xyzabc Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 This, as promised, is the second part in my 2 part male vs female geocachers survey. All you men out there, please post here saying that you are male. Feel free to boast about your best find, your favourite cache location, or anything else (well, almost anything, ) On June 17th I will tabulate the results of both thrads, and then post those results for all to see! Have fun oh! one more thing, sice I started this thread, I get to be the first to say........ I am a guy! Go to it guys TJWilson Gander NF My caching page "Make it idiot proof, and someone will make a better idiot" Quote
TikimanHSA Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 I'm a guy and I bought my GPS so I wouldn't have to stop and ask directions! Just kidding, I'm a gadget nut and my wife always teases me about wanting things that are really hard to find and get, so I guess Geocacheing fit's the bill. It sure fit when I was trying to find my Meridian Platinum! Later, TikimanHSA (Hunter) Oh yeah my three year old son caches with me and he too is a guy! His Geocache nickname is LittleMonster. Quote
+LoCache Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 I got in to Geocaching from an article in the local paper and have been HOOKED every since. My wife calls me a Geek and it's true. I don't get upset about it, I revel in it! ;-) "Now I'm a Man, Made twenty-one, You know baby, we can have a lot of fun!" ~ Bo Diddley Geo ---------------------- Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 What's this "versus" business? Why are you encouraging "guys" to boast about their exploits; you didn't encourage that in the "female" thread? What precisely is your "experiment;" what categories does your survey include? For instance, "hair color" seemed to be the most often mentioned item in the female thread. Should males include in their responses the color of any hair remaining on their heads? [This message was edited by BassoonPilot on April 17, 2002 at 08:27 AM.] Quote
+Jamie Z Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 I am a guy.. Although I think it's kind of redundant to post two thread. If someone didn't respond to the "female geocachers" thread, then where does that leave them? I think it's pretty clear that men far outnumber women in this hobby. Why, oh why do I get mixed up with male-dominated activities? I ought to take up some girl-type things. Maybe I'll go over to the female geocachers thread and ask what else the ladies do. Jamie Quote
markusby Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 There are plenty of things you could do... take up Equestrian activities - therre are TONS of girls in that one. And a majority of the men who ride english saddle are gay, so there is no competition I'm a guy geocacher... Exploits? Is that like a conquest? I'd rather not go there, thank you Mark Quote
+GatoRx Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 Another guy here. My favorite cache locations are strip clubs and places where I get to shoot and skin wild animals! Seriously though, my favorite cache locations are those that don't involve picking off ticks at the end of the hunt. Quote
+Web-ling Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 Another guy here. quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z: Why, oh why do I get mixed up with male-dominated activities? I ought to take up some girl-type things. Maybe I'll go over to the female geocachers thread and ask what else the ladies do. Jamie Let's all help poor Jamie out! Jamie could take up: Quilting Shopping Jazzercise Early Childhood Education Nursing Home Economics Needlepoint Knitting Anyone else have suggestions for him? Quote
markusby Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 Darn, Web-ling! I didn't even want to go there... there are going to be some Democratic-ERA-NOW chicks showing up at your door with clubs and rocks... just make sure you cover your face. I was going to make a list of things like that... perhaps a bit different (house keeping, cooking, making babies, etc..) but I decided to keep my stupid mouth shut so I don't have the entire female Gaocaching population hunting me down and draging my almost-dead corpse through the woods where I'll be tied to a tree to die. Mark Quote
+1bighairywookie Posted April 17, 2002 Posted April 17, 2002 Another guy here. I live in an area with few cachers so finding a single female cacher is next to impossible. Oh well, maybe someone will leave one for me to find? If You Obey All The Rules You Miss All The Fun... Quote
+GatoRx Posted April 18, 2002 Posted April 18, 2002 quote:Originally posted by markusby: I decided to keep my stupid mouth shut so I don't have the entire female Gaocaching population hunting me down and draging my almost-dead corpse through the woods where I'll be tied to a tree to die. Now that would be an interesting cache - "Took a rotting arm (it was so easy to pull off), left a where's george dollar in the left nostril." Quote
markusby Posted April 18, 2002 Posted April 18, 2002 Yes, it would be interesting. THe cache would be called the Tied up and Died cache... I just hope the feminine members, in their fury and excitement, would remember to post the proper coords. ... Took Where's George dollar - Decided to do some cache maintenance, so I sprinkled it with Lye and left a bottle of Formaldahyde. Quote
