might gross out some people.

They had chickens nesting under the house. The chickens and eggs were an important food source. They also had a beagle type puppy, who wasn't a food source. I loved that little puppy. The puppy loved to eat the chickens, or the eggs, I don't remember which. The father placed the puppy's head against that tree and whacked him with the blunt end of a hatchet. They especially made sure that I witnessed this. Years later I figured that this was so I'd learn a life lesson, that unpleasant things had to be done for survival. They certainly didn't try to hide it. The day we left to return to Chicago, the first electric poles were going up in the area. frog.gif

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Originally posted by Green Toad (f/k/a Stroh):

Let's just say that there was _alot_ of _fluid_ on the ground. As a guy, I gained alot of respect for bucks!


This might be TMI for some people, but don't assume their plumbing works as ours does. I don't know about deer, but I know male dogs ejaculate throughout the entire process, including after the main event when they stay tied together via the knot (could be more than 15 minutes!) Sorta' eliminates that whole need for foreplay that human females have now doesn't it!?


(Good thing we enjoy it...)






PS: If I keep going as I have, I'm going to get quite the reputation around these forums!

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Just got back from a caching trip and while looking for a cachein the woods, I saw a blue antifreeze type jug hanging about head high on a branch of a tree! Being that this was a mystery cache, I thought that I had found it! Turned out that inside the jug was a bunch of rocks to weigh it down and some fur and feathers...I did not know what it was and I didn't want to know either! Hung it back up in the tree and found the cache a few minutes later! My point is someone put it in the tree, it was way to heavy to be blown up there! Maybe it was someones burial memorial?




"After you've heard two eyewitness accounts of an automobile accident, you begin to worry about history" -Anonymous

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At a company I used to work at, we needed a realistic model of a mouse for the engineers to design a new instrument.

We took a mouse (one used in research) , killed it (humanely-OD of anesthetic) and put a skewer through it lengthwise. It was then put in the deepfreeze to be frozen solid.

I opened the freezer and saw the "mousicle"-had a good laugh. The mouse was then sent to a company that 3-D scanned it and made an identical silicone model of it.

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I enjoy caching at night. Just the other night, I headed out to a location I had never been before.


About 500ft up the trail, I came across 3 men REALLY enjoying each others company. Needless to say, I ran back to the car with one hand holding my keys, and the other hand covering my rear.


[This message was edited by wavehopper on October 23, 2003 at 02:54 PM.]

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