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You Just Might Be A Geocacher If...


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I was at an event last year where somebody read off a whole list of these. I only remember a few of them.


If you plan your vacation based on where the latest power runs are,....

If you welcome Daylight Savings Time because you can find 4 more caches before sundown,...

If you don't clean your garage, you CITO your garage,...

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I was at an event last year where somebody read off a whole list of these. I only remember a few of them.


If you plan your vacation based on where the latest power runs are,....

If you welcome Daylight Savings Time because you can find 4 more caches before sundown,...

If you don't clean your garage, you CITO your garage,...

Here are some true ones.


If you drive 800 miles to visit your daughter and it take 3 weeks to get there.

If you go out after midnight on a cold night to get a cache because the incoming snowstorm will stop you from continuing your streak that day.

If you snowshoe across a cold field in a temperature of minus 35 and then climb a tree. . http://coord.info/GLA0Z9RX

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Ok, here we go...


-You think there is nothing wrong with 10 people looking in a bush on the side of a road....

-You have ever had the police show up while caching at night because a muggle thought your flashlights meant you where in trouble...

-You hoped said police would show up so you could use their spotlight...

-You think people who use LnL's for food are weird

-There is a possible explosive device and the local bomb squad calls you. (Actually happened to a local cacher)

-You warn the RCMP before the annual event(I have done that)

-You find out a local cacher works at a base, and you get exited-cheap ammo cans

-You travel for work just to get geocaches

-You use enough ammo cans and camo paint to rival hunters.

-You've wondered "Can I make that into a cache?"

-You've then attempted to make it into a cache.

-You have been part of a large group of people looking at a telephone pole.

-You have memorized the interview well enough that the reporter doesn't even have to ask any questions.

-You have bought camo paint, duct tape, food containers, rope, and toys, and wondered why you are getting weird looks.

-You have been told you need a new hobby by a guy that plays with explosives for fun.

-You are more trackable then a Fed-Ex package.

-You are watching more caches than TV.

-You go through one of these lists and think "Yup, Yup, Done that, Yup"

-You've walked a half mile up hill both ways and through brush, only to come within 100 feet and find out you went the wrong way.

-You communicate more by email on your phone then talk and text put together.

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Ok, here we go...


-You think there is nothing wrong with 10 people looking in a bush on the side of a road....

Like this? (from January 2008




The photo captions:


I ask you, how could anyone find this odd??

This cache may require the use of a dictionary. Perhaps the SMCC should look up "discreet"??

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You might be a geocacher if this is the 76th time you saw this subject in the forums...or maybe you are just a forum lizard.


Well that's the community saying something I guess. Perhaps this should be a topic that is elevated to a higher spot in the forum navigation? It seems to be something people want to talk about if the subject keeps being brought up. I never thought it was an original idea. It was just something that I felt needed to be expressed and clearly others do to. What do you say? Can this become a more predominant topic?

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