gm100guy Posted April 18, 2002 Posted April 18, 2002 I am a male, put my cache partner Gucci the geodog is female so where do we reply? gm100guy Quote
+Jamie Z Posted April 18, 2002 Posted April 18, 2002 This thread has taken a awfully strange turn. I guess just a sign of the different sexes I guess. Anyway, WL, I read through your list.. as well as Markusby's list, and I don't see anything that appeals to me. Mostly, when I read those posts, I reveled in the gruesome story Mark told about corpses. Anyway, don't count me twice.. I'm just count as one male. Jamie Quote
+welch Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z: Although I think it's kind of redundant to post two thread. If someone didn't respond to the "female geocachers" thread, then where does that leave them? Jamie i think it would leave them Confused.... i am a guy. Quote
Night Crawlers Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 Im a guy and I go caching with my partner who happens to be female... Are there alot of couples who cache together.. We have ran into alot more couples than single cachers... FGA - Florida Geocaching Assoc. Quote
kablooey Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 I haven't run into anybody yet. Maybe you need to watch where you're going. Quote
+pizzachef Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 One male here..I go cacheing with my girlfirend sometimes, when she feels like it, but I've never ran into anyone else caching before. Met a few at geogatherings, but not too many couples. -pizzachef Quote
+Web-ling Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 quote:Originally posted by markusby: Darn, Web-ling! I didn't even want to go there... there are going to be some Democratic-ERA-NOW chicks showing up at your door with clubs and rocks... just make sure you cover your face. I was going to make a list of things like that... perhaps a bit different (house keeping, cooking, making babies, etc..) but I decided to keep my stupid mouth shut so I don't have the entire female Gaocaching population hunting me down and draging my almost-dead corpse through the woods where I'll be tied to a tree to die. There were SEVERAL other suggestions I considered, but I decided to be nice. I'm pretty sure that all of the suggestions I made are female-dominated activities or occupations. I tried to help poor Jamie out without being rude to anyone. Maybe the corpse could be attached to a travel bug tag...? Quote
+inceptor Posted April 19, 2002 Posted April 19, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Web-ling: Maybe the corpse could be attached to a travel bug tag...? Another male here. Although Seneca was not sure in another post, my wife believes I am. Web-ling, wouldn't it be hard to find a container to put the TB in once it was moved? Maybe we could send it north across the border and let them deal with it. inceptor the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys Quote
+laurie Posted April 20, 2002 Posted April 20, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Web-ling:Let's all help poor Jamie out! Jamie could take up: + Quilting+ Shopping+ Jazzercise+ Early Childhood Education+ Nursing+ Home Economics+ Needlepoint+ Knitting Anyone else have suggestions for him? Geeze you would think you were trying to hook him up with some 60yo. Try: Dance - any form (Contra, Ballroom, Square Dancing, etc) lots of social interaction, more women then men. Theatre - very fun - also more women than men. Just a thought... Oh, not male. Laurie Quote
BassoonPilot Posted April 20, 2002 Posted April 20, 2002 quote:Originally posted by inceptor: the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys And this thread is proving that quite conclusively. Quote
lullabud Posted April 20, 2002 Posted April 20, 2002 i'm a guy, i usually cache alone. but i agree with gm100guy, my most frequent cache buddy is a female dog, but even though she carries her own gear i still think she doesn't count. i mean, she hasn't found one cache yet! ;-) Quote
lullabud Posted April 20, 2002 Posted April 20, 2002 most girls that i've shown geocaching to find the excitement to be quite attractive and they tend to enjoy themselves very much. if there's a shortage of female geocachers it's probably because us guys are too busy posting in internet forums *cough* instead of out chasing chicas. =) c'mon, how many girls do you see down at the electronics store oogling over new gear? that doesn't mean they don't have a sense of adventure though. chicks dig geocaching. Quote
+Jamie Z Posted June 4, 2002 Posted June 4, 2002 quote:Originally posted by lullabud: ...chicks dig geocaching. Yeah. I think you're right. I've taken five different women caching with me (two were buddy's girlfriends, though) and they all liked it. One of 'em is what you might refer to as "high maintenence" and she wasn't wearing very good shoes for the terrain we went to, but I think she still thought it was cool. The thing is, I'm pretty selective about who I might invite along, so it just might be my careful selection process that has picked out women who would enjoy geocaching. There are a small number of women whom I'm mentioned geocaching to and they thought it was sort of dumb. (one of 'em was the aforementioned "high maintenence" girl, but then she wanted to go anyway.) Jamie Quote
phantom Posted June 7, 2002 Posted June 7, 2002 guy here who started geocaching after seeing a short story about it on CNN. My son, skorpyon, and I like to get out and enjoy the "hunt". One daughter, skweeker, seems to like it so far. Wife and oldest daughter could care less. Oh well, their loss. Now where is my geocache notbook for tomorrow's hunt? phantom KB5YUE "Free your mind" - The Matrix Quote
teamrachel Posted June 7, 2002 Posted June 7, 2002 I'm a girl. And I dig caching. And so does our little girl, whose name is ... ... Rachel. She's a girl. And everybody we've told about caching or invited to go with us seemed to dig it too! Guys and girls. I guess we're just lucky. Quote
+aronburn Posted June 8, 2002 Posted June 8, 2002 im a guy and i am a geek too im very proud of it i found out about geocaching in playboy you know they actualy have good articles in them When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things. Quote
cyberhose Posted June 8, 2002 Posted June 8, 2002 quote:Originally posted by (Confuzn aka John & Saxy aka Antoinette): Im a guy and I go caching with my partner who happens to be female... Are there alot of couples who cache together.. We have ran into alot more couples than single cachers... FGA - Florida Geocaching Assoc. I always go geocaching with my partner - who just happens to be female. Like it that way! Quote
Technician Posted June 11, 2002 Posted June 11, 2002 For the survey, I'm a guy. My favorite finds are the unusual. One I couldn't find was under water at the top of a waterfall all winter. It has been found intact after the water receeded. It's back on my to hunt list. Other unusual fun finds were "Urban Cache Overdue" in the Seattle area (on a shelf in plain sight), "Steel Mill" It resides underwater all year, "Low Medium High" near Portland where you may need one of the nearby time machines to travel back 16 million years. Funny thing, my GPS couldn't find any satelites after traveling back 16 million years. Very strange., "FOT" in a pickup truck with a tree growing out the driver seat, and "Birdhouse" hanging eye level on a tree in easy view and in reach of anybody passing by. Quote
+Snowtrail Posted June 11, 2002 Posted June 11, 2002 I'm a gadget head. I have a $200 watch/barometer/thermometer/altimeter/digital compass that can even tell time. I lust over the latest DVD player or voodoo driver or first person shooter game that comes out. I'm a girl. My husband hates geocaching. He thinks I'm crazy. He makes fun of my gadgets, and to even think that I want to upgrade anytime soon...well... I go geocaching alone. I've been in heels. I've been in skirts. I've been in camo BDU's. I've gotten blisters, scrapes, poison ivy, rips in my hose and I still go. Why??? I keep asking myself that too. I go for the same reasons you go. The thrill of the hunt, the smell of an open cache, the sounds of victory. Quote
+DubyaDee Posted June 12, 2002 Posted June 12, 2002 My girlfriend said I needed a know besides the computer, mowing the lawn, and tv sports. Fill in the blank, depending on season. We used to go hiking, and I was really into backpacking. She was in a car wreck and shows no intrest now. I find Geocaching and love the planning and execution of the hunts. I get the things I love to do, with the bonus of the finds. The thing that trills me is that another person has left something out there for us to find. I'm following their trail. When I'm 1st or I pick up a TB, that is so good. I'm gonna kick her to the curb, and keep on caching! Wd At this point I would rather watch the parade than lead it! Quote
+majicman Posted June 14, 2002 Posted June 14, 2002 Majicman here (heavy on the MAN part!) I am a real man, I enjoy Red Meat, F.I. and Geocaching. (see other relevant threads in other discussion areas.) Being a real man, I have a real woman (and she treats me right, like a real woman should.) The other day, I was lying in my hammock drinking lemonade while my wife mowed the lawn in front of me (I like to watch her wiggle.) This "female" (notice I didn't say woman) parked her car by my fence, got out, and said, "Mister, I've driven by here three weekends in a row and your wife is always workin' and you're always lying around loafing... you outta be hung!" I just looked at her... and smiled. (Get it? ) Always trade UP in both quantity and quality and Geocaches will be both self-sustaining and self-improving! --majicman Quote
+Team Hoijong Posted June 14, 2002 Posted June 14, 2002 yes i'm a man.. (ok let's say young boy) don't have much geocaching experience but will get more experience in the following years.. Irresisti N12º 55.475 E100º 52.865 Quote
+Dawgies Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 Another guy here! Not much experience with the Geocaching just yet but I feel a strong obsession acoming. ~Honest Value Never Fails~ Quote
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